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Posts posted by Fireheart

  1. ((Don't see why it wouldn't be possible to have them both on weekend, having 1 planned out battle per week will just prolong the war. It's not as if loads of time is needed to prepare for this one too. Just a matter of dropping a message in Skype for people to get online))


    With the quote from Coaster below that solidifies your concerns of this being a "illegal double war claim" from Oren. In that statement he confirms that this is not a war claim from Oren. 


    ((Just to be clear, I knew nothing of this. It is not an official Oren warclaim))


    So to now answer your second original question. After asking I have confirmed that steam boat technology has been with the humans since Anthos (3.0). If you researched it there are past forum post on the RP. If you have an actual concern that you wish to carry further it can be directed through PMs from here on out. I apologize for any confusion this has brought you.

  2. (( A naval battle would be fun. However, it doesn't change the fact that the war claim is invalid. Due to the Hiebenhall war claim it would be a double. I think both parties would be fine to meet up and skirmish on boats. If its no problem with the staff team, it would probably more ideal and a lot more relaxed and fun.))



    OOC: This war claim is not led by the Reformed Kingdom of Oren. This is led by House Vladov and the 1st Orenai Regiment thus there should be no problems with double war claiming despite it being allowed or not. As for multiple war claims on the weekend, the current war claim system was designed to allow this. There has never been written anywhere that two war claims can not happen on the same weekend. It has even happened in the past if I am not mistaken. I will only wait for a response to your original second question, but further questions can be taken in PMs unless you believe they should be publicly shown.

  3. ((Ok first of all, what region exactly are you war claiming? The ships are parked in the dwarf region after they were moved from the south port. Second, I'm a bit confused on how humans suddenly have steam power? Usually this was strictly associated with dwarves and more specifically the engineering guild.))


    OOC: I will go ahead and answer your first question while we wait for an answer to your second one. So this war claim is a pillage war claim. We are not seeking out to conquest any lands or waters for that matter. Basically the boats will meet up in the bay that the dwarven ships are currently parked in and we will do a navel battle. Back in 2.0 these were extremely fun and brought a lot of fun PvP and RP to the table and I would like to recreate those times. If you would like an actual region name I can give you that, but I believe there should be no confusion to where this is taking place based off the RP context of above in the war claim post.

  4. A forceful de-militarization of the South, Naval Superiority


    The abandonment of the Dwarvish naval port in the East meant the expansion of the Kingdom’s power over their enemies’ water. Thanks to the colonists sent by Lord Franz I of Vladovic, the port town and fort was taken. However, all the ships that were previously at bay were now long gone. They now sit at the closed and vulnerable bay near the Grand Kingdom’s capital. And so it had begun, the counts, barons, and dukes of the Kingdom all took it upon themselves to construct a broad navy spanning to massive galleons to a new breed of warships, the Steam Boat.


    For strategic purposes, these warships are faster than their predecessors while taking up large amounts of coal to power them. They pack a punch for those witnessing its might, the HMS King Daniel. So therefore, those of the Kingdom of Oren’s mass arsenal set sail for the bay of the vulnerable Dwarvish warships for King and Country, for the Canonist faith, and for Glory!

    The skies fill with smoke in the Southern Isles as the fleet makes its journey towards the defenseless ships, trapped in the bay. After the passing of Port Davier, the Orenian fleet closes in on its prey. Ever so closely, the fleet makes anchor around a few isles, out of vision, to plot. In the next hour, they raise anchors and perfect the steam engines, rams, ballistas, and catapults, and men-at-arms ready to seize the day.



    Type of Battle:



    Time & Date:


    5 P.M. EST

    Attacking Forces:

    Reformed Kingdom of Oren and Allies.

    Defending Forces:

    Grand Kingdom of Urguan and Allies

    Location and Boundaries:

    Dwarven Naval Port


    Terms of Victory:


    Victory for attacking team:


    If the defenders are all killed or driven out of the battle area.


    If the defender’s ships are destroyed or occupied by attackers.


    Victory for the defending team:

    If the attackers are all killed or driven out of the battle area.


    If the attacker’s ships are destroyed or occupied by defenders.

    Battle area terms will be discussed on by the leaders of both sides.



    Victory for the attackers means the attacking force can willingly do what they want with the spoils of war. That includes the remaining ships and structures around the base. (For 1 Hour)

    Victory for the defenders means the region may not be war claimed for a time based off the suggestions of non affiliated Game Moderators with the consent of both sides. This also includes that they can do what they want willingly to captured ships.



    Server rules

    TNT is allowed

    Swimming in armor is allowed (For the sake of decency)

    Ships may be boarded by ladders

    No new modifications to defenses or ships

    No team killing

    No fake statuses

    No returning to battle

    No meta-gaming

    ​All items in this location may not be transferred to another, starting now.

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