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Everything posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. What's your favorite piece of lore ever? Post it below ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stephensj
    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Jesus is the only lore i need

    4. Stevie


      No creator i love that theres no god *tips sallet*

  2. is there a guide on how to run a guild/organization because I could see that being very helpful.

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      As a leader of a guild there is pretty much only three things to follow:

      1. Know you need to dedicate 99% of your time and effort for the group.

      2.be contactable as much as possible, even if you're not on the server have a skype running on your phone or in the background.

      3. Find a way to keep all your members in touch with one another, a group chat on skype usually works well. This allows them to build a relationship with the rest of the group.

  3. --go--equalists--

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Raptorious


      sith and jedi can keep their glow sticks and their dresses, give me mandalorian iron and a good blaster any day

    3. Anderssn


      ^ Pew pew pew ^

    4. _Deutschland_


      Actually, Mandalorian armor is composed of a near indestructible metal called beskar, mined off of Mandalore's only moon. Jango Fett uses WESTAR-54 blasters (custom made).

  4. Current Public Equalists Selene Finnly Atizle Elicia Anthony Buchman and More Current Allies Vorroupolis Current Enemies ----
  5. [!] You come across a large flier on a rich parchment, posted upon a nearby wall[!] The Equalists The current state of Athera is somewhat deplorable. It is a land burning with hatred for one another over what seems to be the most trivial things- whether it be race, gender, opinion, or even appearance which the person themselves cannot do much about. However, there is another way besides endless wars and needless deaths. Who are we? We are the Equalists. We are a group of people just like yourself, however we have the ideals to stop the bloodshed and needless deaths for superficial disagreements. We wish to, one day, see this land not covered in the blood of many innocents, but instead, covered in progress of recovery from senseless hatred. Lives should not be lost merely due to a few sour words. And hopefully, one day, all people can be treated equally as they should. Designations The Guide The Guide is a role in our society of leadership but while still holding equal rights as others. Those who hold this title are expected to be able to make difficult decisions to benefit all and use a majority of their time in furthering the group. Anyone who wishes to be a Guide must be nominated by others, and then a vote will be conducted to finalize the choices. The Diplomat The Diplomat is a role in our society of social interaction with others whom are not Equalists yet, whether lacking information of our movement or just with different ideals. Those who hold this title are expected to be able to communicate and connect with others. Also, they should be able to express the ideals of The Equalists in a calm and collected manner, understanding everyone is different and many will not agree. Anyone who wishes to be a Diplomat can choose to do so by passing a single test scenario run by a Guide. The Producer The Producer is a role in our society of growth and assistance for our members. Food is a necessity in all of our lives and the Producer is there to help out, whether through fishing or farming, hunting, or cooking. Those who hold this title are expected to be able to grow and maintain crops. Anyone who wishes to be a Producer can do so at any time. The Builder The Builder is a role in our society dedicated to improving the living standards of our community through erecting buildings and other structures. Those who hold this title are expected to maintain construction and assist in housing when applicable. Anyone who wishes to be a Builder can do so at any time. The Caregiver The Caregiver is a role in our society devoted to assisting those in need through healing or any other type of aid. Those who hold this title are expected to go out of their way to help others. Anyone who wishes to be a Caregiver must be nominated by others and confirmed by a Guide. The Sentinel The Sentinel is a role in our society devoted to protection of our people, town, and allies. Those who hold this title are expected to put others' lives before their own, utilizing their will to safeguard and preserve our equality. Anyone who wishes to be a Sentinel can do so at any time. Inquiries You can join or inquire about the Equalists by contacting any member who may proclaim themselves to be an Equalist. Those who are publically known to be Equalists will have their names listed below. If you cannot find any of them, feel free to leave a note below with your name on it.
  6. Smurgla is down and out. I hope you all enjoyed the RP before she was purged by the High Elves. http://youtu.be/PHQLQ1Rc_Js (Video creds to Korey)

  7. freema is the best gm in my opinion!

  8. I'm curious of how many people are whitelisted for the server.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Overland


      Most of them left.

    3. Cappy


      Many of the applications from Aegis are in the denied applications forum for some reason too, so it's probably even more.

    4. xenenxnennxnx


      That's too bad :(

  9. I am am unsure why this event needs ET help. This sounds like something you could do IC with both parties agreeing on the fight!
  10. I'd suggest fleshing out the lore more because right now it seems a bit cliche. I'm not sure how I feel about your idea at this point in time. I'll check back later to see if anything has changed.
  11. Any announcement regarding why some people can't get on the server? I'm interested about the error I'm getting: io.netty.channeltimeoutexception

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DecoLamb


      I'm locked out too, and none of those methods help. At all.

    3. Samsan99


      I know 15+ people ahve issues connecting to the server pretty sure its lotc itself nothing you can fix

    4. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I personally dont have any issues with lotc, But cant log into any other server

  12. Hope you all enjoyed my first event! Shoutout to the group that stayed the entire time and seemed to really enjoy it! You made my first experience great :)

  13. Let the flood gates open!

  14. I need a revamped skin, and I was wondering if anyone would consider helping me out! I can pay a few minas I suppose ;)

    1. Leetles


      I can help you, I improved my skinning alot since last time! You have me on skype, msg me if still needed.

    2. Leetles


      If not, skype: iAmLeetz

  15. immm backkk from vacatioonnn my baeesss

    1. Lym


      Welcome back bae

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