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Everything posted by Dromui

  1. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  2. Dromui


    Changed Status to Accepted
  3. Dromui


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft! And welcome to Atlas! Your application was great and I'm glad you decided to join us. If you require any help or information during your stay on LotC, don't be afraid to contact myself or another member of the Application Team. I would also highly recommend you join our wonderful New Player Discord, as it'll give you the opportunity to meet and interact with dozens of players, both new and old, seeking to help you get settled and find your way on the server. I hope you have an excellent day, I hope to get to RP with you! And remember, it's gonna be lit, my llir! LotC New Player Discord https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  4. Dromui


    Changed Status to Accepted
  5. Dromui


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft! And welcome to Atlas! Your application was great and I'm glad you decided to join us. If you require any help or information during your stay on LotC, don't be afraid to contact myself or another member of the Application Team. I would also highly recommend you join our wonderful New Player Discord, as it'll give you the opportunity to meet and interact with dozens of players, both new and old, seeking to help you get settled and find your way on the server. I hope you have an excellent day, I hope to get to RP with you! And remember, it's gonna be lit, my llir! LotC New Player Discord https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  6. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  7. Dromui


    Changed Status to Denied
  8. Dromui


    Upon review, your application has been Denied! Do not fear, this is not permanent! You can reapply when you desire and your new application will be reviewed. I would suggest registering an account with our forums however, considering it will allow your application to be edited in the future rather than be auto denied. Below will be listed the necessary changes that must be made in order for your application to be accepted: Your definitions are both incorrect. Take another look at the rules, rephrase em, and you're set. Your backstory should list your character's history, not basic information about them. It should also include at least one piece of currently implemented server lore, excluding magic. Your character description should detail what your character looks like. I would recommend joining our LotC New Player Discord and utilizing our wiki for sources of information, as both will aid you in finding your way onto the server. LotC Rules: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/440-rules/ LotC Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/ LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  9. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  10. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  11. Dromui


    Changed Status to Denied
  12. Dromui


    Upon review, your application has been Denied! Do not fear, this is not a permanent denial. You will be allowed to apply again! Before doing so, I would recommend registering a forum account. Normally, rather than outright denial one would be given a 24 hour grace period to get their application edited and fixed. Anyhow, on to the features of the application that must be changed in order for you to be accepted: Our story does not take place in the Forgotten Realms, fictional universe of Dungeons and Dragons. As such, you will be required to utilize our lore for your character and backstory. Your definitions are incorrect, take another look at our rules and reword them for your next application. You backstory cannot include lore from Dungeons and Dragons, but must instead references to our lore and our story. One reference to implemented lore is a requirement. Dark elves are not weak to sunlight on this server. If you require any assistance don't be afraid to contact myself or another member of the Application Team for assistance. I would recommend taking a look at our LotC New Player's Discord as well. It's full of hardworking individuals who are more than willing to assist you in getting accepted and finding your way on the server. LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw LotC Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/
  13. Dromui


    Changed Status to Denied
  14. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  15. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review Upon review, your application has been Denied! Do not fear, this is not a permanent denial. You will be allowed to apply again! Before doing so, I would recommend registering a forum account. Normally, rather than outright denial one would be given a 24 hour grace period to get their application edited and fixed. Anyhow, on to the features of the application that must be changed in order for you to be accepted: Your character is an outright plagarism of R.A. Salvatore's works following Drizzt Do'Urdon, which is not allowed. If you would like to play a Dark Elf who is similar you can, but you cannot just copy and paste a character you like from a book series. Your backstory must follow and utilize lore and references from our server's implemented lore. You must include one reference to our lore. Dark Elves are not weak to light on Lord of the Craft. Your definitions of metagaming are incorrect, take another look at the rules where you can find them and reword them for your next application. If you require any assistance don't be afraid to contact myself or another member of the Application Team for assistance. I would recommend taking a look at our LotC New Player's Discord as well. It's full of hardworking individuals who are more than willing to assist you in getting accepted and finding your way on the server. LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw LotC Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/
  16. Dromui


    Changed Status to Accepted
  17. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review Upon review, your application has been Accepted! Welcome to Atlas! If you require any help getting settled, don't be afraid to throw me or another member of the Application Team a PM! I would highly recommend joining the LotC New Player Discord as well, considering it is full of hardworking and devoted members of our community, new and old, seeking to help you get settled and find your place on the server. I am excited to see you around, have a great one! LotC New Player Discord https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  18. Dromui


    Changed Status to Accepted
  19. Dromui


    Upon review, your application has been Accepted! Welcome to Atlas! If you require any help getting settled, don't be afraid to throw me or another member of the Application Team a PM! I would highly recommend joining the LotC New Player Discord as well, considering it is full of hardworking and devoted members of our community, new and old, seeking to help you get settled and find your place on the server. I am excited to see you around, have a great one! LotC New Player Discord https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  20. Dromui


    Changed Status to Denied
  21. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review
  22. Dromui


    Changed Status to Under Review Upon review, your application has been Denied. Do not fear, this is not permanent, rather you can reapply with the necessary changes I will list below to ensure you succeed. Before reapplying, I would suggest registering an account on our forums. Normally, if you do not meet the application standards, an applicant with a forum account is placed onto pending and has up to 24 hours to make the necessary changes to their application. The necessary additions/edits to the application are as followed: Your powergame definition is lacking unfortunately, take another look at the rules and add in the extra info! You backstory must include at least one reference to currently implemented lore on our server. Your description should list what your character looks like. I would highly recommend joining our LotC New Player Discord, as it's full of people who want to help you succeed on the server. As for finding lore, I would suggest using our ever-expanding wiki, as it contains the lore references you seek! LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw LotC Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/
  23. MC Username: Drone414 What you would be interested in? (Select one option): Profile Pic is solid. Favoured Contact Method: Discord Contact Username: Skale#0943 Number of Personas to be Requested: One Race of Character(s): Dark Elf Background Preferences (Select one option): Simple Your Donation (Optional): $5-10 dollars, depends on your other pieces I take a look at. Probably closer to ten though, cause I wanna help a struggling artist out.
  24. Dromui


    Changed Status to Denied
  25. Dromui


    Upon further review, you have been denied. You can reapply at your leisure, just ensure the changes have been made to the application.
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