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Posts posted by gabriel101x1

  1. So... What you are saying is that RP situations are going to be changed because of OOC desires to satisfy people?


    If hypothetically, the kharajyr were to suddenly invade the mainland and take over the entirety of Anthos and enslave everyone then you would probably have a different opinion about these things.

    While it might be fun for a while rebellions etc. I can guarantee that after 2+ IRL years of playing slaves to cat people you would get bored and fed up.

  2. Do you guys think you could get links for these?


    Also, for those of you who are trying to give super detailed descriptions of every different type of bow and armour and their exact differences, this is meant to be a very simple guide. There's already a guide with information about different types of bows, this guide is meant to explain to players that somebody shooting an arrow at you should not be taken lightly. The more details I add, sadly, the less likely a new player will read it. If you feel your information is worthy of being noted, then make a guide yourself, or PM me and I would likely be willing to do it for you.


    I've got to go to work now. But I did have links to some youtube videos showing proof of testing, I'll see if I can find them when I get back.

  3. About chainmail.

    Riveted chainmail worn over the top of a decent gambeson is actually one of the best defenses against arrows around.

    In fact, in a detailed study with extensive testing done by the UK National Museum Royal Armouries, it was concluded that, and I quote "it is almost impossible to penetrate using any conventional medieval weapon".


    Due to its design, riveted chainmail combined with a gambeson is very effective against arrows and many other piercing weapons. When an arrowhead goes through one of the links of the chainmail it lodges into the link, but doesn't penetrate far because the links have small circumferences. The small part of the arrow that does go through the link is then stopped by the soft thick layer of the gambeson.

    If the arrow was to directly hit one of the links, then it would bounce off, leaving the riveted mail intact, with its strong structure.

    (Other types of chainmail such as butted mail, are not effective in this way as they are structurally weak.)


    The disadvantage of chainmail armour however is that it is usually only worn as a top garment, often leaving legs relatively more exposed.

    So remember kids, if your opponent is wearing riveted chainmail, then go for the ol arrow in the knee! :wink:

    *Wipes sweat from brow*
    Well now I think I best be off to bed...

  4. My apologies, but if it means anything, I gave full credit to the LoTC media team in the description.


    Yes, I did see that. But contrary to popular belief of youtubers, using copyrighted material on youtube videos is still illegal even if you credit authors in the description. So for a multitude of reasons it is better if you ask us first.

  5. Yes, what is that odd thing on the mountainside? I have never been there before. I also am curious why that windmill is missing a block of wool? Am I overthinking this?


    ((There is nothing weird there.

    This image shows the same windmill from another angle:




  6. If would be nice if you asked the media team before using works done done by its members in your own material.

    The answer in 99.99% of cases will be a yes, but it is still nice to ask :wink:

  7. Man I wonder if this will tie into the Ruins in the Wilds, or the fact that Dragons seem abundant (The Ender One at the siege of Orc town, and Ice dragon skull thingy,) Also. Has anyone seen the picture with the windmill? The background picture? What is that on the mountains?

    ((This one..?



  8. I think some recipes should be restricted, but simple ones should not. Anyone can grab some pieces of wood and nails and create a chair, or take a diamond axe and hack down trees, bake bread with a recipe or even melt down iron into ore, "They still need to find a furnace which most don't have in there home rply"


    However before we add restrictions I'd like to hear the words of the other side, markets right now are frustrating for many people, few people want to stand around and actually rp a vendor that sells goods. Some form of shop plug in would be useful before the restrictions.


    With that all said, I would expect that anyone adding furnature to there home would want something a little better than some wood and nails thrown together and would seek out a carpenter in RP to have goods made for there home, if they don't its there RP loss.


    On a side note, why not form a guild of merchants, similar to the new magic applications, where you could go and learn a trade, eventually becoming a master. Each kingdom could have overseers and there own qualifications to reach certain levels of masterhood....I would expect dwarven craftsmen to have higher expectations than Orcs, likewise human farmers would know tricks to grow wheat "rply" that other races couldn't match. Orcs make the best lumberjacks and warmachines.




    I wouldn't have thought Orcs would be that adept at lumber-jacking, since they live in the dessert...

    Apart from that, it seems like a good idea.

  9. ((MC Name: gabriel101x3 ))

    Name: Tathar Amandil

    Gender: Male

    Age: 213


    Origin: Laurelin

    Profession (if any): Scholar and librarian

    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with: 85 years.

    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names. None.

    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? The spreading of wisdom and health.


    How can you declare you are mali'thill? Both my progenitors were mali'thill as am I.

  10. ((MC Name: gabriel101x1))

    Name: Ionia Sullas

    Gender: Female
    Age: 45
    Origin: Haelun'or
    Profession (if any): Alchemist and redstone technician

    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with: 45 years

    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names. Lucion Sullas
    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? The progression of health and wisdom for our race.

    How can you declare you are mali'thill? I was born of pure parents and I have not strayed into impurity in my lifetime.

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