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Posts posted by Galendar

  1. The winds howled to the north of the reformed Kingdom of Oren, the old Lance keep laying dormant for some time now. A figure would move up the steps with several others behind him. The gathering of men and women would disappear into the keep which would light up once more.


    The Brotherhood had returned.



    ((Please move from inactive guilds.))

  2. The morning was still in the old man's manor to the north of Petrus. Alexander was 93 years old and it had finally caught up to him, he was too old to carry on as he was used to. Did it stop him? No.




    The old knight rose from his bed that fateful day and donned his plate armor given to him by Maric Varodyr in the Storm Rebellion. He descended his home's staircase one final time, taking a seat in his chair at the head of the family table. His fingers curled around the handle of his mug, dipping it into a nearby bucket full of water to enjoy for his morning wake up. Alexander tilted back the large mug and drank every bit of liquid within it before letting go of it. A revelation passed over the old Lion, sending him easing back into his chair with a shallow grunt followed by a gurgle.


    A small note would be left at his death scene,


    "Thomas Delaney,


    Take care of my daughter, old friend. I am to pass from this world in my sleep., I will see you soon.


    Ser Alexander Valois."


    Charles would enter the hall after a long hunt, looking upon his deceased father. The young man's eyes would fill with a sorrow not seen in a long time. Alexander was dead and he recognized this, and with that, Charles departed from the manor, heading north into the wilds over the red canyons.



    Alexander Henry Valois




    I wish my writing was better so as to do these two characters justice, but it isn't.


    Charles is off on a random adventure once more and Alexander is Perma Killed. His body can be burried by any priest if anyone bothers with it, I don't really mind. It's been two years of playing the old goat and I saw it fit to retire him. Thanks to everyone who I rp'd with and I look forward to perhaps returning or departing the server in a few months but we'll see.


    Galendar out.

  3. Merek Cross rises up as he hears the man badmouth Titania. The wood elf's long and slender fingers curl around the hilt of his northern steel Greatsword before letting out a shout.

    "Whichever fool dare lay a hand on my sister Hawksong will be a dead man, mark my words."

  4. MCname:


    Forum Name:

    The Sloth Emperor~Galendar

    Skype Name:

    Frottimer has it

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    I want to be an AT member because I want to accept players into the server and help them get into the server.

    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?


    Is there anything else you would like to add?


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