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Posts posted by Heero

  1. On 2/22/2019 at 4:02 PM, chaotikal said:

    hey bro, nice to see u, but arent you like 40 with kids, wife and grandsons, this game is only for us workless bastards and children of brine


    you take that back you cheeto crusted basement dweller. glaius maximus here is a proud adult who pays his taxes and contributes to society as a educator molding the young minds of tomorrow


    my ancestors are smiling imperial can you say the same

  2. 3 hours ago, Tato said:

    transfiguration and u can skip it all?

    To be able to transmute a material you need to possess extensive knowledge of the substance you are attempting to manipulate. In the end, you would essentially need to have the same level of knowledge a smith would need in this lore to accomplish tempering Carbum. Transmutation from Transfiguration isn’t just Full-Metal Alchemist magic, yo.


    4 hours ago, Auriel_ said:

    alright better response:
    in short, smiths are undercut on LOTC and are often lesser than most artificers, you’ve got this as a perfect example of a continuance to any good smithing rp or forging



    4 hours ago, Zindran said:

    Make the dwarves great again.

    On the topic of the lore itself – It would be nice to see Carbarum around as a rare material and it would definitely give more appreciation to black-smiths. On the contrary, how can we ensure on a mechanical level Carbarum won’t mess up the PvP meta? Furthermore, it strikes me  as odd that once again, without warning or real indication, that the methods of tempering Carbarum are lost again to the annals of time. There are still a handful of Dwarves from Anthos and older such as Aengoth of Kal’Karik, Asulon (a time where Carbarum was aplenty). Would there be any attempt of accommodating these veteran players whose characters have the experience of handling Carbum?




    Woe be to Raide of Ashford, woe be to the once held apotheosis of Taharaie, woe be to the disciple of Zecharael.

    I judge thee guilty! Guilty of succumbing to the allure of the ether...
    Crushed by justice! Crushed under the endless pressure of the Veil and it’s abhorrent aliens.

    Beware — the will wanes in the gloaming.

    Light fades. The mission is benighted.


    The Light forsakes us? But why?

    Light fades. The mission is benighted.

    So dark here. And so cold...
    Black as hate, this, the darkest of all nights.
    Wherefore does the Light fade?


    Send my child to the Light! I beg for his absolution!

    My discipline fades. I am carried along by hate and whim.


    Can so much death ever truly be justified?

    Light preserve us. The twilight deepens...






  4. clotting lead to the great rat race of 2016-2017 and generally i disagree with bringing wraiths back into the fold. how will the re-introduction of wraiths benefit the server or the necromancy community at large? as stated before end-games across the board got gakked and i think the only one like daeva somehow survived by they’re totally inactive and their lack of presence for such a prolonged period lead to people doing their own jam and didn’t restrict their gameplay. the wraiths had a bad wrap for targeting with clotting and weaponizing OOC strikes on people they disagreed with OOCly


    p.s. sorry if this somehow comes off as being aggressive promise its not

  5. i think it’s egotistical to continue beating the dead horse that’s the gravelords. they haven’t served with any impact since the golden days of anthos. end-games as a whole are virtually gone and for those that managed to escape it are riddled with inactivity. you’re just going to perpetuate the cycle of holding onto a title that bestows additional pixel prowess which will serve little to no effect on the magic itself as well as derail the magic and bring it back on the path of lusting after that ultimate upgrade.


    imo the lore isn’t half bad otherwise but zarsies’ was certainly much more coherent and well thought out. you should consider collaborating with him. he had a lot of good points and you haven’t address the biggest elephant in the room that caused so many issues for necromancy: clotting

  6. 4eb3f340450503581db44d0400bdac47.png


    IGN: 1___1
    Character Name: Soren Zitronite-Haas
    Nation/Group Representing: The Feainnewedd Initiative

    Are you a leader of this group (If Yes, please list your discord information below): Yes (You have my Discord)

    Cause for joining the Campaign: Eradication of supernatural forces

    Previously Interacted RP (Malevolence - Firelands p3): None minus for the Belvitz boss spawn if that is related

  7. Callisto and I've have grown to be a wonderful pair of friends. From what I've seen from him is a lot of dedication, mixed with his own taste of fun and satirical humor. Callisto is one of the most dedicated people on the server and in the forums, and also a very intelligent individual as well. He wields his power with responsibility much like he wields his majestic voice in a room full of people, proud, willing to speak up, but not overpowering the voices of anyone around him.



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