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Posts posted by Galendar

  1. ((The elves are, once again, complaining. 


    Seriously, supremacy made a good point- you moved next to a giant ruin that looks super spooky and is full of a bunch of dead birds with broken necks. If you have a problem, just move. Sure, you guys are upset this isn't going how you wanted but -you- and -you- alone chose to move there to build your town. If you cannot handle the reprecussions of your actions and take to OOC complaining everytime something messes up in RP, you will have no rp.


    That is all

    ~The Sloth Emperor.))


    Merek Cross pulls on his cloak, moving from Leyulin.

  2. I mean...  I might have plus one'd it if you weren't running around RP'n an arab... which I doubt you are doing very seriously. I've known you for two years and the entire time you've done nothing but troll. It was funny, sure, but it ended up becoming poor in taste and got you banned.


    Prove to me AND the community that -you- are capable and are now seriously rp'n. A troll here and there is fine, but too much is not.


    My point is made, I will repost when I think it fair.

  3. "They say Oren has no authority over them.... I guess we have to do what we did to Aesterwald again..................." Mumbles Charles to Franz, tapping his finger on the map of the north where Polaris used to be. "Some men have settled here, perhaps they could be of assistance to us."

  4. -Snip-

    The young Commander looks over the application as it is brought to him by one of the new recruits, raising an eyebrow at the name.

    "A Chivay bastard? Interesting..."


    An official letter is returned:

    "Edgar Sparrow,


    Your Application has been accepted. I personally look forward to meeting you and having you within our military.

    -Commander Valois.


    *A wax seal is present over the outside of the letter*

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