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Status Updates posted by Tunika04

  1. For gods sake...... I dont use nodus... I PLAY The game

  2. Please stop stalking me :/

  3. *sigh* This is the main troll who downgraded my rep majorly over nothing... I hate idiots in LoTC

  4. Alot of people are convincing me to apply for app team. I will give it a go,wish me luck

  5. I am so dumb :P It took me 2 weeks to realize that leveling up blacksmithing is smelting cobble, I figured It would be repairing or crafting gear XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda thought and thought before she tried cobble. ^ ^

    3. Tunika04


      My cobble keeps turning out into nothing..... apparently there is a bug that wont let cobble smelt... which means I wont go anywhere for now. I want it fixed so I can start making my own tools :P Why i started in the first place... and helping others craft tools.

    4. Tunika04


      The bug is fixed now

  6. A new life must be brought to me.....My RP makes me want to move to new city :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tunika04


      The only problem Draeren... is that Jade framed me for wishing to assassinate the king...for which is why I may be considering...although I honored and protected to royal family *tears* It depends on what happens so far in Enismor....

      P.S. I love how noone realized that my character needs medical attention XD

    3. lordchaos13


      No i am Subudai i just vist Estimor alot.

    4. lordchaos13


      No i am Subudai i just vist Estimor alot.

  7. Man, First day on the server..... It is only.. GREAT! The best server by far, voted and all. Also great RPing happening right now :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is glad you like it! ^ ^

    3. Tunika04


      Excited for youtube video recording

    4. gingernut97


      Well done, enjoy your travels!

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