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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. fine can you answer me then?

  2. fine can you answer me then?

  3. darion you answerme then

  4. and why are you are you a prince on game but your a female out of game?

  5. *Looks up at Santa with big wide sparkling eyes Santa can I have a pony for Christmas?

  6. why is prince dante just dante now and anyways cant you read his profile for the question

  7. so it was why was i almost killed by that guard behind your back instead of being put in jail like you told him to do with me

  8. hi arent you Dom in the game if so im Vivien Frost

  9. well im a nice person in real life

  10. but what do i do to make my character nicer?

  11. My birthday is exactly one month from yours!

  12. are you still there

  13. are you still there?

  14. Your app is DENIED!!!!!

  15. ok but i dont tjink pur characters will ever get along

  16. I cuddle you back :3

  17. Well I actually predicted it would be denied but I knew why because I was denid 4 times 1 time was the app teams fault though but I'll m you what you should do

  18. You said on Jesus's profile these words, "I don't believe in you!"

  19. Hey shiftnative can you help me i have a couple of questions.

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