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Implementation Coordinator
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Posts posted by Kaiser

  1. Plate armor is the default due to the fact it's the most bang for your buck. Why make chain when you can wear plate? No downsides to it.

    In real life, a full set of plate in medieval times cost good money, and required a skilled smith and the time to make the set. On lotc it's a handful of cheap iron and a crafting bench. Level to entry is nothing, and while most games get around this by limiting plate through skills/traits such as a Strength skill, LoTC doesn't do that. Since we don't want to add that, plate will remain the status quo. That's dumb, but to fix it requires changes that your team (nor any staff team) won't want to make, for better or worse.


    As for ranged weapons, they're shit, but they're also shit in real life. There weren't any Legolas types in reality. For most of human history bowmen or any ranged weaponry units existed to stand in lines and widdle down infantry from far, far away. Single archers were useless. You wanted QUANTITY of arrows fired at your enemy more than anything else. You'd want 60 decent archers instead of 1 great archer. And you'd be a distance away. English longbows, which had great power and range, went upwards to 200 feet, more if you were strong and skilled with it, AND could puncture plate armor. On LoTC, 1 block is about a meter, so that's 300 blocks away.

    No one roleplays shooting arrows from 300 blocks away. No one roleplays against anyone 300 blocks away. If you're an archer, you have a crap bow that can't puncture the armored platemail knight rushing at you from 20 feet away. Good luck. Even if you do hit a shot, you won't do much.

    Maybe whoever is reading this finds this truth to be unfun. I'd agree. But to change it you gotta make come big changes to CRP or other factors of LoTC, and none of the community will accept that, nor do the staff seem interested.

  2. Regardless of your stance on this topic, it always amazes me when these sorts of topics come up on racism or homophobia and whether we should ban it, or what not, but still have the juxtaposition of extreme violence being allowed. For instance, you mentioned crucifixion of homosexuals by crusaders. The issues you have is that they're being crucified for being gay, but the actual act of crucifying someone, basically torturing them to death, isn't even mentioned as odd.

    I don't have a 'point' to that, but food for thought. We tend to be against obscenity against protected groups, but not against the obscenity itself. 

  3. Hello everyone. Just thought I'd pop in as Implementation Team Manager. Just so everyone is aware, I do very much care about your feedback on realms, nations, the economy, and such. A lot of things suggested are things we're aware of or have floated between us. I'm planning on making a post that better communicates everything I've seen, and everything we've talked about behind closed door, so that the community can see and hear what we're planning. Thanks guys.

  4. Interesting RP to be had from it, but as others have said it's not actually effective at winning you the war unless you basically just OOCly demoralize your enemy. In which case... kinda lame.

    That being said, the culture on the server has very little "This is a fun and interesting idea" and a lot of "Is this effective to us winning" when it comes to wars/politics. Not even the player's fault, they need to protect their realms or nations. Very sad.

  5. On 10/18/2023 at 1:27 AM, Llir said:

    i announced there would backpay a week before i started calculating it, which was already weeks later than the original upkeep start date we had planned at map launch, this is no surprise


    there are two things in this world that can be said to be certain

    Attention players I have decided to bomb Kowaman's house and this error of 'taxes' is being rectified, worry not

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