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About skulldood2

  • Birthday October 6

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  • Location
    New Jersey
  1. now what am i going to do with the 500$ i saved up for the Aether package..?

    1. marimbamonk


      ... Buy the Aether package?

    2. Pliz


      You can use it for something else.

      That won't help you get accepted.

    3. skulldood2


      @boo i cant because i cant make an application for another 3 months.

  2. I dont know what to do

    1. Wobbajack
    2. skulldood2


      3 months I CANT WAIT 3 HOURS

  3. Why is it such a big deal to wait exactly 24 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 154684321654951
    3. Goliath
    4. Trouvo


      also : to see if you follow the rules, if you have patience, as rp requires patience, and give you ample time to apply the feedback we give you, and time to read the wiki, rules, lore etc...again

  4. Trying to wait 24 hours without going insane scrating myself until i bleed i have no patience at all o.e.

    1. Space


      Know what you mean.

  5. The accursed 24 hour limit ;_; If any application moderator could find it in their heart to revoke the limit just once it would mean greatly to me :D. (side note) i am preparing to donate $500 dollars for the Aether vip.

  6. I think my most recent application is a winner!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. skulldood2


      Their have been several accepted ones on the forum that have Broken the 24 hour limit yet the mods accepted. could you please revoke the limit?

    3. 154684321654951


      That's gotta' sting :/

    4. skulldood2


      It burns like a heated up knife jabbed slowly into my wrist turning and turning without cooling down or stopping ;_;

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