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Posts posted by dank

  1. Corbett slams his fist upon his desk whilst he hears news of Theobalt's leaving,

    "Damn that man, damn him! He leaves for bad-mouthing the Lord Marshall of Oren, his superior! What was he to think that Ruthern would do!? Bloody bastard! Does he not know of listening to his superiors?! He dare bad-mouths a Lord, and does not expect any consequences? Damn him!"

  2. Introduction
     The knights of the forests...The shadows of the night. We stick to our oath... bow's first... sword second. We fight in the forests and use our skills with a bow to our advantage. We are a group of men free for ourselves... that guard the land. We make sure that Valles is safe from crime... We are essentially a guard force... but we're also a separate guild. We listen to only one... and no other. We fight the enemies of our lands till our last breath and we will never surrender.
    The Beginning of the Rangers
    The rangers had a grave beginning. Nym Vala the leader of the first rangers. sat watching the burial of Emperor Siegmund, he felt alone... being Elvish, he watched his close friend, Ericus Sarino, A young boy he himself had trained the arts of the bow and stealth. His young apprentice stood guard, watching over the burial. After the rights were said and everything was done... a small group of 3 stayed... Nym slowly approached his head down. He looked up at Jonathan Othaman and spoke with his calm voice, after some negotiating he had formed the rangers of Valles. The peace was soon disturbed by an attack by the goths. Nym using his archery skills. Soon dispatched both of the attackers with kill shots. After sometime, the group were gave a small encampment and made this in the base in Valles.
    Ranger Ranks:
    Ranger Apprentice:
    An apprentice ranger whom will get a mentor, he or she will become a shadow when the mentor deems them for them to become a full scale ranger (or a shadow) these rangers will not yet get a full longbow, They however will receive a recurve bow, a bow which is much easier for them to learn with.
    This is a full Ranger, this person will receive a longbow and will be taught to use it, after this the person shall receive missions and will also fight for the cause. The shadows will be allowed to roam around freely as they wish, but however may-be called for battle or for scouting.
    Elite Ranger:
    This person has show their worth and has developed a huge amount of skill and loyalty for their time for Valles and the rangers themselves, these people will get a Apprentice and will be expected to train them to the highest of standards that they can. They will also in battle get a small amount of rangers to command, this will consist of three, and they will expected to shoot to high standards.
    Shadow Ranger:
    This is the best of the best in the ranger corps, these people have shown true loyalty and have true skill with a bow. He or she has also show true skill in commanding. This person will get a group of 6 and will have a say over them. This person will also get 2 apprentices that he or she must try to train them to the highest of standards. They also are leading rangers in stealth and may give the other rangers advice if they need it.
    These rangers are the second in command, and command over most of the over rangers, They have a unit of 8 and are allowed to hand pick who are in this group, it requires a lot of loyalty and time to join this section, they may accept applicants and choose who joins the guild. He or she will get 2 apprentices and they will grow to become ranger, they are also allowed to accompany the leader to any meetings with any other guilds or nations. There is only 2 nocturnals usually and are allowed to choose when someone becomes a ranger or not.
    The leading Ranger, he or she has full control of the guild is allowed most of the decisions, he can give out jobs to any of the ranks and is allowed to choose the ranks of any of the corp's. He has the ultimate decision over all. If the Umbra dies. Then the guild shall cast a vote of whom they wish to be the leader of the corp. They are also required to be at a ceremony to become the shadow rank
    A member of the corps will get there very own room to share with another ranger of the corp, they will get a bunk and also a chest for personal items and use. 
    A member of the rangers may wear anything that is grey, green or dark red, and gives the illusion of the forest, they may have to wear certain uniforms sometimes but they may wear what they wish for comfort. Though the uniform has to be light, simply to not restrict movement at all.
    Recruitment Application
    OOC Information
    Skype(State yes or no):
    Have you had any ban reports or ban's on the server?
    In Character Information
    Skilled with:
    Why you wish to join:
    How did you hear about us:
    Are you prepared to die for our cause:
    You see a man in a forest, attempting to grab a man, What do you do?
    Previous combat experiences:
    If you are given an apprentice, do you deem yourself worthy to protect them?
    Will you listen to your superiors without hesitation?
    Do you accept  loyalty to the Ranger corp?


    Current Umbra (Leader):
    Nym Vala (joke13)
  3. battle_charge_by_billcreative-d64fe34.jp


    The sound of sword clashing against shield is heard across all four nations as in the center they gathered for battle. The Strength of Man Kind, the Mighty Orcs, and the Ugly Elves gathered on one side of the river to invade the Dwarves, a feat that has not be done since the Great Exodus of Man. For years Man Kind had been stuck under the tyranny of the Dwarves, and now it was time for revenge.
    The battle began with the instant sound of arrows in the sky and giant boulders smashing against walls. The Decterum Order and the Orcs gathered at Nation's Crossing to Flank the Dwarves while the Red Cross, Elves, and other men laid down fire. Yet, suddenly out of the dark came a screech as the Harbinger's of Hell came down upon them.
    The Spirit of Man Kind ignited in themselves as they pushed on against the forces of evil who helped the Dwarves. The gates were smashed open and a charge was let inside to slaughter many of the God Forsaken Dwarves and Scourge. The Dwarves would not give up however and hid in their worm holes underground. Backing away from the fortress, the Holy Oren Empire fired boulder after boulder at the fort and led charge after charge until every Rebel scum, Dwarven heretic, and evil Scourge member had retreated or died. Today, the Holy Oren Empire rose up to its former glory and began their revenge. Death is coming.

    ~Written by Marquis Jonathan of House Othaman,

    OOC Note:

    I was asked to post this up. The true writer is eddywilson2, give all credit to him.

  4. The problem is not that the villains are 'strong'. The problem is that the executions and exiles are 'weak'.


    Give me rope, give me brands, give me rotten fruit and stones and blood and swords and screams and curses. Don't just make a quick speech of crimes and lop off his head. Make him bleed, make him never want to experience this again, in character or out of character.


    OOC barriers put in place by rules are weak.


    Fear is strong.


    Brand body, throw stone, drown the damned.


  5. The same argument pops up time and time again when I see these suggestions being written. "You can't make me do something I don't want to do." In my long history with this server, this has been the slippery slope that has lead us to general indifference regarding any actions which occur on the server.

    Player wants to RP as a murderous, Elven child of the age of 15? Let him. That's his special RP! Player wants to play a red teddy bear and wander around Abresi giving hugs (true witnessed occasion) Let him! Who are we to deny this person their fun!

    It seems we have opted for the path of least resistance for an environment which typically allows anyone to do what they so choose as long as they can justify it, which with current guidelines and rules, is pretty easy to justify just about anything.

    VA's should be few and far between and should require a great deal of effort. That's called having pride and integrity and believing in what you do. "But I shouldn't have to put forth all this effort!" Well, yes you should. The server is placing a great deal of faith in your abilities. There need to be certain assurances in these types of investments.

    Consequences are necessary for order to exist. Without them, indifference grows and grows until anything and everything becomes tolerable against generic standards and no longer is anything unique. Back in the day, people had pride in their identity. Now a days, I see so many characters that are copy-paste versions of each other. All the same. It's bland. I would even go so far as to say you could get rid of all the races and have everyone become humans over night and no one would be able to tell the difference RP-wise.

    Harsh words, perhaps, but these are my observations since logging in and observing things these past couple of weeks. Food for thought. Blundermore's on the right path. LotC needs to return some of these old consequences. We might not like it. We might complain, but that's the point. It's meant to hold us to a higher standard. To never settle for bland indifference.

  6.      If we went through with this, it's more so a punishment for the people instead of the characters played. Create a jail system that's patrolled rather than try to kick them out of the city immediately. Create RP within the city by having a jailhouse of sorts, bolster your roleplay and do more than just be irked by some people coming into a city.


         Exiling people from a city is more so excluding people out from roleplay than just sorting the issue out, and punishes the player more than the character mentioned beforehand. I'm sure there's more than one way to solve an issue, especially since this is radically drastic.

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