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About Sora

  • Birthday 02/27/1996

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Dalton Felore
  1. What is your name? Maz What race are you? Highlander How old are you? 18 What is your gender? Male Do you bear allegiance to any nation or organisation? If so, which?: No Why do you wish to join the Vigil? What is it you wish to achieve here? I want to learn the ways of magic so that I can defend myself and educate others about the dangers of reckless magic. Do you know magic? If yes, state which kind of magic and how long you have been learning / practicing (in elven days/weeks/months/) No. If you answered no to the previous question, do you wish to learn magic as an apprentice of the Vigil? Yes. What role do you wish to fulfill in the guild? A mage, a mage shield, a mageshadow or other, specialty role that you think you could fufill: A mage. What skills do you possess that make you think you could adequately fulfill this role? I'm a fast learner. What value or moral do you hold closest to your heart? Kindness How far would you go in the pursuit of knowledge? As far as it takes. The Vigil is a family of adventurers and scholars. Are you prepared to be a part of that family? Yes, I am. OOC SECTION Mc name: xatt14 Skype name (can be pmd if you prefer): xatt14 How long have you been on the server? I've been on the server since Asulon and the Cloud Temple. If you are a mage, did you genuinely train and acquire your magical knowledge in game, or gain magic through your backstory? N/A, as I am not a mage
  2. Application ((MC name)) xatt14 ((Time Zone)) -8:00 Pacific Standard Time ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) Everyday, but less on school days (3-4 hours on school days, 6-7 on weekends) Name: Dalton Felore Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Tell us who you are: A discharged Shield Valet Skills: A bit of fighting and deceiving Why do you seek to join us?: I wish to rid Anthos of the unspoken evil that is spread in the roads and terrain and forests in each and every corner of the land. Do you agree to the Honor Code?: Yes.
  3. ((MC Name: xatt14)) Your Name: Maz Bannerman or Worker: Bannerman Skills: Swordmanship 7, Archery 5, Unarmed 19, Stealth 10 Current Residence: None, currently a nomad Are you willing to live in a designated place?: Yes. Do you swear complete loyalty to House Gracchi? (Recite Oath Here): I, Maz, swear my allegiance to the House Gracchi and to the House Gracchi above all and that I will protect the members of the house with my life if need be. I will fight live and die for this house until my period of service is up or so help me god.
  4. username: xatt14 IC name: Maz Age: 20 Race: Human Preferred weapon ((and skill level)): Sword ((Swordmanship: 7, still need some training) Any non-combat skills: Herbalism and Blacksmithing ((Herbalism level 5, Blacksmithing level 5)) How you heard about us: Overheard about it in a conversation in a tavern. Why you wish to join: I wish to help the House Amedaius regain its' power over it's former lands and expand beyond those reaches. I, Maz, pledge my loyalty to the noble members of House Amedaius, and will lay myself on the line to protect them. I will bring honor to the Amedaius name, and keep myself brave, clean, and reverend. God as my witness, I swear.
  5. May I take leadership even though I'm not in the council? I'd like to at least gain some leadership experience.
  6. MC Name: xatt14 RP Name: Umbra Bio ((At least 7 sentences)): As a budding traveler, Umbra saw many varieties of people. However, even as he met many strange people, they were not enough to satisfy his curiosity. He desired to be part of something large, something important. As he walked through many towns, he found many groups, but none of them were exciting enough. For him, exciting meant something shadowy and mysterious. Soon, he heard rumors about the Promethean Cult. He decided to join them for the thrills and mystery surrounding it. Do you accept our rules?: Yes Do you have a VA? If so, what for?: Not yet, but I can make one if you want Are you prepared to undergo our initiation?: Yes Do you consider yourself good at RP?: Yes Have you ever been banned? If so, what for?: Nope Can someone vouch for your RP skills?: Yes, Icelifreakx What position do you aspire to become within the Cult?: Nothing particular, really. I just want to serve the Promethean cult.
  7. Welcome to the server.

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