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Posts posted by aron.

  1. As Aron crawled towards Wocket's home, blood rushing from his wounds, he realized the danger it would bring upon his wife, and child. In these moments he thought of anything he could do, to cling onto life.

    He threw off his bloody coat, and used his shirt as a make shift bandage, leaving the rest behind. He desperately crawled from the scene of the crime, to the banks of Solace river. Knowing certain death would await him, if he stayed behind, he dropped himself into the river. His whereabouts are now unknown.

  2. Yes the server is currently down, weather it is a DDOS or not - I can't tell because Vaquxine is the only one who has access to the console.

    As soon as I get in touch with Vaquxine, I will let everyone know just where the fundraiser donations will go ~

    As for those who have sent kind words, thank you - much appreciated <3

    Ah, that clears things up. Thanks for keeping everyone informed, shift.

  3. There are many things illegal, yet they do happen.

    It is legal in some countries, indeed. A nice suggestion would be - cough - contacting or getting help, which is in some countries legal. There are many people who can offer you these services. And they aren't hard to be found at all, look into it Vaq.

    ( I even know some of them, well )


    But infact: If I would like to do such a thing I would not need more then one single email. To be honest, I would only need my own email. The things that can be used for this are often called Bullets or BulletShells, they are simple injections which some people can shoot into your computer, to say it the easy way.

    What that means is, even you can have such a program on your computer now, will you notice something of it ? No.

    What are the good points for the DDoS'ers, simple. They don't need a budget to do this.

    These "BulletShells / Bullets " can be found easily on google and they are free, most of the time.

    So let's put it in an other vision, it could be your own computer that is helping the DDoS'ers.

    So run a virusscan, if you wouldn't mind.

    You can't know which qualities this person has. It can be a good one or a bad one. Even a Skitler that is simply using one program and gets paid for it by the real hacker.

    Anti-DDoS scripts can help, indeed.

    Are they your best option, in my own oppinion and from my own experience: No.

    Please refere to the place where I told how your own computers can be infected.

    I myself, found this rather a bright idea. ^^

    It's true, it isn't hard ot pull a DDoS'er down once you found their server.

    It is hard to find them.

    But I don't think that they would use more than 7 shadows as that would greatly decrease their functionality and efficienty.

    Now what could be done is, but it takes a lot of time ( I know out of my own experience ).

    Counter DDoS'ing is a great risk.

    You will have to use a secondary server as you really don't want to have them use a secondary one while you are trying to DDoS them.

    They will fire at you with two of them.

    Instantly pulling you down and keeping you down.

    ( It's a risk you could take. )

    ( Or it's a risk you can let be taken. )

    DDoS'ing is illegal, sometimes.

    You also go to jail for stealing candy.

    If he was caught then he wasn't good enough in what he did.

    It isn't stupid, with saying that you more or less call my life stupid..

    Too many people speak about anonymous.

    There have been much much greater breaches done by many others.

    Examples: GHT and DHA

    Anonymous is merely a beginner compared to these people.

    ( And yes, I do know how good these people are as I speak to them weekly. )

    Please, once again.

    Refere to where I explain that your own computers can be infected.

    EDIT: As you have said yourself, Availer.

    It happens on a regular basis.

    Which means that it has been programmed and automatised.

    Which means that it could have been fully thrown into a program and be distributed among many countries.

    Which means that there would be a general link as I don't think that everyone here has gotten "oh a mail ", hehe.

    Which means that it is not unlikely that your server, Vaq.

    Has already been hacked since a longer time ago.

    In fact it is not hard to do so.

    As at the first times people don't think all too bad.

    But if one would have injected a BulletShell that would mean that he could also distrubute through tunneling.

    Of course you could of noticed this.

    But you also sleep, just like me.

    Now where the funny thing of this all comes is that it may even be so that you haven't protected your server against itself.


  4. *Aron stands at the gate, watching Galendar about to leave the city*

    "You're doing it again. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you. prove me wrong. Wait out this suspension, rather than making things worse. Wait and think about your actions, and the end result, or you will end up hurting a lot of people. Yourself, included"

  5. *walks in, slamming his fist on the table*

    "Enough! Galendar, Shieldings is high gladius, for this reason. You let your emotions get the better of you, and turn into a moron! You're lucky I haven't fired you yet. Hell, i had a special position for you, and now you have soured my opinion on that. Learn to calm your ass down, and then you will be allowed back in commission. You are, hereby suspended from the Gladiants."

  6. (( not true galendar. I fired you before you got banned, because you lost control of your emotions. I have a new job for you anyway.))

    *Aron is sitting on the throne as Erisa enters. He seems to have a certain glow to him, as he wears his new gold circlet on his head. He smiles seeing his friend enter*

    (( just rescene your entry, Erisa))

  7. Right so i did some searching and i found this post : http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1428239-for-those-being-ddosd-found-protection/

    and basicly it suggests to use this site for protection from DDOS, it protects up to 10Gb of DDOS and the best part is, it may be free. http://javapipe.com/web/ddos_mitigation.html look at the bottom of that page.

    Edit : Heres another post about the DDOS and that javapipe is offering ddos protection against the mine craft ddoser http://forums.spout.org/threads/herocraft-dev-being-ddosd-by-spunkiie-craftlandia-server.4562/

    That seems like it would work. I would be more than willing to donate 50$ towards that

  8. (( We need someone to play as our child. You may choose the gender, as well. We live in salvus, where i am the Mayor, and Wocket is a local merchant. You can do with the character as you like, just keep it within reason during childhood. The baby will be born september 24, and you don't have to play as the baby during its infancy. Message either me, or emraldilian if you're interested. ))

  9. *Beladin sees the note, and smiles at the mention of Jess. He leaves a letter, saying...

    Jess, we have not met in a long time. I shall try to get you some more decent clothing as soon as possible. Payment may not be necessary, old friend.

    ...and so, strolls away weary as the yellow sun meets the horizon in the distance.

    After a few days, he arrives, and seeing nobody, he leaves a crate with the clothes, and a sketch of what Jess would look like if he wore them.



    I think it looks great

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