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  1. Drowning in all the Hate20 in this comment section. lolbai

  2. Seems this guy just drank some Haterade, got Hateroids, and Hateraids. 'Nuff said

  3. Hopefully he doesn't drink to much Hate2O

  4. In all seriousness this time around. I hope my future words are written down. "You lonely little squirt, hiding behind a computer making up lies for your own good. You constantly emoted "Shits in boomacks bed" and other such as this. As you posted, I'M the immature one, erm.. no. You have proven yourself to be clunky, annoying, and an overall brat. Have fun having no stuff. Than...

  5. Hatric acid burns!

  6. Hateroid rage?

  7. huehuehuehuehue tanks fer da stuff bruh

  8. No, not haterade. He's on hateroids, he's swelling at the moment. Even with a sqeuaky voice and being impotent :3

  9. By the way, our posts where not planned out or thought out at all!

  10. What Acer said, "lolbai"

  11. I think he has 3rd degree burns from that fire.

  12. ....hes like becoming a celebrity for sipping on Haterade >.>

  13. No, he's going to need to go to the ICU for these burns!

  14. maybe need some aloe vera for that burn?

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