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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. oh and thanks for telling me his forum name

  2. is dante on right now?

  3. How can you not believe in Jesus what's wrong with you?

  4. If so I'm Initiate Vivien.

  5. Are you Prince Dante the elven prince?

  6. Please tell me what prince Dante's forum name is.

  7. I'm trying to pm you but it always has an error the error is array.

  8. And how old are you in game

  9. And how old are you in game

  10. What's your in game name?

  11. I didn't know what age to choose, but in my biography I had put it that I had already grew up a bit.

  12. Wait so I shouldn't have started at 18 years old?

  13. Oh and one last question does your character age or does it just stay the same age all of its life?

  14. Can you help me? I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  15. Can you help me? I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  16. Can you help me? I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  17. Can you help me? I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  18. Can you help me Danny? I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  19. I have been implemented and I did /register Vivien Frost Elf 18 Female and it just said do /register again.

  20. your a GM could you please implement it?

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