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Posts posted by Fireheart

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough to drink legally as an elf


    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Druidic Communion


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The Druidic gift of communion is the core building block, the trunk (hehe), to the magic as a whole. It is a blessing from the Aspects given to a dedicant by a teacher through attunement. A sacred ritual that is performed once the guide, the dedicant’s teacher, has overseen the dedicant go through and completes their tasks given to test them and prepare them for that moment. The attunement involves the dedicant falling into an altered state of awareness as if they were asleep. Where they’ll be put through a final test and be challenged through a vision. Passing this test creates this blessing, a blessing that links them to the Aspects and nature through their newfound druidic gifts.


    These gifts, when taught and practiced, allow the druid to be connected to nature on a deeper level. Often described as listening to ‘the songs of nature’ they are able to do things like speak to animals, request a plant to move and surge, or even grow a plant. At the start it is very taxing on the student and a struggle to even the simple things, but with time, practice, and guidance from their teacher they will grow strong and more capable in mastering these gifts. Being able to perform more of them and in time, developing a more refined control over the use of their magic.


    As the druid continues their walk and strengthens this ‘trunk’ of druidic communion more possible branches will shoot off. Giving them the opportunity to look beyond these basic abilities to other aspects (hehe)  of the magic. Such as blight healing or herblore.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    There are three main sections to druidic communion that I’ll cover. There is communion, control, and nature infusion.


    Communion is the building blocks into all other parts of the magic. Without being able to communion a druid can not practice or work towards mastering any other spell within the magic. Communion is a druid’s way of ‘listening’ and ‘feeling’ the voices of nature as a new found sense within them. They are deeply connected with the natural world and can do things like tuning into plants, converse with animals or fae, and even sense their way around the natural space around them through greensight. When a druid practices for a long enough time a druid will eventually be able to communion passively to the natural world around them. With the effort being far more easy compared to when they first began their walk.


    Control branches off and builds ontop of communion. With an established connection to nature a druid can ask nature in a request to do something for assistance or general aid, this becoming far more easy with time as a druid grows closer to nature and gains its trust. It is very much a relationship that will become stronger and easier overtime. Asking plants to grow or ungrow,  even surge out to aid a druid in a dangerous situation are a couple examples.


    Lastly, nature infusion serves as a way mainly for druid to channel their gifts into different forms of aid to one another among other things. Whether this is sharing their energy and pouring it into another druid to aid them in a difficult task with powersharing, attuning a druid to forge a link with the Aspects and nature, creating a druidic limb to replace a lost one and replace basic skills such as walking normally, or even infusing their druidic energies into objects to give them special abilities.

    Below in the spoiler is a legally binding list that my lawyer said to include.



    Under communion abilities there is the following: communion, tuning, beastspeak, empathy, singing, greensight, and luonto.

    Under control abilities there is the following: growth, surge, gleaning, ungrowing, and entling creation.


    Under nature infusion abilities there is the following: powersharing, druidic limb, attunement, unattunement (oof), druidic unfusion, and singing trees.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Lilly would stand still as she hummed softly and looked around ahead of her. Her ear would twitch briefly as a long breath exhaled. Clearing her mind she focused on her connection with nature. Listening to that ever present and gentle hum in the back of her mind.


    Steadily as her connection solidified and became the focus of her attention and efforts a gentle glow would begin to emit from the tattoos along her arms. Though faint, it was still peasant, and matched the vibrant red aura that radiated from her eyes.


    Looking to her side she gave a small nod to the druid that stood beside her. Focusing within she tapped into her gifts. Feeling the beat and song of nature. The gentle, subtle movements of her breathing. And the druidic energies within her. Pooling them together she called and beckoned for this power to collect and steadily trails of red mists like energies poured out from around her and began to collect and consolidate around her right arm.


    She held onto it as long as she could. Trying to gather as much as she could until the sensation became unbearable to her. In a controlled manner she would steadily let go of this energy. It would begin to drip and ooze off of her arm to the ground. This druidic energy seeks out the nearby druid beside her. A pool that was offering to be tapped into and share the burden to ease the weight that was before on just their shoulders.


    [Druidic nature infusion ability powersharing]


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Teacher: Settling themselves down on the ground a hand would reach out to gently pat the ground beside them “This is a good spot.”


    Student: Following after they would take a seat beside their teacher. Looking to them for further instruction with a small nod. A signal that they were ready.


    Teacher: Smiling softly she would give a small nod and wave to the nearby area around them “More often than not we are always surrounded by nature in one form or another. Being where we are it is plentiful and as you learn that connection will continue to grow. It will strengthen into an unbreakable bond. We’ve talked before on how to focus on that with communion. Have you been practicing like we talked about?” she’d inquire tilting her head slightly


    Student: Giving a small nod they flash a wide smile “Yes! I have been practicing just like you asked me to! It’s… been hard, but I am getting better at it.”


    Teacher: “Good, good!” they gave a thumbs up of approval “Today. We are going to build off of that. Work on playing around with that feeling, that connection and refining it. Tuning into it, which is why we call it that. Tuning.” chuckling lightly at her own joke she continued “When you open yourself up fully and commune. It’s very busy around you. Everything is sharing and talking all at once… kinda like if you were in a busy tavern or at a big gathering. What we are going to do is try to pick what we want to listen and focus in on it, kinda like if you were paying attention to a conversation and zoning out a bit on everything else going on. Make sense, ready to give it a try?” she’d ask


    Student: “Heck yeah!” they’d exclaim with an eager smile plastered across their lips. 


    Teacher: Swinging one leg over the other they would soon lean back on the support of their hands. Their gaze remaining focused and pinned on the student while they softly instructed “What I want you to do, just like we’ve practiced, is to clear your mind. Begin to focus on your connection and commune with nature.”


    Student: Drawing in a deep breath the idly tapped their fingers along their leg. Working on clearing their mind of all the extra thoughts and random side thoughts. Getting rid of the distractions of what they were going to do after this, what thoughts they had about the lesson. Trying to create a blank slate.


    Student: Clearing everything out they listened to nature’s song. Meditating in the moment and being an open channel without resistance. Allowing everything around them to be and not letting the distractions get to their head. 


    Student: Their fingers would continue to drum along their leg and with this intense focus their connection would begin to open. A faint glow of brown would begin to unleash from their eyes as the student clung onto this concentration they were trying to hold. Not wanting to sway and drop the progress they had achieved. 


    Student: As rocky as it was they gradually would begin to settle and with some effort exerted they would broaden their connection to listen to the songs of nature around them.


    Teacher: [!] A flood of voices and noise would gradually rise up and become more clear. The flow of natural life around them would rise up in a pleasant melody. A reward so to say for their efforts. It was a comforting and warm feeling with everything seeming to be in balance around them.


    Teacher: “Good, GOOD! Keep it up.” she cheered along in support of the student “Now what I want you to do-” she explained with her hand reaching out to point to the small flower next to them “-is focus on this flower. Work your way through all the noise and voices you’re hearing to find the flower. It’s going to take EVEN more concentration so take your time, don’t give up, and focus.”


    Student: Obeying the instructions their brows would knit together. Their hand that was tapping along their leg now clung onto it, fingers digging into their pants as they did their best. The whirlwind of voices surrounded them, but they reached out and tried to pinpoint the flower in front of them.  


    Student: The sheer amount of sound and 'activity' around them was almost daunting. Gradually they worked through it though, slowly piecing together and pushing aside the incorrect voices as they felt the space around them. Working on tuning in on that one particular flower that they had their mind set to.


    Student: Their breath would begin to tighten with the effort strangling them some. But eventually, to their surprise, they would begin to cut through all the other voices. Their focus and efforts naturally bring them to the flower in front of them.


    Teacher: [!] This particular flower gave off a joyous melody in its song within nature. Appearing to the Student to be as happy as could be with everything that it needed being provided. This happiness was not a ‘vocal’ type of communication, but something that drove into the Student’s senses. A raw feeling that they could grasp in understanding and feel.


    Student: Holding on and focusing on this a large feeling of joy overcame them with their efforts coming full circle in realization. The surge of emotions got them a little too excited which would ultimately be the downfall of their concentration breaking.


    Teacher: Chuckled softly and knowing all too well the gambit their student had gone through. “Very good! You can relax. This is something I want you to keep practicing on, and work on getting better at it. Focus on your technique, try to distract yourself with other things going on around you, make it more difficult. In time it’ll be a simple thing to accomplish!”


    [Druidic communion ability tuning, without optional roll]


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    After seeing the mistake or hearing about it after the fact I would immediately explain or reach out to them and lay out what was done incorrectly. Instruct them on where the mistake was made and teach them how to correct it to prevent it in the future. If they are unwilling to make the correction or fix it in the future I would contact ST to inform them of the situation. In the event of them powergaming it after teaching I would also make it a point to reach out to the party on the receiving end to apologize and make sure that everyone understood the situation fully and the steps being taken to correct it.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/970-moderation-feedback/

    If this is a serious feedback post OP should ask to move it to this sub-forum or reach out to itdontmatta directly.


    1 hour ago, Zolla_ said:

    i was the dude who got d20'd for it, i dont really mind it but making it seem like "suicide" (pk) for trying to jump into a river from 30 meters (which is survivable according to every site i've seen) and then saying things like  "Well back in the day you wouldve been pked" aint cool

    This is the standard that was set in CRP rules awhile back. Rules were simplified since then and if rulings are being consistent to those guidelines still in the old rule set then it makes sense why your character died from a 30 block (meter) fall. The whole pking stuff aint cool at all. Accidental or forced suicide doesn't and shouldn't count.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. Love the ingame name stuff. Keeps the more important roleplay names half of it still front and center while adding the extra information of mc names. Would be neat to have a toggle where people could cycle through options of just rp names, the rp names large mc names small, or flipping the two so it is mc names large and rp names small. Or even a uci menu to fully customize and turn stuff on and off like Orlanth suggested. Great work on it!

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Legally old enough (16)


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. Hey all! Reached out to Cain and gave them some time to reply to the report here if they wanted to, but it's been a sufficient amount of time since then so here we go.


    A couple pieces of this report have already been spoken for by other mods so I'll cut to the parts of it that haven't been taken care of. Which would be the RP guidelines, or the attitude in looc chat over the roleplay happening and the blue fire edition to the report. We'll start with the later.


    There was arguments and disagreements about whether or not the roleplay reaction to being burned alive should be considered a staff enforced PK. Speaking amongst the team the death in our eyes was bound to happen regardless and what happens falls more in lines with a forced suicide. If you have questions about this and want to have a more in-depth conversation into our reasoning you can reach out to me in dms, there will not be an enforced pk against Cain.


    To recap on some of the behavior over the crossbow rp and the core complaints of the report there are really two things I want to touch on. If you are unable to come to an agreed outcome over roleplay it is not appropriate to threaten people or be condescending and rude. This is a game that is meant to be fun and enjoyable and part of this game is sometimes having character interactions that do not go in your way. In the case of Cain's behavior they should have just resulted to a modreq and not instigated things in looc. There is a difference between trying to kindly suggest and correct or leave the situation altogether to file a report versus demanding and being entitled for people to obey and listen to your opinions on the crp. It is a two way street and there were other people engaging in looc that should have just held their comments back and let it be handled by a mod.


    Reports, whether through a modreq or one like this on the forums, are the best way to have matters resolved if a middle ground can't be found. Cain will be left off with a warning for their behavior. If you have any questions about the report in general my DMs are open!

  7. 2 hours ago, RetroMako said:

    Edit: problem solved! Downloaded a VPN

    I'm currently unable to connect to the server. It says "connection timed out: no further information. I can still connect to other servers but am unable to connect to LoTC.

    Things I've tried so far that haven't fixed the issue:

    • resetting router/modem
    • using a phone hotspot
    • deleting .minecraft file and re-installing
    • resetting computer
    • direct connecting to the lobby
    • checking for updates
    • resetting OS config
    • turning off firewall
    • checking NAT type in xbox network config

    I saw your edit mentioning xbox. The server runs on the Java version of Minecraft. Not Bedrock so it will not work for you.

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