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Posts posted by gabriel101x1

  1. I think I'll be making another since I'm not too happy with this.

    I tried to include what a player might have accomplished after a year or so on the server.

    (If this wins, which I doubt it will, please give my reward to Swgrclan/Gwonam_blaze.)

    Wow. I love it!

    I really like the whole concept that on Lord of The Craft you can do and be anything you want. 10/10 from me :)

    Since Availer left, is this still on?

    Yes it is.

  2. MC Name: gabriel101x1

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Caves, dungeon design and building, and any redstone activities.

    Concepts: Dungeons and mazes to offer challenges to players. These would be filled with many obstacles and traps built with redstone, pistons, etc.

    Other works: Several builds for adventure maps.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.) Yes indeed.

  3. My personal suggestions to mitigate this:

    1. Get the TCP Dump, and constantly ring up your server providers and ask them what they are doing
    2. Ring up your server provider and get them to record it
    3. Take the server down from Minecraft lists. Why? Because I bet you right now, that the top 15 minecraft servers get ddos'd by jealous fan boys and such... it occured in Ultima Online freeshards, and the best way was to take your listing off a top 100 servers site

    Take it down from minecraft lists? Then we would take a huge blow to the influx of new players.

    As for this stoping the DDOSers, it might stop some new DDOSers finding us, but it won't stop the current ones.

  4. That saddens me greatly, but I shall respect your decision non the less, and holding actual video footage would go a long way to realize some of the creativity, for that may I ask if we may use some of the footage which you provided? Since we are greatly incapable of recording well, if we are not allowed then I am certain we will find way, example though that excellent small guide which you posted a couple of replies back.

    I thank you for your time Gabriel101x1, you have been an most exceptional assistance to me. :D

    It is not that I am not allowed to help you, or to enter the competition myself for that matter. It is just a personal choice.

    I give you and everyone else permission to use footage from my video for your review. Just put my name in the credits and put a link to my channel in the description.

  5. I thank you for your quick answer, I have been unsuccessful in my time as recording that magnificent, and I would like to ask if you are interested in working together in winning this competition. I have yet to talk with my fellow team members, but I am certain that they would be interested in working with you and splitting the price in four equals each. If not then I would gladly give you 90% of my 3rd part of the prize.

    I am most interested in your movie skills, your abilities to record, cut and put it together magnificent, but if you would also like to be a commentator then I would enjoy talking LOTC with you. It may be hard since us three are from Europe so it may be a bit harder to cordinate a time so our two continents can speak together. I am also certain my fellow team members would also enjoy it, if you on the other hand do not wish to talk, but only record movie clips then we respect that also.

    I hope you will consider working with us in winning this competion, I leave this as an open offer, you may take it, think about or refuse it, I shall respect what you chose, and hopefully we will be working together soon.

    Sincerely yours

    Jorgen Reimer

    Thank you for your offer. I will have to decline though. As a member of the media team I don't wish to helping or favouring induvidual players or groups in the creation of their videos. The competition is about players using their own creativity, you don't need a bunch of shaders and fly mode to do that. Just use those creative minds of yours :)

    Eh, There is a problem.

    The deadlines is next week, and with the server down some of us won't be able to record. Could there perhaps be an extension?

    I don't mean to stress any of the staff, I just think that this is a legitimate problem.

    I am pretty sure the server is online right now.

  6. AHA! I FOUND A SCREEN RECORDER THAT I CAN RECORD UP TO 10 MINUTES FREE! And since my mic is broken, I need to do a cinematic, which means its a set of little clips... I WILL CREATE A CINEMATIC!

    If you are recording cinematics then use the Minema mod along with camera studio mod. It is much better then any screen recorder for doing cinematics as it will remove any stuttering:



  7. I have a couple of questions which I hope can be answered.

    1.st Are we allowed to use copy righted music? Like Two steps form hell, if not would it be neccesary to compose something ourselves or simply have a video without music?

    2. Are we allowed to use and modify the video you have posted?

    3. Are we allowed to use and/or modify this video from you

    I would be more than happy to share a part of my part of the prize (I am doing it with two others)

    And if we are allowed to use these video would it be possible to receive a donwload link, or do I hold you two´s permission to download these two videos form youtube?

    4. How can we record footage? Last time I wanted to make a project which I canceled was due to us not being able to download the map or borrow flying on the map. I don't think I can manage to write a media team application with such short delay.

    I thank you for reading my questions and I hope it would be possible to answer them.

    I am honoured that you would want to use my footage, but it is very very easy to make footage like that yourself, even on a very slow computer. The only problem is using fly, this could be rectified by one of two solutions: 1 modreq to be put into wandering soul temporarily, 2 download sections of the map into singleplayer using world downloader and then film in singleplayer.

  8. I've been planning a cinimatic for awhile, just have been waiting for Sonics Shaders to update to make it look nice, I actually haven't looked at the reward yet. I wouldn't do it for the monies, it just seems fun.

    EDIT: Hot damn that's a fancy prize. Still don't have a need for it.

    There is a workaround to get sonic esther's shaders to work with 1.3.2 which I use. When I get home in 4 hours I will post it here.

  9. Welcome back. I have always respected you for creating LoTC and what you accomplished in the time that you were with the server for.

    I hope that as a community we can put the past behind us, and work together to create a better, smoother and above all: more enjoyable roleplaying experience, for the best Minecraft server out there. I know I will certainly try my best to play a part in that, and I hope the community can too.

    I must admit that I am a bit sceptical of you, as I joined the server after you left. So most of what I have heard about you has been about the bad things you were said to have done. But if Vaq and shift are willing to welcome you back then I trust their judgment.

  10. Ionia writes down a message on a fresh looking piece of parchement and attaches it bellow the original and the ones bellow it.

    I would like to have some shears made, 5 should suffice, I also have some I would like repaired. A time can be arranged to have those ones repaired.

    Also if you are at all skilled in glass blowing, I would like some glass vials made, about 24.

    The shears are needed for picking herbs, as I have recently found a facination with alchemy. The vials are for storing and mixing them.


    Ionia Sullas.

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