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Posts posted by aron.

  1. The modreq's is a big one for me. I found myself making a lot of modreq's, and lots of the time it seemed like they were doing it because they have to, and not because they want to. Every time i make a modreq, I am sure to talk with the GM, in a friendly (dare I say canadian) manner, and more often than not, they are all business and flat out grumpy.

    A lot can be taken from shift, when he goes about his work, doing modreq's. Every time shift answered a modreq, he made sure to talk to the player, and answer in a professional, lighthearted way. It's amazing how there are all these barriers between the players, and GM's, yet the lead dev. was perfectly capable of relating to even the noobiest of players (Not a week after I joined the server, during a modreq, at the end shift said "G'night. Shift loves you all <3").

  2. I am more than likely mistaken (I know very little about elven lore), but I am pretty sure both those cities are home to a different race of elf, that you need apply for separately. Try browsing the forums under the elven roleplay section, and see what you can find. If i find any other useful info on either city, I will PM you. Good luck with your app~

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