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Posts posted by Ventusyr

  1. Ayyy welcome back! You probs don't remember me but you were the dude that actually made me stay on the server and taught me how to RP like not a noob in the VonSchlichten Company. And your dungeons inspired me to start planning something similar!


    I pretty much agree with everything Chump said. Things aren't tooooo different from Anthos. Oren and Dwarves are still killing each other. High Elves are still snooty. Spooks are organizing into a pretty neat culture currently, you might wanna check it out!

  2. The Prophet, his expression still very slowly returning to its past neutrality, dips his head in a small agreement to the Druids, before turning to the woman with the record book. "To clarify: I hope the record shows that a Xionist organization, the Covenant, did desire the blade, to slay the Keepers of Xan, and they drew forth my past pride and anger towards those of Order with their words and attacks on my order in order to acquire it. We, the clerics of Tahariae, shall keep the blade, and we shall use it in defense of the servants of Xan, which the Covenant has so clearly stated they wish to assault, and of the realm.


    "I also quite clearly remember the Keeper Garion stating that if the Dark does not spread disorder and chaos, they shall see no end to the Paladins' blades, and this is, and this is quite true, rare. So it is with the clerics. If you indeed follow your ideologies, and seek to reign in the Darkness once more, we have no qualms and shall not attack; but the clerics shall not hold back their blades if a ghoul is seen attacking travelers, and we shall not restrain our light should spirits and Daemons of darkness come into this realm. Let the record show that as the clerics' view of your offered peace."

  3. "If you do not spread the chaos you claim only the unchecked Dark does, then we have no reason to hunt you," states Ashanaak, his infuriated expression only mildly relaxed at this point. "I desire peace for my Brothers and Sisters, both in the Light and in Balance, and for the Innocent. If truce between us would grant such, and you govern the Dark, then so be it: let such a truce be made. 


    "That said, I stand with the servants of Xan on whatever decision they make, for it shall likely be in line with that of my Lord's, and if a being of Darkness crosses my path and harms the innocent, then I will not hesitate to confront them."

  4. Ashanaak nods in agreement with Toren. "There is no discussion here, only your demands that we give up our allegiance to the gods we serve and worship," Ashanaak adds, his disfigured face still contorted in rage. "Do not play as if it is an equal congress, where you would be willing to concede to things. Our allegiance is to Purity, Order, and Balance. Not to fellowship with those who wield taint and threaten the Innocent and our Brothers and Sisters."


    (( Sorry, phone, lack of pretty fonts this time ))

  5. At Ivanus' words, the entire body of Ashanaak tenses. Once the cleric ceases speaking, the elf closes his eyes once more, taking in a steady inhale, before releasing it. "... It is not age or office work that has brought me to such a conclusion, but desperation, Ivanus," he mutters, so only his brethren can hear.


    Slowly, the elf begins to shake his head, and the his gauntlets slowly clench. "No. What am I doing. You are right, Ivanus. Emotion has clouded my judgment, and personal pride allowed to leak through, drawn out by the Darkness' words..."


    He lifts a hand towards Rosencrantz, turning his head to look at him out of the corner of his eye. "I am sorry, llir, for attempting to force such an action. I thank you for not listening to me, in an hour of mortal emotion."


    The priest looks up, and surveys the room, filled with tainted beings and necromancers and a Harbinger. Slowly, his face begins to contort, morphing into subtle rage.


    "No. Your words are seductive and promises great, and you had me caught in it. We shall not give the sword, for despite the violation of nature the constructs that Keepers of Xan are, each and every one of you either wield powers that violate nature, or serve them. You claim to uphold and seek the strength of Man, yet the vast majority of those who wield your powers have terrorized Man. Xan may have ulterior motives, but His servants slew Setherien, and his followers heal the Descendants just as my Brothers and Sisters do, and they have purged other threats that have entered our realm.


    "No; the sword shall not be given. I listened to the poisonous words of the tainted, rather than the words of my Brothers and Sisters in Light. The Keepers, unfortunate as it is, are still necessary, and they will continue to defend this realm from the threats that come both from those of the Old Dark, but of other sources.


    "I desire peace, but upholding Purity must indeed be my first and foremost desire, and I shall defend the blade with every last breath in my body, rather than let it fall into the hands of those who seek to slay the servants of Him my Lord once called Brother."


    As Ashanaak finishes, he turns, taking several steps behind him, before turning, his chest visibly rising and falling and his face contorted in utter, obvious rage. After several moments, the priest seems to calm slightly, his breathing slowing and his expression relaxing. He then steps to Ivanus' side, and sets a hand on the scarred cleric's shoulder.


    "Pride almost consumed me a second time," he mutters, so only Ivanus could hear. "Despite my personal differences with you, I thank you for directing me back towards our Father, and towards Purity, and towards sanity."


    Ashanaak remains by Ivanus' side for a moment, his head bowed and breathing still slowing, before returning to his previous position. He crosses his arms, and peers around the room, a look of disgust still present on his face as he waits for the reaction.

  6. "I doubt Xan will. Xan, thus far, has proven to enter this realm to enact His own will, as the Xionists claim all Aengudaemons do. Keepers are as unnatural as wraiths, and they threaten the balance of power we have gathered here today to establish. They threaten continuance of a war that only escalates with each passing Elven month.


    "What Tahariae desires is Purity, that mortal bodies and the realm can exist whole and untainted. If we do not give up the blade, then the war continues, taint spreads, and many fall. If we give Darkness the blade, as the blade was given to us, then many unnecessary lives will be preserved, and the unnatural, impure constructs that are Keepers will be removed from this realm, and the war ends.


    "The blade was not ours to keep, and Xan has spat in the face of Tahariae with the events of the Harvesters. The paladins of Xan and the clerics of Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, have not and shall never be allies again. In order for this war to end, in order for many lives to be preserved, the blade must be given. 'For it is not out of Moral Good that you do these things, but out of Necessity,' so sayeth the Lord of Purity.


    "To not give the blade is to see a world where the clerics are hunted and purged, Innocents harmed in the crossfire, and for what? The defense of an Order that does not seek allyship with us, beings that serve an Aengul who violated the natural cycle of the realm, and ideological difference.


    "What I want is peace. What we all want is peace. Giving the blade is a necessary to bring this peace, preserve lives, and preserve the sanctity of this realm."


    As Herun enters in and addresses Ashanaak, the priest would exhale softly before responding: "Disappointing indeed that it needed to come this far."

  7. Ashanaak then turns to Gareth, his expression returning to that of mournful neutrality. He studies Gareth for several moments, before his eyes close.


    "... In the past Elven month or so, Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, returned the Itharel to Descendancy. He had interfered too much, and the Itharel, in their unnatural states of immortality and in a multitude of their actions, had ultimately hindered His vision of Purity from continuing to fruition. Necessary at the time of their creation to defeat the Harbingers and Wraiths that stalked the land, He now deems them no longer so, and so withdrew. Tahariae, as I have said, abhors interference with our Realm; it is only quite recently that He has begun speaking to His servants again."


    The priest stops for a moment, taking in a careful inhale, before continuing:


    "And after weeks of prayer and meditation, internal debate, debate with my fellow Brothers, and examination of years of relations with the Paladins... I can no longer see the Keepers are pure, nor can I see Xan as an ally of my Lord. Xan continues to interfere with this realm, going so far as to attempt to break the natural cycle of the realm by sending His followers to slay the Harvesters, and He has created unnatural beings that my Lord would deem Impure, violating mortality. It is not taint that my Lord abhors; no. It is the violation of nature.


    "And so Xan, even after my Lord imbued Him with life, spites Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, spites our realm, and spites mortalkind. While my Lord's boons exist to achieve a vision of Purity that we might all agree with - whole bodies and innocents safe to live their lives - Xan uses His servants to enact a personal agenda.


    "I knew there were enemies in the Light, but it was only recently that it has become clear to me that I, as a walker of the Path of Purity, these enemies are also impure."


    The elf pauses again, looking around the room. "And, from the apparent lack of Paladins present, they do not seek peace or balance, like us gathered do.


    "So, it was not concern for my fellow servants of Light that I had hesitance to command the sword be given. It was concern for Man, and the Innocents, who hold no part in this conflict, that they would suffer as a result of my actions..."


    Ashanaak closes his eyes briefly, swallowing. His expression, though it remains neutral, appears tense and rigid. "Yet, seeing my Sister return to us unharmed... And that none of my Brothers and Sisters have died in the Covenant's most recent assault on us... I... have difficulty believing the Covenant untrustworthy, and see our ideals quite similar, even if our theologies and allegiances differ."


    Again, the dark priest hesitates, before making a gesture from Rosencrantz to Gareth. "Give him Urthandl, and let another step towards Purity be made on this realm."

  8. Ashanaak's eyes widen, his disfigured face spreading in shock as Elvira comes to his side. He stares at her for a few moments, before looking back to the gathered. After closing his eyes and taking a few breaths, he returns to his previous composure. He glances at Gareth, before looking between Naruntah and Apex.


    "My proposal for the balance of light and dark remains. As for the sword, I assumed its usage in the hands of the Dark would be to slay the Keepers. I did not realize that was only the personal desire of the Covenant. I was also under the impression it was taken by force, as the accusations of thievery and Rosencrantz's stories conveyed. What, then, would the blade be used for, and what insurance do we have it wouldn't be used to terrorize Innocents?"

  9. "And now you seek to purge the Keepers of Xan, so balance may be reached," says Ashanaak, his voice without emotion. "And yet, in the hands of a being of taint, its power could spread uncountable chaos among those not affiliated with either side, as opposed to in the hands of Light, which can only affect beings of Darkness. I hope you understand our hesitance to trust the blade with those whose power has led many of the Dark to hunt and terrorize the Descendants."

  10. Ashanaak's head tilts slightly, his brow furrowing, at Vapor and Savet's statements. As they finish, he responds:


    "Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, abhors interference, but sees it as necessary, for it is. You claim our Aenguls are sinners, when through my hands, the Vehement Lord has rendered bodies whole once more and banished life-threatening disease. The only 'misdeeds' they have committed are against those who would spread chaos, pain, and suffering. No; all of us who serve the Aenguls do so because we have seen the horrors the Dark produces, and had our fellow mortals fall to the jaws of ghouls and the cackling of liches. Simply put, your disagreement with us is based on ideology; our disagreement with you is based on a history of abuse of innocent lives.


    "However, we could debate this all day. Neither one of us shall be convinced by the other's theology. Therefore, to counter your proposal, which is entirely favoring only your theology, we create a balance. The clerics will cease hunting those who claim adherence to Xionism; Xionists will cease hunting clerics. Members of either the Old Dark and the New Light that violate this balance, and seek to extinguish the other completely, shall be judged. As you said, the dominance of either shall lead to chaos.


    "In this proposal, both sides coexist peacefully. You are free to practice your abhorrent arts, and we are free to perform our abhorrent arts. We shall heal the sick, the wounded, the dying; both of us shall hunt those who attempt to spread chaos, whether they represent Light or Darkness.


    "So the wars will end, and Mortal Man will no longer suffer from our conflict with each other."


    Ashanaak lets out a small exhale, adjusting his stance slightly. "I speak only for the Clerics of the Pure One in offering this. The Druian do not represent Light, but Nature, and the Paladins I cannot speak for." He then looks to the Druids, and scans the crowd for where the Paladins might be.

  11. omg chill bros


    1) There's mali'ame, mali'ker, and mali'aheral. High elves named themselves something pretentious af. Pure ones are mali'thill. Bein a clerical heretical sorta folk, im mali'thilln, but I stick with mali'aheral, the general term for high elves.


    2) Its his IC belief, bein a clerical heretical sorta folk, that Tah is an Arch-Aengul because all other aenguls are scrubs, and thus the title.


    thank you for the feedback friendos.


    Ashanaak, Chosen Prophet of the Holy Aengul of Purity, Tahariae





    Basic Information


    Nicknames - Prophet, Heshakomeu, Hesh, Heshy, Filthy Heretic

    Age - 230

    Gender - Male

    Race - Mali’Aheral

    Status - Enlightened, blind, and alive




    Height - 6’5”

    Weight - 200 lbs.

    Body Type - Tall and lean; defined, if not impressive, muscles

    Eyes - Both bear a faint white glow and are of an opaque crystalline substance, covered in sporadic, scattered tiny glyphs that glow slightly brighter. If Ashanaak summons forth his light, the eyes see, but otherwise, they are blind.

    Hair - White, with mild platinum tint

    Skin - Lightly tanned from living in the Caliphate

    Markings/Tattoos - The right side of his face is covered in an angular network of thick scar tissue, almost as though it is an intentional design. The left side of his face, however, retains the regal, ageless beauty of an adult high elf. On his neck is a green brand in the image of a stag head, its antlers spreading across the front. On the rare occasion his shirt is removed, a thick line of jagged scar tissue would circle the joint between his right shoulder and arm. Wide intersecting circles are tattooed across his torso; more tattoos in Elvish, likely prayers, line the insides of them.

    Health - Unspecified recurring heart complications ; blind

    Personality - Enlightened ; distant ; meditative ; content

    Inventory - A blessed staff of ironwood is typically held in his hands. The glyphs that cover it glow in rich hues of platinum, crimson, and lapis. An oaken shield rimmed with iron banding and bearing a thick round iron center hangs on his back. He wears a thick brown coat over simple cotton shirt and trousers, with leather travelling boots and thick leather gauntlets. Bound to his simple rope belt is a thick leatherbound tome; a light flanged mace with golden edges hangs from a small strap attached to it. Inside the tome are yellowed pages covered in intricate diagrams of the bodies of the many races, as well as copious descriptions of clerical rituals and spells. Numerous objects are stored in folds, pockets, and straps within the thick coat: a bundle of four white candles bound together with twine; two thin rods, one of flint and the other of steel; a small wooden canteen, inside of which is water; a small aurum bottle, inside of which is rose incense; travelling bread wrapped tightly in thin cloth.


    Life Style


    Alignment - Lawful Good

    Deity - Tahariae

    Religion - Cryptic Clericism

    Alliance - The Clerical Order

    Class - Master Cleric

    Titles - Chosen Prophet of the Holy Arch-Aengul of Purity, Tahariae =+= Master Cleric

    Professions - Adept Enchanter

    Special Skills - A surprising knowledge of hallucinogenic herblore ; scribe ; extensive knowledge of clerical lore ; unshakable faith ; architect ; running away

    Flaws - Emotionally distant ; recurring heart condition that causes blackouts ; blind




    Current Status - Teaching, with five students

    Arch-type - Clerical

    Sub-Type - Tahariaean

    Rank - Master Cleric

    Weaknesses - War Clericism

    Strengths - Ritual Healings

    Current Spells - Priest Healing =+= War Clericism =+= Blessing






    Fighting Style - The Art of Desperation

    Trained Weapons - Light mace, quarterstaff

    Favored Weapon - Staff

    Archery - Sub-par




    Parents - Akal’ahern, otherwise known as Verada de Nomos Shidari, and Campari de Sarash Shidari

    Siblings - Campari de Verada Shidari (Half-Brother)

    Children: Therren Sohae (Adopted)

    Extended Family - Unknown

    Pets - A carrier pidgeon




    Ashanaak considers himself born upon Tahariae speaking through him for the first time in 1536, thus initiating him as a Prophet. There is no history but in His Lord.

  13. "I shall agree with you that death is natural, but when it is violently brought, when one Descendant seeks power over others, that is indeed evil. I fail to see how you can argue that murder and torture is beneficial to the progression of Man, and that taint, the substance that brings agony and death to Descendants afflicted with it and renders land disfigured and abhorrent, is a suitable tool to use for such."


    The priest pauses for a moment, letting out a small exhale before continuing:


    "The Vehement Lord came down to grant boons to the clerics because the world was filled with unnatural arts that were used to abuse the Descendants. I have seen the taint of Iblees and the taint of necromancers leave land in decaying rot, the very life of the plants warped, disfigured, and drained. My kin of the Druian can attest to this. I have seen the disgusting effects of Soul Puppetry. I have seen the gold poured in the eyes of mali'ame by Kalenz's aheral, and the earless Elvish corpses left by Orenian soldiers, and the dying soldiers left in Setherien's realm. Destruction of life and happiness is evil. It simply is. And the most effective tools for bringing about this evil, the most efficient of boons for those seeking to create as much chaos and destruction as possible, are the unholy arts that Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, deems Impure.


    "The Arch-Aengul's boons are not designed to purge those with ideological differences, but to purge those who would seek to utilize taint and the lives of others for personal power, who tamper with things that should not be tampered with to cause suffering to the Innocent. We do not care if you hate our Lord, and we do not care if you hate us. We do care if your hatred causes you to bring harm to those who wish to live left alone and in peace. We do care if you taint the realm and its people.


    "Tahariae, Blessed Be His Name, seeks to bring the realm back to Purity, back to a time when there was no taint or evil in the world. Where none may fall to the sword, and none may fall to taint. I care not how difficult such a goal is to achieve; if I see injustice and suffering, it is my duty as not only a servant of the Lord of Purity, but as a fellow Descendant, to defend the victim, and to heal the suffering."


    When the old, decrepit man speaks, Ashanaak turns to him, and his lips purse before shaking his head.


    "I never once insinuated it was the easier path, but you took a route of corruption. Whatever effects came to you as a result of relying on such arts is only a testament to how unfit they are to be utilized by the sons and daughters of the Four, and how unnatural they are. I appreciate the assistance you lent in fighting the Dark One's forces, but such does not render your path the right path."


    He glances to the side at Coltaine's sudden call, and here, the elf falls silent.

  14. The priest regards the Barrowlord as she speaks. His emotionless expression does not change, save for a nigh-imperceptible furrowing of the brow at her warped appearance and unsettling voice.


    "The cleric they hold captive is one known as Elvira Mantisuku, otherwise known as the Arm," he responds after a moment. "My definition of an innocent is simple: one who does not attempt to gain power over their fellow mortals through violent means, and who does not bring into this world taint, both in a moral and literal sense, for such inevitably leads to suffering for the Descendants. I am aware that none is truly 'innocent' in a Canonist sense, where we all have committed sins against one another, and that we are all imperfect, but violence, death, and taint are fairly unambiguous things, and what my Lord and my Brothers and Sisters in Him consider evil. It is the Mission of Purity to bring an end to such darkness, and to mend where evil leaves its foul tracks."

  15. Ashanaak.png.3800fec9ed016acf379a64fdf36


    The dark-clad cleric glances at Ivanus as his armored form enters into the library, and his distant expression shifts slightly, his brow furrowing. As the druid finishes their statement, he looks back to the assembled. After a small exhale, he addresses them:


    "I suppose my Order's conflict with the Covenant has become public knowledge at this point. Our chief qualms are with them and the fact they hold one of our Sisters hostage. I have already issued my apologies to the adherents of Xion who do not use their power to harm the innocent, and some discussion has occurred between us. Those that wield taint in the pursuit of personal power over the Innocent... They have none of my sympathy, and will receive no apologies from my Order.


    "I have no further qualms with those of the Dark," finishes the elf, putting audible emphasis on the last word. His expression remains unchanged.

  16. As the opening statements finish, three figures enter into the Northern Wing, fashionably late. They approach the gathered, finding an opening where they may stand without being blocked by folk in front of them.


    Standing very slightly in the front is an aged mali'aheral clad in high-collared dark robes and ebony plate armor. His straight, formal posture and high cheekbones typical of one raised in Haelun'or clashes with a horribly-disfigured face, the right half a mess of scar tissue and his nose a mere hole, giving the priest a skeletal appearance. His expression seems distant, as though not fully concentrating on the inhabitants of the library.


    Behind him stands two elderly folk, one bearing the bright plate armor of the Chantry with a golden symbol on his tabard, and the other in a simple brown coat and suit. Their gray, bearded faces gaze upon the gathered with aged eyes.


    The aheral crosses his arms, listening to what the assembled have to say.

  17. Pinned where the noticeboard of the Masjid al Nur al-Haqq was in Al-Wakrah is a piece of parchment. In straight, formal lettering is the following:


    We, the Clerics of the Arch-Aengul of Purity, the Vehement Lord and Bringer of Justice, Tahariae, admit defeat to the Covenant, whom our predecessors have assaulted merely for their beliefs, and not the state of their being or their actions.


    We retreat from the Caliphate of Khalestine, and the Kingdom of Vandoria, only to send our clerics there to provide healing and charitable aid to the Innocents.


    We excommunicate from our Order and revoke Our Lord’s blessing from Ravondir, for his sins against his Brothers and Sisters in his Lord, and against the followers and Xionist ideology.

    May peace be established, and the bloodshed end.

  18. It is after some time that another paper is attached to the Al-Wakrah noticeboard. The parchment, in curving, formal lettering, would read as follows:


    To the Being Known as Dralazar;


    Many years ago, I encountered a Xionist, a servant of Aerk’iath, in the cihi of Laureh’lin. He confronted me, and told me of how my Brothers in the Vehement Lord, the Holy Arch-Aengul of Purity. Tahariae, had so hunted his brothers and sisters, for their belief that the Aenguls and Daemons of the realm, no matter what boons they may offer, bring only evil to this realm. That his kind had been so persecuted by those who shared service to my Father, not for their evils or sins, but their beliefs.


    And so it is that as I write this, I mourn. I mourn not only for my Brothers and Sisters, who in battle have suffered at your hands, but that such violence is necessary. I mourn that those who call themselves followers of Tahariae, Teacher of Necessity, would stoop so low to do as the Church of the Canon has done, to hunt, slay, lynch, and brutalize those who would speak against them.


    Our service is to our Lord of Light, and to the Innocents. Through me, my King has wrought miracles of life-giving, has banished disease and wounds, has brought peace to those who have suffered. And there are my kin, who, embodying only my Lord’s aspect of Judgment, have failed to do so.


    I do not expect this piece of parchment to end the violence. I do not expect your anger to be quelled, for my Order has inherited it from clerics past. Nay; I only want peace once more, and to hunt those whose arts they use to defile and harm the Innocents, who bring Impurity to this realm through their actions, and not through their beliefs.


    We, the clerics of Tahariae, accept your terms. We shall depart the Caliphate of Khalestine, in return for our Sister, Elvira Mantisuku, and our holy texts, and peace for a time.


    I pray that next we meet, it shall not be in battle.

    - Ashanaak

  19. 12 minutes ago, Angmarzku said:

    Bryophites? Why the hell would bryophites be played by staff? They are vegetable people, they really have no giant effect on the world . . . are they secretly some giant monster or what?


    Confirmed 5.0 antag. Global warming brings the wrath of the plant people.


    That said, my opinions on this are also fairly negative and confused. I echo Mephistophelian's plee.

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