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Posts posted by Ventusyr

  1. Heshakomeu places a hand on his sternum and gives a deep bow to Mandru once the spectre finishes his speech. "It is good to know one as old and wise as you shall continue to grace us with your presence," says the priest as he rises from the bow, "and I am honored to have your blessing as a leader."


    After returning Mandru's smile, he turns back to look at the crowd of clerics again. "However, in terms of titles, I shall prefer High Priest. Until we have an experienced war cleric to be the High Guardian, I see little reason to reform the Council and use the term 'Grandmaster.' High Priest I shall keep, in honor of my master Lenia.


    "Ramza, that is an excellent suggestion. As of now, I shall recommend myself and Beros Tunnelsmasher, as he is the only one I know well enough. Alakagh and Skale, you have been clerics for quite some time, but I shall admit, I do not know who is heading your education, and I have not spent much time around you to know the true content of your character. Mia... Hrm. I see she has not arrived yet... I would recommend her as well to receive the light of war.


    "Recruiting is important, but we should not actively pursue people and encourage them to join unless it is obvious how pure of heart they are. We shall keep the trials, and we shall await those with interest. We shall not resort to how the Orenian knight orders recruit: shouting our name and waving our banner and declaring our intentions on a street corner.


    "... Again, what are all of your opinions on how we shall treat Katari?"

  2. "Taris" Mithras Sylvari wonders if he got a note, his insight has proven quite useful in the past, despite his arrogance and argumentativeness. Would he receive one? 


    Mithras, if he is a connected cleric to Tahariae and a member of the Clerical Order, would have received one. If not, then no.




    Heshakomeu inclines his head in a small bow to Kaun as he enters with his various animals. "I would hope so," he replies, "but I think we shall start without them."

    Ramza's muttered statement about Luna brings him to close his eye. As his head lowers, he whispers, "May she be honored in Tahariae's halls... We will discuss it."

    After a moment of silence, Heshakomeu stands. His fingers trace the runes carved into his carbarum staff as he surveys the small group and begins:

    "Greetings and blessings, fellow clerics. I thank you for coming at my call.

    I brought us here to discuss the current condition of our Order. As many of you know, Katari Stirling was disconnected many Elven days ago after abandoning the light of Tahariae and destroying the half-finished Sanctum of Tahariae, leaving me as the last of the Council of Light appointed by Saint Mandru VonSchlichten. Not only that, but he made vocal his intentions to follow the Uruk spirits, a pursuit I would deem honorable had he not already promised his service to our most pure and holy patron... I have also received reports of his joining the New Coven and threatening mages. I have not investigated the legitimacy of those claims, but it would not surprise me if they are true.

    Our old Grandmaster has completely abandoned the way of light and has been consumed by the darkness he pursues. I call us here to discuss what to do if we encounter him."

    Heshakomeu pauses for a moment before continuing:

    "I also call us here to discuss the lack of war clerics. Although our powers were given to us by Tahariae to heal, we were also tasked with purging the impure creatures of the dark. Now, we have, what, three or four with the light of war? How can we fulfill Tahariae's will with so few? Our priests are also without defense. We spend our time in meditation and prayer to Tahariae; we haven't the time to train in combat, lest our powers fade. The mature and experienced clerics of our Order who have the endurance and strong enough connection to Tahariae to handle the light of war need this boon."


    The priest pauses again, reaching down and picking up his tea cup. He holds it in his hand as his speech continues:


    "Then there is our lack of a gathering space. As you see, we are forced to meet in a tavern. Although a fine establishment, and headed by a cleric, it cannot work in the long-term. I have secured permission to build a temple in the mali'ame cihi of Cerulin, but with the very vocal intentions of war Haelun'or has been proposing, I wonder if it is truly wise to build there.


    Ah, and I believe my apprentice Beros Tunnelsmasher has some rather important information about a new enemy that would be exceptionally valuable for us to know. Would you care to share?" Heshakomeu watches Beros with a single narrowed eye.

  3. Heshakomeu tenses at Mandru's whisper. He does not notice Damien's response and retreat to the corner; the words of the familiar, if slightly younger, voice left too much of an impression on him. The high elf gives a barely-perceptible nod.


    The priest nods in greeting to Skale and Hosper as they enter, the corner of his lip twitching upwards in a small smile.


    "We shall only wait a little longer," he says to the growing clerical crowd, "before we shall begin the meeting. I have faith more shall come."

  4. Heshakomeu is not entirely sure how Damien got into the closed-except-for-clerics tavern, but he winces as Damien wraps his arms around him before gently pushing him off with his staff. He leans in and whispers quietly in Damien's ear:


    "It is a pleasure to see you, llir, but this is an extremely important meeting for the Order and I'm not entirely sure how you got in. You may sit and watch, but please do not speak unless you are spoken to."


    He then looks up and inclines his head in a small bow to Lyuin.


    "That is because we haven't any place with appropriate warding, and none who know how wards are placed," replies Heshakomeu. "Our ignorance is part of the reason I call us here.


    It is an honor to receive you, Itharel of Hope, and a pleasure to see you again. Welcome."


    To Alakagh, Darid, and Neo, he also nods in greeting. "We shall await to see if others come before the discussion begins."

  5. TSZJjRL.png



    Across Athera, every member of the Clerical Order of Tahariae hears a knock at whatever residence they are staying in. When they open their doors or their windows or look outside their caves, a small letter has been left. If opened, the letter would read as follows:

    Greetings and blessings, Cleric of Tahariae.

    Your presence is requested at the Red Rose Tavern, located on the main road. It has been too long since our most sacred and ancient Order met to discuss our affairs.

    I await you. May Tahariae’s Light guide your path.

    ~ High Priest of the Clerical Order of Tahariae, Heshakomeu Sohae



    Inside, the Red Rose hosts dozens of chairs around the main room. A high elf wearing the gold-trimmed robes of a master cleric sits in one of the chairs with his back to the wall, a tall staff of pure carbarum standing upright beside him in his grip. Silent and stoic, he watches the tavern entrance with his one eye, awaiting the clerics that shall come.


    Forum RP, go!

  6. A application for the clerical order


    “I am Anabelle Riggs Redstork. I'd like to apply for the clerical order. The reason I would like to do this is because I want to do good in this world. I am willing to go into further detail if required.”


    Heshakomeu returns to his shrine, tired after performing a healing. He notices the bird perched upon his altar, looking rather confused and lost. The high elf priest pulls off the note, reads it, and sets about writing a response.




    Come to the mali'ame city of Cerulin. I will be available at asimulumleh'ah'Lenia, or the Shrine of Saint Lenia. We can speak on your motivations and desire to join the Order.


    May Tahariae guide your path,

    High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae

  7. My only concern is that we are adding another healing magic to LOTC when we have several already.


    However, I like the rise of more Aengulic cults and diversity in religious/cleric RP far more than I'm apprehensive about more magic, so I fully support!


    Oh, actually, one thing: Why are they called Reapers if they don't actually reap souls, as the Reaper of Earth mythology does, or reap anything, as people in LOTC would only know "reapers" as people harvesting wheat?


          *A bird flies in with a note in its mouth landing to somebody in the clerical order*




        I would like to join the clerical order , so I can fight for what I know is right and to learn the ways of other clerics. I will have to learn a lot along the way but if I might happen to die in battle I know I died doing what is right.




    - From: Reznar Mayflower-


    Heshakomeu Sohae picks up the letter and sets about writing a response.


    Reznar Mayflower,


    I would like to meet at the soonest possible convenience. We can speak of what you would be doing for the Order and the process of being inducted. Send me a bird.


    - High Priest Heshakomeu Sohae


    Heshakomeu attaches the note to a small messenger bird. It jumps off the balcony of his home and makes for Reznar.


    ((PM me times your on, or check if I'm online and /msg me. My username is Ventusyr!))

  9. "I did not say he did nothing." Heshakomeu's grip on his staff tightens. "And I do not deny others of the Order did nothing. It stagnated. It disappeared. I said his actions corrupted the Order. He did great work to Tahariae as a warrior, but he was no priest and should have clarified to his students they were not priests either. He was one of the last who had the authority to teach and he made no move to understand the full responsibilities of a teacher of priests. I was idle, to be sure, but because I was a minor cleric who, although I knew the rituals and traditions of the priesthood, had no authority to teach and was never remembered where my healings were performed. There was nothing I could do for the Order.


    "My point remains: he is no cleric. He betrayed Tahariae and has no place here. I know not how he knew to come here, but someone must remove him."


    Heshakomeu's eye then flicks up to Daniel, awaiting the Itharel's reaction to Katari's attacks.

  10. Heshakomeu's eye narrows at Katari's expletives. "Katari Stirling, we understand your anger, but do not allow it to come out in such passion. It is ill-suited for a mali, and even moreso for a servants of Tahariae. Daniel may not have been present as our Order crumbled, but he is an Itharel of Tahariae; respect that."


    Heshakomeu inclines his head in a nod towards Skale, remaining seated, he looks up at Daniel. "Our pasts do not determine our present, great one. Do not tell me that you have committed no sin before receiving Tahariae's light. We all pursue His grace and purity. Those who claim to and do not, well... They are those who are deserving of the removal of Tahariae's blessing, not those who are lost and deceived by the wicked ways of the impure."


    Heshakomeu's gaze then turns to Jakir. His chin raises slightly and his eye remains narrowed. "Do not speak of following your patron, Jakir. Daniel is right. Our Order and the Chantry have lost sight of the old ways and traditions that I am attempting to record and share with the true servants of Tahariae, and you are one of the greatest contributors to their fading from memory. You created an entire generation of clerics who heard not the old hymns, who learned not the rituals of healing and worship, who followed not the traditions, who slept with whatever flesh they found themselves beside in a tavern. I tried to overlook your transgressions, Jakir. I tried. For all the years I knew you, I tried. But your sins have corrupted the shambles the Order has been left in, and it was only through Katari, one of your apprentices who knew hardly anything of the old ways, that we are reuniting.


    "I called myself the 'Last of the True Priests' for a reason, Jakir. That is because all those so-called 'priests' who learned under you only know healing, the most basic of callings Tahariae has, and that does not make a priest of Tahariae. If you did not know the old ways and instead felt your golden flames were enough to grant your apprentices priesthood, you were mistaken, as you were mistaken in helping a cultist.


    "Leave, Jakir Axem. You may continue to purge those Tahariae deems impure, but this discussion is a matter for the true clerics of Tahariae, not those that prefer good sleep to Tahariae's command and would forget that Tahariae is to be worshiped, not used."

  11. The eye of Heshakomeu Sohae opened immediately after the end of the dream. For a moment, the mali'aheral stared at the sprucewood walls of his new home in Cerulin. The images of his Lord and His command replayed in the priest's mind for several minutes before he slowly sat up.


    "... And I answer your call, Tahariae," whispers Heshakomeu. He slides out of bed and grabs his ritual candles, medallion, wand, several loaves of staling travel bread, and, finally, his carbarum staff. "May Thy Light guide my path."


    Heshakomeu takes care to lock his door before heading off into the mountains, following the beacon. His quest for wisdom was about to be fulfilled.

  12. Posted on noticeboards along the main road and in the Cloud Temple are thin paper fliers. Written in large, clear, and ornate lettering is the following:


    I seek bulk quantities of quartz and glowstone. If you possess either or both of these materials, and would be willing to part with them, send a bird to Heshakomeu Sohae or leave a note below naming your price.


    Many thanks,

    - H


  13. Perhaps a chance system. Roll for remembering. :3


    I too find it rediculous.




    A husband and wife for 5 years get into a fight. The wife kills the husband out of rage. Husband comes back to the house and is okay, having forgot the fight and being attacked by his own wife. They remain together happily ever after!


    How about...no???


    For a wide to kill the man she's been happily married to for five years, it must have been some fight.


    I personally feel that in situations like that, it's fine to remember that you had a fight, but you don't remember how it ended. Or, as someone suggested a while ago, you have an inexplicable aversion/discomfort around her or the area, so you avoid it.


    The whole point of this thread, however, is that you shouldn't kill people cause it erases your memory. Changing the forget rule won't work because then people would just hunt down those that killed them and killing would be even less of a big deal than it already is. No, memory loss is the best way to go.


    I, for one, plus this to infinity. I have had good roleplay when I was killed, but it sucks cause Hesh was never able to remember it :/

  14. MC Name:


    Your Full Name:

    Heshakomeu de Campari Shidari

    Your Age:


    Your Gender:


    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? (Specify if second option):

    With family; an adopted tali’valah son.

    Are you an elf, half elf, or parent of a half elf?:

    I am full mali.

    Of which subrace(s) are you?:


    What skills do you have?:

    I am a priest of Tahariae. I modify weapons, and have some experience smithing them. I also have some history with architectural design and have spent many years working as a scribe.

  15. I play a character who used to cook his own drugs from every hallucinogenic herb and substance he could find. He came up with this thing called 'dreki', which was sort of like a blend between heroin and cocaine in terms of effects. I'd suggest just looking for alchemy herb lore and checking out the effects, theres a good amount that are intoxicants.

  16. Heshakomeu lets out a sigh as he picks the letter up from the Annil'sul balcony outside his apartment. He opens it, and as he reads his single brow contorts in thought. He mutters something under his breath about the procrastination of clerics before returning inside to continue his daily prayers.

  17. Thank you both for your input. I appreciate that the community is actually responding to my ideas.

    1. Not...actually true, as I stated already. The character can explain how the magic affects the body, from healing to side effects to crazy magico-allergic reactions (pretty sure those don't exist). This works quite similarly to when a healer is working on an unconscious patient. There is actually a great thread on this somewhere, but I don't know exactly where it is. If anyone can link it below, that would be great.

    2. Yes, Medicinal Magic is what I was talking about. Yes, I know that that is also not really a magic type in and of itself, but it creates a variety of utilities that, if used creatively, could make iatrocryomancy possible. For example, knowing how to use Arcane Shielding can medicinally can be used to prevent blood vessels from bursting. Just an example, there are lots of options. Creativity is key here. Big thanks to Jade for creating that thread, which is crucial to this thread.

    3. See 1.

    4. I will repeat: we don't need this. That's true. Like most lore, this is not necessary. But it's also not harmful, and it has the potential to be beneficial. So why not?


    1. That's conversation RP. The difference between this cryogenically freezing stuff and healing RP, even if the subject is unconscious, is that the healed subject also emotes the changes affecting their body, or complications of the wound the healer did not originally see. Then, afterwards, the cleric/shaman/druid is tired, and their subject can do as they see fit with them, whether pamper, kick, or simply walk away and ignore them. Mutual RP, loads of fun, everyone goes home happy and with most of their characters' limbs intact. This? You describe side effects, but those come after the thawing process. The process of freezing someone would be instantaneous (at least, according to popular sci-fi and fantasy. If you could provide an example of this being used in an RP scenario, that would be groovy :) ), so the subject would only nod, struggle, or simply lie unconscious while the mage/mages alakazambed ice around him. Its a neat concept, to be sure, but not much RP takes place during and directly after the magical event. 


    2. I'm sorry, not seeing how arcane shielding can be used for that. You'd have to make billions of tiny shields or something around the individual cells, and this is LOTC, I don't think we have cellular theory yet :P


    3. Okay, did so!


    4. While its true lore on fauna and flora isn't really necessary, magic lore is its own thing. All lore on magic that is accepted was necessary before people started using it because it has prominent differences. If there is something that is exactly like necromancy and has no unique qualities, for example, it will get denied. Aengulic evocation also got denied, because it was pretty much evocation, just with a source other than the Void. This magic describes some sort of healing (or anti-injury? anti-damaging?) agent using the Void, which treads on Holy ground. 

  18. I'm sorry, amma say this shouldn't be implemented.


    It creates no roleplay for anybody except the mages. If you are freezing someone to preserve them, then they can no longer play that character until they are thawed and healed. I could understand freezing parts of the body to stop bleeding or something like that, but that's sort of already covered by cryomancy by itself. Besides, you say this magic involves healing magics? To my knowledge, magical healing requires deity help. Druids use the Aspects, clerics use Aenguls of all flavors, shamans/orc magic people use the Spirits. There is Medicinal Magic (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107713-lore-medicinal-magic/), which is a way to use the Void to stop bleeding and stuff. It's not a subtype, per say, but is a way to use Domestic Magic for healing purposes. It doesn't even really heal, it just replaces the need for bandages and casts and stuff.


    So, overall, creates no roleplay for anybody except users of the magic, just bloats magic lore because we already have magic that is / is better than this. 

  19. I like it as an ET race, but not a main race. Spreading us out even more is not a good idea.


    We understand you put some work into it, but unfortunately, some ideas simply don't fly, no matter how much work is put into them.

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