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~Kitty~ (Kat)

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Status Updates posted by ~Kitty~ (Kat)

  1. It seems that every time my family comes home from somewhere, they bring me food...

    1. EmeraldStag


      Good or Bad XD?

    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Not sure.. I guess icecream is good, right?!

  2. I'm feeling in the LoL mood. Message if you want to add me?..

  3. YES!!!! Yes yes yes yes yes!!

  4. i think i should go to bed considering it is 3:20 AM where i am at

  5. Forum people, Y u no on? D:

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Aw its so chubby xD I'm on my phone so I can't post a link to my lizard

    3. walter fancy pants
    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      We reached max comments D: FUUUU

  6. :D

    1. Mr_Boomer337


      I hope you get accepted. Just looked over your app. Looks fine, my best of wishes to you.


      GrossBergmann Firali

    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)
  7. Stupid LoL client I hate you so much.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      Sent~ I am voidknightmare on there, whenever you feel up to a game hit me up!

    3. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Alright thanks :3

    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      I was offline when you sent the request so it didn't go through v.v

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