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Everything posted by BraumBi

  1. "A tired yellow bird spreads it's wings, stretching from a long journey. It drops a tiny letter enclosed with old string" Dear officials of The Gladiants Many great thanks for restructuring the ways of the keeps for the better of Solace. In deep respect, I apologize for not keeping the oath of the old Hightowers. I left for my own personal greed, to understand things I could not of taken granted of from what Solace had to offer, things were I had to go far away just to understand. Even though I haven't committed all my life to Solace, I still wish to be part of Solace later on in the future, as it thought me so much, and I am willing to reapply and serve when the time is right. I do wonder If I could still serve in the future, as I would have to travel back, which will take months or even years to get back to Solace. Sincerely, Shini
  2. can't get passed your avatar, it's to lolifull

  3. Application for House HighTower Minecraft Name: ((BrianAure)) In-Character name: Shini What race are you : Elf Have you ever lived in Solace: "I've traveled to the fields of Solace, but I never had the chance to settle in their soil. Their establishment seems very defined, so I may live there while attempting to pay off my dues, by working there." Did anyone direct you to joining, if so who: Sir Galthor of Hightower, A Man I sought on the interiors of the Cloud Temple. He was recruiting people and has directed me, in addition to the whole, to this guild. He navigated me and the other recruit's way to the Solace. 5. "I must protect my fellow brothers." *With great might I attempted to call out the others, and alert Serjeant Galthor that orcs are penetrating our taverns. As the sejeant rushes to protect his king, he ordered me to stay guarded, and protect the people. I followed the rules, and as the orcs attempted to savage on the man, I get my sword and slice them with a fierce attack that potentially disarm them for the time being, bringing them to their knees, I call out my higher beings, "what to do with them?". They handled the rest of them, while I brought the man to medics to see if there is hope. I, Shini, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, James Hightower and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Shini.
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