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Posts posted by Alakabam

  1. Forum name: Alakabam

    What your wiki account name will be: Alakabam

    Wiki page name(s) you want access to & reason to have access:

    - The city of Skravia as the nation of Halvaska

    Im co-founder of the city and soon to be nation.

    - My family page named : Johnson's

    Im the son of the head of the family.

    (Preferably a noble house as we have our own city)

  2. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):

    Liara (till she gets a title either of adulthood or a proffesion)

    Character Skillset:

    Well she is a cub so she doesnt really have skills but maybe for starters she will only have cooking and farming and later she will have other skills like fighting and the main skills where you need to be stronger to use them.

    Cooking 50

    Farming 50

    sword(I will figure this out once she will be grown into adulthood)

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Age: 4 Subrace : Kha'Pantera Gender: Female


    Liara is a small Kha'Pantera female that still needs to grow alot, but just like her father she is very proud. Although she is very young she can already talk a few words as she is quite a quick learner. She likes to hug people and clap alot when shes happy. She would like to become a moonblade later and fight for Karakatuan empire and make her father and mother proud of her.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    The day that Liara was born was a special day for both her mother and her father they both loved eachother and could depend on eachother but that one day before Liara was born something happened (The mother is still making an app) was kidnapped by a few stinking bandit apes they brought her to a camp just outside the city she lived. When Do'Kija came home from guarding the roads he spotted that (mother) was gone, a pregnant Kharajyr shouldnt walk around town so Kija went searching for her in town. When he asked some people he heard that she was kidnapped by some apes living just outside the city. He didnt want to endanger the rest of the town so went alone stalking the little bandit camp trough the high grass, he could see them but they couldnt see him. He spotted his wife in a cage hanging from a big tree. The next moment the bandits spotted his tail and started to scream Kija ran at them with immense speed and ripped someone's head off the others got scared and ran but they couldnt outrun Kija so they were later locked in the cage there self and Kija walked home with his wife. Later that day Liara was born.

    Now a bit about Liara's short life so far. It was a sunny day and Liara was merely one year old when she suddenly was picked up by her father Kija, he wanted to teach her some words he learned first when he was a cub. Kija started pronouncing some words and Liara started to imitate them after a few hours she could finally speak one word it was the word most important to Kija "Tlatlanni" although she says more "Tatlanni then Tlatlanni" but its a start Kija thought.

    One day Liara was laying on her bed at her house being bored and not having any friends to play with she went outside to search for people to hug and play with. She crawled outside trough the door but before she could get out of the house Kija picked her up and started to make some funny sounds that she had to laugh about. Then she spoke with the symbol language she and her dad used to communicate on this young age while she couldnt speak. She made some symbols and Kija said "Do you wanna go outside Liara?" she nodded. Kija walked outside with her and just outside of their house they sat down and Kija was holding her hand and tried to teach her to walk. Suddenly they heard a loud bang and Liara crawled to her dad hiding in his hands. Kija hold her close and he began to stand up and inspect where the sound was coming from by looking around if there was anyone screaming or making trouble, he didnt see anything so he walked around the town to find a large stone that broke off the wall. He walked to the guards office and told the guards about the stone, still holding Liara in his hands. Liara saw the big and proud guards and thought that she would want to be one later too. After some time Kija and her went back home again cause it was sleeping time for Liara.

    Character's ambitions:

    Liara wants to grown up and end up fighting and becoming a moonblade to protect the Tlatlanni.

    ---Situational Rp Questions---

    These will be answered with the idea in mind that my characther is now 25 years old of age cause a 4 year old cub couldnt really answer these rp questions sorry for the inconvenience.


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    *Liara spots the human and approaches him, she yells at him* Stranger what are you doing here? *Liara acts to be really nice* Here I will take you to my town and give you some food and directions to your homeland *the human follows her and they get to Liara's town where she lives* Im sorry to hear that you got lost must be a real pain... *She then talks to the guards and whispers some things to them* Just take him to the cages so we can offer him, he thinks I was gonna give him some food *Giggles* Silly apes.. *the guards put the man in the cage and Liara walks away*


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    *Liara spots the dwarf sitting at a table inside the tavern, yelling insulting things to her* Insulting is one but do you dare to come outside here? *Liara looks at the dwarf that is walking to the door of the tavern and then walking at her* Look at you the short prick that you are... and you dare insulting me *Waits till the dwarf stand before her and then walks to the nearby bushes and hides behind a tree for him to follow* Come on then follow me if you dare... *Liara throws a stone somewhat further into the bushes so it makes sound and the dwarf walks to where he heard the stone land, Liara suddenly jumps at him putting her mighty and massive claws in the dwarf's back* Oh look at you now... still trying to act now? I didnt think so. *Liara gets the claws out his back and starts walking around the dwarf starting to insult him while hes just sitting there then suddenly the dwarf jumps at her hurting one of her claws there is a gash in her paw and it starts bleeding, She opens her mouth and start to growl at the dwarf trying to scare him. She then jumps around him biting in his neck from the back he lets out a loud scream before falling down into the grass, the other dwarves in the tavern hear the scream and come outside but Liara is already gone and hidden in the bushes*


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    *Before he can answer Liara already has her claws nailed into his neck killing him in a few seconds before the blood starts to flow she throws him outside of her house and walks back into the house thinking about her memories with him and then trying to get them out of her head while she starts to sofly cry, thinking about how and why he would have done it.. after thinking about it and rounding up the deal with the guards she walks back to her house and goes back to bed*

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    I hereby swear to follow all the laws and the Tlatlanni and I will protect Metztli till death.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin:


  3. From this thread it appears not just yet. Soon my friend, soon ^_^

    Xerdun, could you give us the lowdown on what has happened/has been decided? Living in Australia you caught me at a time where I was at school so I couldn't join in sadly. At the time of this post it is 7:12 pm. Have a maths test tommorow and application to do :P

    I dont know this either please someone help us? D:

  4. ((I would have loved it if neither of you tried to claim my tower. I didn't quit the server, I took a break due to some situations in the real world popping up. Two days later, I'm on skype and hear that Nelecar has taken my tower as a province. He claims he did this because you were going to claim it, and he just beat you to it.

    I don't know who's lying, and I honestly don't care at this point. I just want my items back where they belong, and I want claim back to my tower. That's the end of it.

    If I have wrongly accused anyone of anything, including both Jake and Nelecar, as I have passed to both of them accusations and ponderings on the situation due to information I have received, I am sorry to stepping on toes here. I just want to be able to deal with life problems without people trying to lay claim to my things and buildings that I created by hand along with gathering all materials myself to obtain.

    I would also like to be added to those chests, or for LWC to stop bugging up, because as of right now, I can't even see what's missing...))

    Well I apologize for thinking you were gone for good Ive never tried to claim your tower as in really trying it I only tried to defend it from being claimed by the High Elves and let it be left to be destroyed and erased... Further it looks like non donators cant use LWC anymore so thats a real bummer..((Correct me if I am wrong on this)) As of demoting me of my kingsship would be a bit harsh for only me thinking you were gone as that is what I heard of Nelecar I hope we can put this issue behind us and start where we left of before you left and ofcourse I will try to give you the goods you lost from my own items and maybe some other things that could come in handy... And if I would place myself in your mind you werent really stepping on toes just trying to get your stuff back what is completely normal.. also I would like to add that ((If you want that)) Halvaska will help you reclaim your tower but that will be IC otherwise we would be metaing, but I will say I fully support you... Have a good day

  5. "Out for so long, I must really attend to my duties now..." Corellon huffed with a sigh, stepping down the cobble path. It had been a few days since he had last seen his home and his place of teaching and knowledge. Glancing up at the streetlamps, the result of his labors, he smiled genuinely, but was soon frowning in distaste at the arch that hovered over the path, a sign perched upon the top. This sign read "Province of Haelun'or."

    He raised a brow to this. "Why would Haelun'or take it upon themselves to province off my tower?!" Anger swelled within him, as he rushed to his beloved erected buildings, soon seeing the doors' knobs had been replaced, locked, the symbol of the mali'aheral labeled along the rustic metal.

    "Why!?" he growled, slamming his fists onto the wooden framings of the double doors. "Why? Who did this!?" After a moment of thinking, it could have only been Nelecar, the Okarir with the power of military and the guts of an Enderman. Nelecar was the only Okarir who had visited him a myriad of times, knowing the tower.

    After many an hour of speaking with Jake, the king of Skravia, he claimed Nelecar suddenly took it without warning or precedence, but Corellon was no fool. He could feel the tension from the King, and he acknowledged to himself that not even the Okarir'sil would suddenly act so brashly. He stilled his tongue from catching Jake in his lies, waving him off after the conversation had ended.

    Stepping to Skravia now, he only hoped to find the situation of what happened to his blessed home...

    ((OOC: I had announced on the forums that I was taking a break from LotC, I wasn't leaving, or rage quitting, just taking a break to sort out some things in my life. However, upon only being gone for 2 days, I come back to learn that all of my items from my chests had been taken, (which I can't even check on because the LWC bugs) and my tower was being fought over by Skravia and Haelun'or. After talking with both Nelecar(Iorwen) and King Jake(Alakabam) I had concluded a few things, but questions still remain. They are telling me two different stories on what happened.)

    (I was told that Jake had tried to claim my tower for skravia, but Nelecar beat him to it to keep my tower safe. Jake didn't seem to really bring this up in the RP conversation while I was drilling him. Jake had claimed that all of my items in my chests had disappeared in a server reset, which I highly doubt, and considering he is the one who locked my chests for me, I'm only going to assume he stole all of my items. Also, Corellon is always off on business and coming back to his tower. Why now the sudden repo of the tower? If what I'm being told is correct, Jake metagamed to try and take it, knowing OOC I was taking a break.)

    (I just want my tower to stay under MY precedence, but until this matter is settled in both RP and OOC, it stays in providence with Haelun'or, as I trust Nelecar a bit more than Jake right now because of what I've witnessed.)

    (I would also like everyone who has witnessed to give a small RP and OOC response to this post to help me gather more evidence and information on this matter.)

    Okay this is all OOC what I am going to say... Taking some bits of your story and tell how they look from my perspective..

    So first off you think I wanted to claim your tower in the first place what wasnt true.. After a whole discussion on OOC with Nelecar about it and he trying to metagame his way into claiming the tower I thought it would be best to say I claimed the tower long ago so he wouldnt take it.. dont blame me for trying to protect YOUR tower... Also the stuff Apareon saw me drop were some bones and a bow zombie flesh I aquired in the mine after killing some mobs in there what can be confirmed by Bazza546 angmar1 cause my IC son got lost in the mines and we had to safe him after we found him the people went out of the mine I stayed in there some more time to earn some cash... thats when I got the stuff when I got out seeing that I wanted to go Salvus and wouldnt need that stuff and didnt want to stash it I just dropped it on the ground not really caring about a few bones and zombie flesh..

    Now on the metagaming of me(what didnt happen in the first place) After I had that discussion with Nelecar on OOC he apparently went to the tower and locked the doors me just wandering around Skravia at the time and always catching a glimpse of the wizard tower I tried to go inside and the doors were locked so I couldnt go in.. I wondered what was up before I saw Nelecar walking around getting infested by mobs.. After that I went offline for some time and then went back online only to find henrya15 asking me "Correlon is at my house he wants to talk to you" So I went there and talked to you about the stuff not lying anything as I didnt know alot of it in IC too.. Now coming to the titems I took some food yes that is true(What I will ofcourse give back now your back from "vacation" as I thought you would stay away longer... Now for the IC part of this post..

    IC part now.. :

    *After thinking about the bread he took from the chest in Tolaria. He felt ashamed and guilty and wanted to return them*

    "I will gather all my bread and give it back to Correlon... Ive done a really bad thing today that wont happen again!

    Also I would like to give Correlon some cash as my punishment, I will see what I can do!

    *walks off to his chests to get bread and some coins*

    ((Im sorry for what happened I really am.. It wont happen again))

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