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Posts posted by Heero

  1. @Kaelan






    A stained letter would find its way to the hands of potentate of Irrinor. Caked with a thin film of mud and debris, the parcel would reek of dank swampland and peppered with stains of rainwater. Extracting the letter from the hardened papyrus shell would read:


    “For the eyes of the High Chieftain of Irrinor Lyemar Aureon,


    I write to you under the dire constraints that have only just come to my attention. I am Crumena Ilwindior, former Arch-Mage of Wyverwn Hold of Anthos and chaplain of the nameless faction who aligns themselves under the true tenants of the Arch-Angel Janus, known outside of the realm of Oren by “Xan”. 


    These actions detailed by your institute and by the governing body of the Silver Council and its cihi besmirch the plight and blood shed by their forerunners and the likes of Prophet Vivyaen, the man I owe my entire tutelage to. Our band, once united beneath a sole banner of the Order of the Golden Lance, ushered prosperity amongst the Descendant-folk and brought forth the demise of the Dread-Drakaar Setherien only with the aid of the Descendants. Decadent horrors brought our once famed organization, rebranded by myself and brother-in-arms, Herun Athna,  to great shame. What you see of it, in its feeble and pitiful state are the result of inept leadership at the hands of a corrupt flock of Mali’ame brigands that earnt their political prowess at the hands of the White Rose. Woe be to the Knights of Nine should they have lived to discover that a race traitor who strung their own kind like party-favors from the borders of Malinor were the party granted autonomy of what they wrought.


    Under the pretense of the charter drafted by the now deceased Lucia Horen and her mentor, Prophet Herun Athna, this band of degenerates has brazenly defiled the accord mandated by what is deemed to be appropriate etiquette. With the absence of any legitimate Prophet, it falls upon myself to intervene and correct the entropy that has been allowed to flourish. The rod is a dog's best tutor.


    I wish to extend an olive branch in the hopes to remedy the catastrophe that has unfolded and disparaged your realm and act accordingly. Afterall, such is demanded by said decretum. I obsecrate you to permit myself and members of my flock to parlay with yourself as to mend the wrong-doings of these so called lightsworn crusaders, although it should be refrained to refer to these rabble as such.


    Should you wish to honor my request, I urge you to forward your response to the postal-address included. My only wish is that you do not see to associate or consider ourselves accomplices to this beggarly gaggle of insolent cur. They are a mockery of what many before them strived to accomplish.


    I thank you for your time and earnestly await your response.




    The Sage of Kamees.”


  2. On 9/2/2019 at 9:55 AM, Pun said:



    Okay, the appeals moving to the community was a plan from the start of the staff reforms. It has been delayed due to many factors. As for being my idea, it was a decision made before my time as a manager for less as an admin so don't give credit to me for this one. 


    Moderation does handle conflict, charters, the reason for automation of certain areas is to not only give power back to the players but to release some of the pressure on moderators. Not everything can be handled using plugins but these are not decisions I alone make, they are discussed with numerous people before being placed on the server. 


    I swear to Allah, if Telanir gets his AI automated GM team I’m going to scream and post Black Mirror memes until I get banned





  3. A derelict Elf of the Ilwindior line expresses his bipartisan appeal for maehr’sae hiylun’ehya; forwarding a copy of his certificate of naturalization and birth records followed by the ballot in question.


    Lareh’thilln (Silver Mountain) [ ]

    Lareh’leyu (Beautiful Mountain) [X]

    Lareh’siol (Lonely Mountain) [ ]

    Fi’astoré (New Astoré) [ ]

  4. On 8/14/2019 at 2:31 AM, WuHanXianShi14 said:

    “I don’t know about you but voidal magics have never been an ‘acceptable’ practice in mali’ame lands.” Says a very jaded tribal High Priest.


    A decrypted Elf squints profusely as his younger counterpart interjects. Visions of times forgotten of one ‘Covenent of the Arcane Delvers’ bringing palpable frustration to bare.

  5. tenor.gif

    A derelict Elf sweats profusely as he finishes mulling over the pamphlet a third & forth  time. The Elf polls his balance at the Helena Reserve, writhing with conflict. Fiery visions of a bewildered Dwarf come to fruition. He swallows and parts from the booth, resigning from the bustling cityscape for the ire of Stailinnord is too great.


  6. 11 hours ago, Lukariatias said:

    , the late ‘aheral Rilath Ilwindor, the first Shade.


    actually a dark elf and iblees purposely laid rilath with a shade that heeded his commands entirely. rilath was the pregenitor and by iblees’ will he was uneffected the the original ‘curse’. when he branched off and bastardized his boon to others, that is went the true nature of the curse was revealed


    11 hours ago, Lukariatias said:

    Aknu’gul, in this earliest of eras, lay trapped within the first Shade Gem, the initial creation of the Arch-Daemon which permitted his power to funnel in and distribute itself appropriately to the various and growing number of Shades.

    the originally gem was made in a basement outside of ct. it was an imprint of rilath’s soul made with the help of the legendary lich-lord cataris, a former oracle (second-in-command of the corruption sect)


    11 hours ago, Lukariatias said:

    It was from this tumultuousness that the first sliver of sentience was provided Aknu’gul,

    Anku’gul or w/e (i forget the exact spelling of it) assuming it’s the original spook thing tsuyose made as adorellen through blood magic. it was made in retaliation to separate the shades from iblees in athera as multiple shades were being abducted and turned into undead (crumena, ceruberr, joe_blackman, mth_dominatior (later became prophet), balin grandaxe (became prophet) and a few others who escape me


    im short on time but there’s a lot this lore goes back on. both the shade lore that joe + kalameet worked to execute plus the original and third gen


  7. 10 hours ago, Keldrith said:



    Never forget. If any of you are left, let me know. The only one I still know of is Zarsies and one other dude I can’t remember his name. Anyway, here’s to Iblees Undead in 2020.  





    oh hey, there’s me in the bottom left hand corner with the golden robes. my boy, languhiris

  8. 7 hours ago, Goblinberg said:

    Why  paladins needs to post in their Mas and Tas, these gifs? (not for everyone) 


    It’s makes it easier to differentiate the superior paladong to the light-sworn soyboy




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