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Implementation Coordinator
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Posts posted by Kaiser

  1. Although I am not an orc, I have shouldn't be putting my hat in this, I must say that the mean, rude, stupid, big, grunting, angry orcs, are cliche. Yes, it is their lore to be such, but one orc is just a clone o the last, angry, hungry, stupid. I feel like having orcs that differ from that with their own twist but still keep to the compounds of original orcs are the most interesting. This being a very kind orc who's stupid, or a very angry orc who actually has a brain.

  2. Richard Takes a moment, staring at the large tree in the island of Kalos. Apples have been dropping onto peoples heads from this tree, odd enough only from this tree. Either from his Swift kick to the head recently, or the fact Richard is overall bonkers, he decides the tree is sentient. It seem to dislike whatever comes near it.


    Just to be sure he grabs a piece of plank wood, and draws on it using some nearby coal. "Grumpy Tree" he writes, and goes over to the tree. He nails in the post with his shovel, and looks at it. Sure enough, an apple dropped on his head.


    ((Just something funny and interesting to add to the new island, as it seems somewhat bland...))

  3. That's why I did not ''Punish him'' just tried to tell him not to do what he did, as he neither hold a position to do so or assigned to do so by the Administration. 


    On a side note: I did not forthright agree Hawk was right and you were a bad guy of sorts, but I apologies as I did beleive Hawk slightly.

  4. Do they manage LoTC?  No.  Can they do anything about this?  No.  The administration does, if they even want to do anything.


    France* during the 1700s.

    The political people held ALL power, but the sheer number of pissed off peasants was the downfall.

    History lesson, Teacher: Cow 

  5. This has nothing to do with admins growing corrupt with power & etc. A dispute was had over the handling of an issue pertaining to LotC, in which two Admins disagreed with Hawk representing the server's interests in a potentially legal manner. The administration will post a more "official" explanation soon.


    Thanks for cearing that up

    Or should I say "TH...THANKS"

  6. From your statement, you think it is whole group. But, there is the question, once someone gets so powerful, is there anything the group can do? The answer, many times, is no. You only have to look to history to see this.


    This isn't 5th century Europe, man.

    People don't just get "Too powerful" :P

  7. Banned becaus you have been-

    -Power gaming

    -Meta gaming

    -No-RP Killing

    -OOCly rude

    -ICly rude

    -Breaking Lore

    -Using non-accepted Lore

    -being fat

    -being a noob

    -being ugly

    -being stupid

    -disrespecting the trolls

    -not being a troll

    -drink tea and not ale

    -not smoking a pipe like a man

    -Pooping on old man Jenkin's lawn

    -Not being a Hobbit

    -Not being a Hobbit again


    -Several ounces of cocaine found on you

    -Murder ICly without a VA

    -Murder ICly with a VA

    -Murder OOCly without a VA

    -Again, not being a Hobbit

    -being an American

    -Not being an American

    -Eating bananas on Tuesdays

    -Hobbits again

    -trying to be cool

    -trying to be funny

    -trying to be a staff member


    -Selling ale to miners

    -Making bad jokes

    -Making good jokes that are bad

    -Sleeping upside down

    -Being atop a bottom of a side

    -doing simple math

    -Failing to apply to the server

    -Trying to join to 'You're Banned Game' without an app

    -Have vry bid gramer

    -Being a soulstoner

    -Not Roleplaying

    -Roleplaying badly

    -Roleplaying at all






    -Hi Mom!

    - For *********************************************************** and also ****





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