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Posts posted by dank

  1. Lago, I love your term for it. It's pretty true as well. 


    I don't like having valuable hours of my busy life being soaked up by typing out attacks with someone who has no idea of basic physics, anatomy, or how a weapon works dodging everything. Down with the Powergame Combat. I would rather have it done in under a minute with many clicks than have to face down a roving powergaming edge-clique for 3 hours in Powergame Combat.



    this is an elf skygod plot for powergame combat default. #calledit

    This man speaks the truth!

  2. If it means getting rid of the RP stallers or powergamers that you're all so worried about then, yes. I thought powergaming is against the rules and so is meta gaming.

    If I RP with a player who brought 30 of his Skype buddies to aid him, I won't hesitate to BR.

    And anyone who powergames will end up with a PG stamp on their heads that would follow them for weeks to months. No one wants to RP with players who are known powergamers or meta-stallers.

    Implying you have not meta-gamed or power-gamed?

  3. "Colins? Noble House? I must wonder if the true noble houses of Oren would agree.


    One does not simply declare oneself noble. Without being ennobled by Oren's head of state, the Colins are simply a family."


    "Most of us Nobles do agree, well, those who actually have bothered to read the letters. Others seem to be in a deep sleep at the moment."

  4. "Nubred? It's pronounced "inbred", and it refers to you."

    "The Oren Dispatched Shock Troopers are at your home, we have come from iron capsules launched from catapults, and we are prepared to raze it to the ground for your insult against the Crowned Prince. We demand you apologize before you enter a rain of things which you elves call, 'Player v. Player'. Roy Carrion sends his regards."

  5. Siguine prefaces his morning prayers with a solemn silence in reverence to his king. 


    "A martyr of pagan invasions and a warrior whom melded the North traditions of Hansetia and Raev. I've only to know of your exploits through tale and text; a shame I did not meet the People's King, whom never bore his crown but always lead the charge. Rest now and indulge in the seven skies, free from the bondage of royalty." 

    "It is because King Heinrik believed us all to be equal, a crown does not make you any better than another man."

  6. (( I cri. Anyhow, more than I just wanted to PvP you. ;) I do not normally call PvP when I am alone, for you never know what those other people have up their sleeve. Such as special magikz. :3 "This creature can be easily killed", you said, and I could have easily killed you in PvP as well, if you had nu armor on you.

    Corbett cheers for slaying le beast.

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