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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. Oh no you don't you little *******!

    *grabs him by the ear throws him in the closet and locks the door then walks off

  2. Oh no you don't you little *******!

    *grabs him by the ear throws him in the closet and locks the door then walks off

  3. Oh Shorsand :P Violet wasn't born crazy she hit her head really hard and became crazy but she's better now

  4. Oh yeah... forgot about that sorry :P

  5. Oh you dont need to tell me your address i was just wondering because mynmom grew up there and my grandma still lives there

  6. ok but i dont tjink pur characters will ever get along

  7. Ok can you get on lotc please and also check my msg on facebook

  8. OMG if yoy really live in Dubuque Iowa then do you know what the pizza place Happy Joe's is?

  9. Opinions on thsi skin if you can see it. a>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EboBren'


      I like how you did the hair going on the shoulders, I suck at that. (Also BBC Code does not work on status updates ;) )

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      FROST WITCH!!!!

      good skin BTW.

    4. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Oh by the way if it looks to grey the sun was setting in that picture and it was almost night :p

  10. or you can see it on my profile in my statuses

  11. Pinoy Boy, there was this guy that I think you've seen once that has black and yellow clothes and black hair his name starts with Vallark. Do you remember his mc name or character's name?

  12. Please all of you forgive me for what I've done... I'm sorry... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      All is frog-given, friend.

      Perhaps the GMs will has mercy

    3. The Victor Blair Project
    4. FlareGunCalamity


      I forgive you if you forgive waffles, violet.

  13. please reply soon

  14. Please someone help me out with my ban appeal, (link to it) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73165-snickle539s-ban-appeal/

    1. Pum!


      ...Wut. You were banned??

    2. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      Yeah, cuz of my little bro -_-

    3. Pum!


      I was banned from a server once.. Because of my BIG bro..

  15. Please tell me what prince Dante's forum name is.

  16. Post them on the show yourself thread :P

  17. Pretty, pretty please Hawk could you look at my ban appeal as you may or may not know my mc name is snickle539 its in the title of the appeal just please look at it and I would greatly appreciate it.

  18. Really it didnt work?

  19. Really miss LotC... Violet's children still need her but I just can't do anything about it....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. ConnorMagill


      Seriously make it, I don't even rp with you but Violets kids need her!

    4. FlareGunCalamity
  20. Sala Im a dark elf now. :P

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