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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Anawkin

  1. xD

    1. lawnmowerman


      **** off you lowlife prick. If only the world would purge itself of you scum.

  2. Come back and be admin pls

    1. chaotikal


      lmao you guys dont even know the true aut nature until cappy takes your modreq

  3. Heya people and skinners! I'd appreciate if some of ya could take a look at my skin competion, http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90939-competionreq-kharajyr-skin-1000-minas-reward/ , 1000 mina reward for my fav /)^3^(\ #selfadvertisingandiknowit

  4. Stuck being an elf till wednesday ;( #fml #muydeprimido

  5. Let the OP antag magic go~ Let it go~

  6. Aaaannnd the hawks fly to victory~

  7. Make the obvious choice. Vote #Anawkin4admin2k14

  8. MrGreene stole my super subudai picture. :(

  9. Do that vegetable dance~

  10. "I spend all my minas on this big ol' fancy house for all these pixel eyed girls"~

  11. I'll be someone's best friend if they gift me a champion on league.

  12. Can I get a hot tub!

  13. Tha Bubble yum yum~

  14. Keeeeeeendrizzzlefizzlebizzlemizzlekizzlebadashizzley Lamar.

  15. Am I just really great or what!

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