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Posts posted by Quavinir_Twiceborn

  1. Username Auric_Saint


    Age 19 (turning 20 in June)


    Time Zone EST


    Discord: Quavinir #1445


    Have you been previously banned (be it a forum or server ban) and under what circumstances did you receive this ban?:

    OKEEDOKEE. Wowee.

    I was given a 'suspension' on the forums for posting on a ban appeal way back in the Fringe.


    I believe in Athera I was banned for 2 weeks for persona switching out of combat.


    I've been banned for 3 months for xraying, way back in Vailor but I still to this day claim I didn't.


    I was banned for 3 days for trashing my inventory when bnditted (didnt see it in the rules as disallowed but I will admit it was a garbage judgement.)

    Have you ever received warning points and what did you do to receive those points?:

    Yes, one for predicting apps verdicts which was pretty rude, and another for posting on a ban appeal.

    (I have a few others from me and Lym goofing off seeing if you can get minus warning points, and one from birdwhisperer who didnt see I was allowed to post on a ban report, though she fixed the mistake)

    I havnt had a warning point in over 4 years now.

    Moderating the forums is a very time dependent staff position. How much time, on average, would you be able to dedicate to moderating?:

    Varies madly, but roughly about 4-7 hours a day. I have a morning job which allows me to have most of the day free.

    Have you ever held a staff position here on LoTC? Do you currently hold any other staff positions? If so, list them and highlight something about the team that you enjoyed/enjoy:

    Application team for almost 5 years.

    I enjoy doing tasks of review and paperwork, and enjoy having a significant separation from one's duties ingame and on the forums. I am pre-disposed to liking things being on the forums.

    Why should you be a FM? What can you bring to our team in regards to moderating and enforcing the rules on the forums?

    I am a hardass with rules, and will faithfully follow any standards set down to the absolute letter. This is both a negative and positive trait in my opinion. I am postulative in my thinking and will faithfully serve out any duty I am told to do, given I understand it. If it is written down I can usually understand it super well.

    I like to think of myself as a standup player, and I have dealt with my fair share of rage, angst, and even DDossing (I didnt ddos someone, I got ddos'd) so I believe I have the constitution to deal with the rowdy maelstrom we call the LOTC forums.

    Likewise, I've had my fair share of time on the forums. I mean- come on, just lookit that post count ?

    What traits do you have that make you stand out from any other applicant?:

    I am analytical, slow to anger, have alot of free time

    Are you familiar with ModeratorCP?

    YES, actually, I've been ont he AT a good while and have become pretty familiar with it.


    How long do you plan to stay on the team?:


  2. Magical Artifact Application format:

    Format your title as follows: [MArt] Name of Artifact


    Name of Artifact: Elviscr-Hoggvatolr (Old norse for literally 'encahnted carving tool)


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations: No


    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Auric_Saint


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Quavinir


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Auric_Saint


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Quavinir


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please:   https://imgur.com/a/czamcqw


    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):  A chisel with a glowing, hot looking blade, that is cool to the touch, with a treated yew wood haft. The blade of the chisel would seem to look orange hot, as if it was just heated in a flame, yet it is cool to the touch. The chisel bears a round yew wood haft, treated with linseed oil, giving it a shiny finish. At the base of the blade, a single 'ᛏ' rune is etched into it. The chisel's edge has been well sharpened, making it look quite suitable for use for etching. [For info on use, consort "Elviscr-Hoggvatolr" MArt page]


    Effect(s) of Artifact: The Artifact is a chisel imbued with Yeuflame, making it glow a bright orange as if from a flame. The artifact can be used to chisel runes, or to break things apart with extreme ease, yet only certain items. as according to Yeuflame, it can never be used in combat, it follows a morality, and can only be used on things the user is /allowed/ to use on, (cant be sued to break into things, break the things of others, or to vandalize.)


    The chisel itself can be used to brand or etch runes onto items or structures with extreme ease, almost being as easy as writing with a pen. Likewise, it can be used to carve into, or to carve things apart as if like butter to a knife, though not affect other items as wished by the user. (It can be set on a table and not burn a table, yet than be used to etch into stone, as is the user's whims). It is a tool of extreme utility. 


    Red Lines of Artifact:


    -Artifact cannot be used in combat, or on anything alive.


    -Artifact cannot be used on anything the user is not explicitly allowed to use it on.


    -Artifact cannot be used for vandalism, break ins, graffitti, destruction of property, or any other malignant use.


    -The chisel bears no heat, or effect against anything alive, undead, a played construct, or any such 'alive' being.


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed): The chisel is 'imbued' (for lackj of a better term) with Yeuflame. It had yeuflame cast /into/ it, hence imbueing the chisel with the extreme selective heating effects of the Yeuflame, hence allowing it to carve or etch into things with such ease, yet be completely useless on that which is alive. 


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 0


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Yup


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: nope

  3. MC Name:Tarir


    Character's Name: Ethan Iscariot


    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Elf


    Transformed form: Chimaera (mixed with a miniature cow.)


    Creator's MC Name: JuniperSelkie


    Creator's RP Name:  Vendel/Briar


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

     A chimera is an alchemical infusion between one or more creatures, in the case of the chimaera I am playing, he is a mix between a animal, and a person,


    Chimeras are standardly made with through the mixing together of 2 creatures through a substance called 'Essence of Life', which binds the two creatures together. Abominations of alchemy, they're rejected by the gods both of the land and the 7 skies, being unable to use any druid or most holy magic. Chimeras are creatures of forced un-duality, and their two split halves conflict and meld into one another, creating a being completely unique, yet derivative in the highest order.

    Chimeras, unlike their other alchemical life counterpart, the homunculus, are not malignant, nor are they soulless. Though held sway by their animalistic urges, chimera themselves remain who they're mentally initially. Though as they grow older, a chimera is more susceptible to their animal instincts. A chimeras' diet is defined very much so by the animal they're mixed with, a person mixed with a carnivore shall be carniverous, a person mixed with a herbivore shall be herbivorous.


    A creature of fundamental different respiration systems shall not be able to mix together. A fish shall not be able to mix with a bird, and so forth.


    Ethan, as a cow chimera is surprisingly bland ability wise. The most notable and useful of his abilit to simply move his eyes somewhat independently from one another, allowing him notable peripheral vision. He is now set to a vegetarian diet, and sees fit to chew whatever food he ingests to a ludicrous degree, chewing food far longer than required (many times simply chewing a single bit for minutes on end before swallowing). He has a natural affinity to eat greens and grains, and will go into a mild erratic state if he is fed beef.  Appearaence wise, odd splotches of discolored skin have come along his body, as well as 2 small horns having sprouted from his forehead, a short, flicking cow-tail has likewise extended out from his spine.  Notably, if he was eaten, his meat would taste like beef.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes I am


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:  


  4. Quavinir, upon hearing of Jhazeem's demise sighed. It was vexxing to him when he was right in his predictions of impending self-inflicted demise.  He felt no joy in Jhazeem's death. He worked his forge silently, and meditated in his heart upon the demise of the bryophyte.  He hoped in death he had reached understanding, let go of his evil and hatred, found peace.


    That day Quavinir made a bronze cup, not much different than the hundreds he had made before,  aside from a small engraving on the rim of the base of the cup.


    REST IN PEACE, JHAZEEM  The First Seed, 1658 


    And with that it had passed. 

  5. 1264c9f620e5f490e005320d658fa9fba9433ff2


    I am... somewhat surprised about all this.


    I dont want, nor have I ever wanted a proper disconnection like with the cleric groups with Yeu magic. I put in the lore that characters can choose to drop it themselves, but I in no way shape or form endorse, condone, approve, or like this addition, at all. 


    I wrote the 'Enaction of Yeu Lore' as I wanted, and though there're some clarifications and additions I want for enaction- this is by no means one of them, and I wholey disapprove of this amendment.



    2 hours ago, Chryosaurus Rex said:


    May i also again mention that this is one of the lore pieces where Auric wants something done but its not in lore so he writes a piece of lore exclusively for himself or his clique to get said thing done once than made impossible again. Just something i want to note.


  6. MC Name:Tarir


    Character's Name: Ethan Iscariot


    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Elf


    Transformed form: Chimaera


    Creator's MC Name: JuniperSelkie


    Creator's RP Name:  Vendel/Briar


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

     A chimera is an alchemical infusion between one or more creatures, in the case of the chimaera I am playing, he is a mix between a animal, and a person,


    Chimeras are standardly made with through the mixing together of 2 creatures through a substance called 'Essence of Life', which binds the two creatures together. Abominations of alchemy, they're rejected by the gods both of the land and the 7 skies, being unable to use any druid or most holy magic. Chimeras are creatures of forced un-duality, and their two split halves conflict and meld into one another, creating a being completely unique, yet derivative in the highest order.


    Ethan, the chimera I am playing has been merged with a iguana. Endowed with a tail, a wretched yellow skin tone (with a smattering of scales), prominant yet blunted teeth, mildly elongated arms and hands, and janked up eyes, Ethan notably has gained little in the ways of abilities. He is sensitive to changes in temperature, and must do what he can do to remain in a warmer climate, or to keep himself warm should it become cold. He is weak to all the things chimeras are weak to (holy magic, blight, gold, ) though his animalistic tendencies are somewhat bland, due to what he was mixed with. He has been forced onto a vegetarian diet due to his animal component, and he is predisposed to spend large amounts of time sitting around in the sun, climbing random things, and wipping his tail about when threatened.. He is effectively sterile, and cannot breed.


    Commissioned artwork (By Chibisaru on tumblr) to show what this character looks like:








    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes I am


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  7. Quavinir sighs after reading the letter, rather silently giing a prayer of intercession for Amuril's happiness and health, and a futher prayer of thankfulness for not being publically called out for anything upon Amuril's departure.

  8. I am admittedly very very apprehsive about the addition of any form of firearms back onto Lord of The Craft. Medesculators were an absolute trainwreck.


    Likewise, the Anthos magic blasters were removed, cause you could shoot, than get your sword back out for the cooldown, than upon the cooldown finishing have another shot loaded and ready. This made them not a roleplyable magic staff, but an auto-reloading bazooka.


    The magic staves in Anthos likewise had a small damage output, and were heavilly abused. Imagine how bad it would get if able to defeat people in one hit!


    There will need to be heavy changes to achieve any sort of balance mechanically.

  9. Cream-blight-shroom



    (Yours truly)

    Habitat: Irregular: Discarded/Dead Sugar Canes


    Brief summary of the plant





    A small purple mushroom with white spots, usually ranging from 1-6 inches tall when mature, that commonly grows on discarded sugar cane, yet can be harvested, and eaten. 


    The Cream-Blight-Shroom is a unique mushroom that grows in heaps of discarded sugarcane. Though such would be rare naturally, due to the commonality yet lack of uses for common sugarcane in farms, it is not uncommon for such to be harvested yet discarded immediately. The Cream-Blight-Shroom earn the 'blight' part of its name due to its tendency to grow on such dead sugarcane with an alarming speed, completely covering a discarded or dead sugarcane in as short as 2 weeks. These mushrooms mature in a matter of days, and begin releasing spores which likewise mature just as fast, until all the dead sugarcane in the area has been infested, and consumed.


    Though, the most interesting quality of this mushroom is its oddly delicious taste. Though nutritionally bankrupt, lacking any notable calories, vitamins, or anything of note (though oddly enough not poisonous, the mushroom tastes oddly like vanilla cream. (Quite possibly gaining a sweet taste due to it's exclusive diet of sugarcane.) It is well suitable for culinary use, or even intentional cultivation.

    Lore Origin: Found naturally occuring in Atlas.


    LM Approval Required:


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