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~Kitty~ (Kat)

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Status Updates posted by ~Kitty~ (Kat)

  1. Forget "Edward" or "Jacob" or Twilight. I LOVE LEGOLAS!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      c: one of the most attractive people in all of of that trilogy..

    3. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Did not mean two of's to be there.. oops

    4. Praetor


      Nub! Grima is the sexiest. C:

  2. If you're in a bad mood just watch this, lol

    1. Sweord


      Lol. That was pretty good. xD

    2. Korvic


      Will smith, will smith, will smith, NO.

    3. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)


  3. I'm in a good mood. I unexpectedly found a shirt today for super cheap that looks like an elven shirt.

  4. Luclin lied to me on Wolv's livestream! he said he doesn't like food when I asked him if he liked chicken o:

  5. Reasons why I don't cook: I burnt a bag of popcorn. Just the bag...and the bag won't open..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      It's okay. I've been known to burn water.

    3. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      I'm actually eating this popcorn, and it tastes interesting.

    4. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      That is quite the skill you have there... I dub thee, The Carbon Chef

  6. Saw an "FX" show today.. felt like I went to a rave


  8. My cat just tried to jump out of my lap and failed, resulting in him FALLING off my lap, and managing to scratch my arm and leg T,T"

    1. Strawberry114


      Is the cat ok???

    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Lol yeah he is fat though so once he got his claws in me he fell quick

  9. Cause baby we'll be At the drive-in In the old man's ford Behind the bushes Till I'm screamin' for more Down the basement Lock the cellar door And baby -

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ... what? o.O

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Making a ban report for cybering, good luck Trololol

    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      It's a song -.-" by Poison, geesh don't you people know music? :P

  10. http://imgur.com/XcnQA There is my drawing. :) I edited out my signature because it is kind of legible..
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neri


      I love the hair! looks very windy there :P

    3. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      datz pretteh gewd

    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      c: thank you both

  11. That is because walruses are aderpable :3

  12. :D drew up Rin earlier, scanning it tomorrow. Night LOTC! ~

  13. "Sideburns, on the side of my face. As my head turns, you can see they're in the same place on either - Sideburns, they can't be replaced" :D Toby Turner, I love you.. XD

  14. I've had a long day. Goodnight people of LOTC, sleep well for me since that won't be happening here..

  15. PWI All day erryday ... Finally cooled off, I'm not really angry anymore..

  16. Ohgodyes. A SONG ABOUT SIDEBURNS. I love you Tobuscus!

  17. I absolutely hate people sometimes. You can't tell me what isn't offensive to me. Only I know what I'm offended by, you have no power over that, okay?

  18. I have some of the coolest shirts ever O.O

    1. Praetor


      I will fight you on that point. o3o

    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      Batman shirt with a cape, Black white & red AC/DC UK tour tshirt, red white & blue iron man tshirt.

  19. Look at mah walrus, mah walrus' amazin' ;D

    1. Baconthief


      That is one fine walrus :)

    2. Baconthief


      That is one fine walrus :)

  20. Was playing ARAB in LoL today, got a double with a Janna tornado after I died.

  21. I need more people for LoL D: trying to get a full team working for now because I have nothing better to do..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. EmeraldStag
    3. Enthreri


      LoL is lame, SC2 is ten times the game LoL will ever be. We even scream louder at MLG. :P

    4. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      I'm a Korean and I play LoL more than SC2.

      But frankly, MLG tetris beats both games.

  22. I need more LoL friends :c Add me if you'd like, katlovespie

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)
    3. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Ohai thur. More people play League? Nice.

      Name: Ergent Seth


    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)


  23. Um well I seriously am anxious for the next season(s) of LoK !!!!

    1. Alakabam


      Me too! Just watched the whole season 1 in one isntant compiled video :3 Now I wish I hadnt and just had some patience to do it in peace but no.. now I didnt sleep ^.^

    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      x.x I didn't get to sleep till like 3:30 am my time.. lol

  24. ^o^ I have had a good time today on this server, I like it a lot. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      :D also good to know that other people here enjoy the same music.. this is nice.

    3. Mr_Boomer337


      I hope you find a place on the server, if you haven't already.. Just a word of advice, Hanseti is da best.

    4. Mr_Boomer337


      I hope you find a place on the server, if you haven't already.. Just a word of advice, Hanseti is da best.

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