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Status Updates posted by Aura

  1. Should I apply for AT? What do you think?

  2. I impaled my right hand palm on a pencil on accident yesterday...Ow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aura


      Advice for everyone: Never impale your hand on a pencil. It will hurt.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Did you really impale it? I feel like of you have a pencil through your hand you'd be in the hospital.

    4. Aura


      Impale impale? Like all the way through? No, but I did cut through a good few layers of skin.

  3. Finally reading The Last Apprentice series. Don't read it after dark, seriously.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bangi
    3. SpiltMemes


      I love the series, I still need the last three ;-;

    4. Aura


      I started it today and am on page 250 something. It's awesome.

  4. Oh, hey, I'm back. Yeah. Okay.

    1. Guest


      Have you seen Game of Thrones?

  5. Woohoo! 100 Forum Posts! ...That's not a lot. I should probably work on it. 

  6. Too. Much. Homework. Trying to get all long term assignments and study guides made so that way all I have to do is study for tests over Labor Day weekend, which is Saturday and Sunday + Monday and Tuesday for us. 4 day weekend requires hard work, unfortunately. 

  7. Just wrote a 6.5 page Character Profile...urgh, formatting.

  8. The new website is interesting...It's not my favorite, but I'll get used to it. 

  9. The signatures had most of everybody's character profiles in them...They were interesting to read. Or they sometimes contained useful information, like if that person was a member of the staff team etc. 

  10. I'll be back on LoTC tonight! 

  11. All long term projects and homework is now complete for the weekend plus my 2 extra days off because of Labor Day from school. Just have to study for 1 test over the weekend that's next Thursday every day and I should be good to go. Woohoo!

  12. Bugging this. Asking if you've seen me in WS chat to check out my AT app... https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133254-william3677s-at-application/

  13. Aura

    *stalks wall* Seems reasonable to not be accepting Druids or Kha. 

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