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~ Fiend ~

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by ~ Fiend ~

  1. I kind of wonder how long it's going to take for you to notice. :3

  2. I am here for your soul, no substitutes accepted.

  3. I just found out you can comment on peoples' profiles and I'm going to spam the **** out of you but don't worry it's out of love.

  4. "House Green, the best of the Oren Noble Idiots." - Ben

    1. Agnub


      I married an idiot noble house? ;_;

    2. Avacyn
    3. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      You married a drunk noble house.

  5. Had an audition today. Sucked, only to find out the person who chose my song was wrong about my vocal range. ._. Time to wallow in some sadness, then eat japanese food.

  6. Anyone planning to crash this wedding better hurry!

  7. Future queen of Salvus, reporting for duty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      It alarms me how many times I've heard that today. x'D

    3. Hanrahan


      Almost married the Queen of Salvus, then she had a Wolf orgy and it went downhill from there

    4. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Apparently I have big, lesbian-fab shoes to fill...

  8. Mog hit on Izzy by threatening to kidnap her... Achievement Get?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin


      Everyone gets hit-on by Mog once or twice.... or several times... Sorry to rain on your parade though! ^^

    3. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Orc. And my parade is just fine, I found it hilarious. x'D

    4. Bircalin


      Moggypoo has an adorable soft side :'3

  9. "I'm squished between royalty..." "DON'T COMPLAIN!"

    1. Agnub


      Sounds like a bunga party to me.

  10. *insert witty commentary about server crashes*

  11. Visited Fermilab today. Particle physics, woop-dee-doo.

  12. So last night I watches a movie about zombie sheep taking over New Zealand. It was hilarious, but it was meant to be a horror film.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~ Fiend ~
    3. Lvke


      It is classified as a Comedy Horro here in As

    4. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Well I can't wait to show my friend from NZ and get his reaction.

  13. What was playing: Rock of Ages. What I heard: Rock of Aegis. Okay, brain, I get it. I have a problem. cx

  14. My uncle and sister just decided to throw snowballs at my window. They're the bad boy highschool boyfriend I never had.

  15. You ever have one of those days stuff just happens and then before you realize it you've been roleplaying all day and it's 3AM and you're hungry and your family thinks you're dead? ... *munches on cereal*

    1. Darez


      Lol thats me most nights after playing on LotC XD

  16. I just realized my serverversary is coming up... wow.

  17. Server can't even handle me right nooow~

  18. Yes! I remembered after I remembered taking a screenshot of you peeking onto the side of my screen to show it to a friend with the caption "SOON". I have a lot of "SOON" moments, since Isabella doesn't look at people.

    On a side note, I almost typo's it Isaeballa. BALLIN'.

  19. Nowait, Whitney?

  20. I see you've recognized me. So now I'm going to guess who you are.. Dyn Dyn? :D

  21. Sometimes you just have to smash an egg on your face. When faced with these situations, take my advice: avoid smashing eggs on your face. It's just as gross as you'd think.

  22. Random Guy: "You look like someone I once knew..." // Me: "I get that a lot, actually." // Guy: "She was... my mother." // Me: "... I get that a lot, too..."

    1. Lym


      Saw that status about 12 hours ago.

    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      My computer does this thing, right?

      Where it tries to kill me.

      I wish I was joking.

      Deleted status get lost in translation.

  23. I went to get a snack, but it was dark so I poured milk on my cat. He didn't seem to mind, though.

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