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Status Replies posted by Space0fAids

  1. I hate receptonists. 'It's a bit early, could you call back later?' 'It's 10...' 'Yeah, a bit early.'

  2. Quentin Tarantino should direct the Dedpool movie

    1. Space0fAids


      No. Deadpool needs to be a comedy. Quenton Tarantino would'nt work well with that.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Quentin Tarantino should direct a fantasy movie.

    1. Space0fAids


      That would be awful. He is a action film director. I can't even imagine how a fantasy movie by him would be like.

  4. I wonder.. do people fear the darkness because it is the place where predators wait, or do we fear it because we know, in the back of our minds, it's there. Always waiting.

    1. Space0fAids


      Does its care you more then being tortured? Huh? Not funny CowsGoPoo, not funny at all.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. First of all I'd like to thank the academy, my parents my friends and family and of course I thank the Creator for all of this!

    1. Space0fAids


      The Creator? Rush Limbaugh, creator of everythign good?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Favourite band/song by them?

    1. Space0fAids


      @Ions I remember that phase. Indy rock/pop gets much better. #pretentious

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Favourite band/song by them?

  8. O... Death, Whoa... Death, won't you spare me til' another year... I would like to say, glad people had an interesting encounter with my last act of charity. Any GMs, if screenshots are provided, I want it respected when the RPers modreq to access my chests. Thank you.

  9. So wait, this whole apocalypse was caused by people rage quitting?

    1. Space0fAids


      It is actually the rapture. But the buddhist rapture. So it is jsut marked by, well... This.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. what does GM mean in RP? Goat Milker? :P

  11. Blunt Opinion: 420blazeit? Get it, cause blunts? Yeah.

  12. Sorry for voicing my opinions bluntly :^)

    1. Space0fAids


      ... I don't know how much of these posts are jokes for sure, but I hope most of them.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  13. How do you use gyazo in Minecraft? Can't seem to figure it out.

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