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Posts posted by dank

  1. Such attitude is the very reason our players have no respect for the rules.

    Some things are better kept unsaid. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Got no 'goodbye' for my good friend up there, then just don't post - please.

    Bai bai, Max. I'll probably see you in three days, to be honest. We'll still play runescape. :3


    Castor Izalith stands at the gate, guarding it ever so feverishly. Suddenly, a bird flies from the window, landing besides him, bearing a message.


    "The time has come... Execute Order Sixty-Six."


    Castor read the note a few times, then smiles. He turned to his desk, and began writing a message over and over. A new piece of parchment for every copy.

    He then carefully tied the notes to every bird they had in the gatehouse, and opened the floodgates.


    The birds flew to their destinations with speed, telling various commanders around the world what they had to do.


    Order Sixty-Six was being carried out.



    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Cries Star Wars Jedi Fanboy #1.

  3. Roleplay:

    The wind blows through Marquis Jon Othaman's hair as he climbs the cold mountains of Southern Kaedrin. Memories of great times, times when Adunains lived in the Highlands, and the clans spread throughout the realm flashed through his head. Only a husk remained of that former glory, splitten by politics, hatred and betrayal. Now Adunia was split between those of Oren and those of Urguan who yet neither could successfully adopt the full principals needed to restore not just a culture but a people.
    For this to happen changes would need to be made though. In order for the Adunians to defeat extinction they would need to come together. Out in Anthos old Adunians of the true clans still lived, but they were scattered. It is time for a calling. Messangers are sent out around the world to find Adunians and to bring them to a meeting in Valles where they can discuss whether they wish to fade, or whether they wish to rise back up and take back their former glory which is rightfully ours! Come brother, come sister, come clans throughout the world and let us unite together and bring back our people.
    [ This is not a rebellion post or anything simply a gathering of Adunians to Valles for a meeting. If you play/played an Adunian or simply wish to make one, make a post about coming to the forum meeting. Please no trolls, this is a serious post about what we want to do with Adunia. Also Arnorian Elendil did not recieve a message, and any non Adunians  would not be allowed in by the guards. ]

    Disclaimer: Eddywilson2 wrote this, I am simply the messenger, his browser does not work, thus I am posting this for him!
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