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Posts posted by aron.

  1. Aron sees the not, and is anxious to bake again. He sends out his bird as fast as he can "I have more bread than you could ever eat! The more you buy, the cheaper it gets! 160 minas for a crate full of bread ((2.5 minas a piece))." Aron, in his excitement, finished the letter. It is written in very sloppy writing

  2. Aron walks into the throne room, with Artorus Hightower at his side, and bows before speaking

    "Greetings, your majesty. I am here with Artorus Hightower, Lancel's son, to recommend he be a squire under you, like his father was as a child. I believe it would be beneficial for another Hightower to study under yourself, so he may too be a powerful leader and knight of Oren. It is my hope that he will one day be a knight, and do Salvus, and Oren proud. I trust the rest of the Hightowers will agree, as well yourself." Aron gives Artie a slight elbow, signalling for him to bow before the emperor.

  3. Dennis the Peasant stumbles in through the doors, his brown discolored rags that make up his clothing are drenched with rainwater. With the removal of his ragged hood, to which a patch was stitched on, he shakes his mottled dirty blonde hair out, shivering a moment as he makes his way off to an empty booth. Sliding into the wooden booth, he positions himself in the center, grinning widely, but not for show of joy. He wedges a finger into his teeth, picking out a few remnants of green from the grass he was eating prior to his arrival. Turning now to the approaching barmaid, he wipes his finger on his chest -- the rags being dirty and disheveled anyway -- and speaks to her with a low common tongue.

    "Oi, 'ow's about a rightful mug'ah mead fer a good workin' man jus' earned 'is daily bread?"

    "Certainly, sir. I'll fetch it right away."

    "Now that's a good girl, that is."

    Dennis leans back in the booth now, showing a grin with intent for happiness this time. He begins to whistle calmly, of a song all too familiar to him.

    ((denis the peasent? XD monty python rocks!))

    Aron peers in the doorway of the tavern and gingerly smiles to the small barkeep

    "All is well, i trust?"

    The bartender, although still slightly rattled from being barked at, nods hastily "A-Aye, lord Aron"

    Aron gives him one more reassuring nod, and returns to into the streets

  4. The removal of this system is good, but i do not think it should have been removed before the new one was ready. My concerns do not focus on pvp, but more so on people "playing to win". Everyone is going to do as much as they can in the next coming days. An example of what i am thinking is blacksmiths turning all of their diamonds into tools, while the success rate is 100%. Still, very proud of our new coders, and the overall progress to the removal of the clunky skill system (It's just a recycled version of mcmmo, as is).

  5. (( ah. void what i said before, let's just do this instead))

    Aron stands watching the strange man speak of Solace. He crosses his arms, but says nothing, as he leans against one of the pillars. His head shoots up at the voice of his majesty, king James

  6. Abdul Mudee enters the Throne Room, his attire is of fine silk robes and woolen cloth. Abdul speaks to the Scribe giving him his name and purpose. Abdul presses forward towards the King, when he finally is before him he kneels and speaks.

    "Your Imperial Majesty, I am Abdul Mubdee, Horseman of Ildon and Ager and I come to you today to speak of political matters, specifically the matters of Solace. I am afraid to report to you that Solace has been neglected. In my recent days I have visited the city and I have seen all but prosperity; the city is known as a market city, but it seems only to have one shop that actively trades, the city runs ramped with thieves and assassins and the guard can not protect its own people or even its own Lord, and the city has few inhabitants. This 'neglection' must come to an end."

    "The reason Solace can not prosper is because it lacks leadership. Lord Aron has neglected his city, he has not been in it for weeks, I hope not that the Lord died and this is the reason for his absence, but this problem has been ongoing even before his disappearance. I wish to quell the city's problems, by reinvigorating its economy, bringing help to better train its guard force to deal with the thieves and in turn creating a safe city with a thriving economy that attracts people to it. I am by all means qualified to do this as well, I am a businessman and understand how to attract men and women to purchase my products as well as I have served under and closely observed how Lord Artorus and Lord Therving lead their towns. Now, I could go on about my plan on how to tend to the city's problems as I have a plan of action with me, but I wish not to bore you Your Imperial Majesty, unless you wish to hear it. Hear me out though, I wish for Lord Aron to be removed and for myself to be appointed as Lord of Solace."

    "I stand before you alone Your Imperial Majesty, but Lord Throdo Therving himself has vouched for me to become Lord of Solace and perhaps Lord Artorus, however I have yet to receive word back from him. Your Majesty, do you wish for me to go on and present my full plan to you or shall you make your decision?"

    Abdul stays kneeled before the King, awaiting his response.

    (( I'm not the lord of the city, i am the lord of my household. I am the chancellor, so you may want to either change "lord" to "chancellor" or "Aron" to "king James"))

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