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Everything posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. Event Planners, MC Names: Tantaparo, Splitchris, and any Event Team member who would like to help. Event Type: Battle, Questing, Mystery Event Date: The event could start whenever it is finished being built and scripted and last until it is finished by the RPers. Factions/Nations affected by the event: Oren - All races Event Location: The Forests in Oren. Summary: The forests of Oren were quiet as caravan made its way through to drop off a shipment at Abresi. It carted along the road peacefully, but the plants it passed were somehow changed. A magic powder seemed to be drifting off of the caravan and blowing around in the wind. The plants took in the powder, assuming it was being pollinated by an insect. Nothing happened for awhile, but later, they started to see and hear, instead of just feel. Unlatching themselves from the ground, the plants found that they could move. Unsure of what had happened, these natural beings found their way to Abresi, where they noticed the caravan was parked. Camping outside of Abresi, the plants have decided to band together. Some plants looked like mushrooms, others looked like flowers, and many sights of these plants had been reported. One was filed by Violet, the plant store owner in Abresi. She stated that she had found one of her mushrooms 'moving and chasing her' when she got the shipment. The plant had then run off into forest, where there were even more of them! Deemed as a heretic, people ignored Violet. However, once they experienced the sight for themselves, the people of Abresi spread rumors. One plant apparently touched a man with a branch, which had followed him during his morning schedule. The people called for a swift removal of these plants, but sadly, no one could ever find them in the forest. Where had they gone? Later that day, one plant ventured into the city itself. It was swiftly murdered by the men of the city, scattering its remains. Its seeds erupted from its head, spawning even more plants. The plants escaped into the forests, where they joined the large group already growing. Fearful and surprised, the people of Abresi alerted everyone in Oren. What were these plants motives? Who will rid them of Oren? How will someone kill them? Concept Images/Screenshots: links: InGame Screenshots: http://imgur.com/M5S8pm0,rN0YSYg,gwpOYtV Other Information: The plants latch themselves into the ground, appearing like regular mushrooms to the common eye. Despite the plants having no real way to attack the people, they are able to reproduce quite easily. Upon death, the tops of their heads are able to release seeds that may grow more plants. The way to combat this is to set them on fire. For example, if they are just cut up, the seeds will release fine. Height: 2 feet tall. Weight: 10 lbs. Weaknesses: Fire Low Body Mass (Low Strength) No actual way to attack Easy to spot in a populated area Needs to regain energy with sunlight and water Strengths: Can communicate amongst each other Blends in with nature Nature will protect them Easy reproduction Often will scare random people Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: I would need some builders, and actors are optional. THEME MUSIC! ____________________________________________________________________________ POTENTIAL IDEAS: Have the plants take over inactive buildings (as an excuse to get rid of them). -Hex37 Make a quest-line with NPC-like characters. I would be willing to play Violet as one of them.
  2. Violet sighs, looking at all the torn down posters. She makes new signs, putting them back up.
  3. *Due to many posters being ripped down around the area, they have been rehung.*
  4. *Posters hang in the shadiest corners of Abresi and Kingston, while also left near the Dwarven and Elven Settlements.* The Abolitionists -Seekers of Change and Freedom- Rankings: Inactive - The Forgotten - Members that haven't taken part in our group in some time. Rank 1 - The Aspiring - Members that have joined, but have yet to do something great. Rank 2 - The Notables - Members that have successfully gained a reputation in our cause. Rank 2 Honor - The Reavers - Members that deal with the violence in our cause. Rank 3 - The Council - Leaders of the cause. Rank 4 - The Exalted - High Leader. We are a group devoted to finding a place of anarchy and freedom. We will do that through any means necessary. We are based in Abresi and Kingston, hiding, watching, waiting. Look around right now, many of the people you see are Abolitionists, yet to have shown to society their true form. If you join, you will be provided with living space and food. Don't try to contact us, for we will find you. Once you join, you cannot leave. Try it, and you will die. We are the change that Oren needs. We are the change that Oren wants! Join now. Join now! Death to the leaders! We need new ones! The Exalted will help to give rule to all! If you would like to talk part in this great work of honor, please respond with a note below, filling out our application. We thank you for your interest. We will contact you, if you fill out the application. ...Our Beginnings... We weren't different, and still aren't different, from the rest of everyone, yet we found a reason to change. The government. From the shutting down of Kingston, The Exalted and her followers decided to create The Abolitionists to battle them. We're starting small, but we're growing rapidly. We think we need a new government, and those who also do are joining us. Living in Oren is horrible. The guards dismiss us, they threaten to kill us, and they terrorize the citizens about us. Think for yourselves! Don't listen to what they have to say until you agree. If you agree, that's fine! We're not perfect. We're not necessarily the group you want to join. However, we a strong group, willing to do what others won't. Brothers and SIster, we are. Leaders and Workers, we are. Peacemakers and Freedom-fighters, we are. So the only question now is...what are you? (OOC Details) Minecraft Name: Age: (IC Details) Name: Age: Living Area: Money Situation - Poor, Middleclass, Wealthy: Reason For Joining: || Always Watching || ____________________________________________________________________________ Theme Music: http://youtu.be/Be0BE8TCLcU
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