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Everything posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. *everyone rushes over to new BR.* I saw 48 people on that at once!

  2. Event Planners, MC Names: Tantaparo Event Type: Exploration, Mystery Event Date: TBD (When it is finished being built and scripted) Factions/Nations effected by the event: All races can participate, does not affect any race or nation individually - just a friendly, fun, exploration-event. Event Location: Right behind the current Cloud Temple (spawn) in the river, under the end of the bridge. Coords = (130x, 62y, 200z) Summary: A howling echo calls from below the bridge heading north towards the Dwarven lands of Urguan while a teenage girl stumbles over it, looking for shelter from the rain. Investigating, the girl, Glymmer, goes to rush down the stairs looking out towards the body of water. The echo sounds once more, but in a hushed tone. She looks to the noise, noticing water pouring into the depths below. Peering into the underwater cave, she notes a light flashing from below, scattering its light before going dark. Alarmed, backing away, the light flashes once more, then again, speeding up its rate until she looks away, running in fear, heading back to the Cloud Temple to seek help. When she arrives, she alerts anyone who will listen. Some find her insane, some think she’s intoxicated, but the ones who listen decide to follow her. Curiously, they arrive at the bank, but much to their disappointed, the cave is not there. Attacked with insults and frustrated comments, she tries to explain, but they believe that she has just made it all up. As they leave, Glymmer takes one last look at the ground that was just open and yearning for her to explore. She heads off, waiting for the perfect people to explore with her, mumbling, “A mystery for another time…” What lurks below? Is there treasure? Who will find it first? Concept Images/Screenshots: Entry way: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/thumb/6/63/Sea-access-cave.png/250px-Sea-access-cave.png Example Map: http://faqs.neoseeker.com/Games/NES/final_fantasy_iii_undersea_cave.gif 3 floors, but less treasure chests (Red). Green is entrance. Yellow is a level change. Blue is water. I’d like if there would be more challenges/parkour and mystery than just wandering around the cave. I’ll write them up if the ET entertains this idea. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/287/3/9/underwater_cave_by_lazerman425-d5hry0a.jpg Other Information: - A reward would be held at the end for all finishing players that successfully make their way through the cave. What will it be? TBD. - I’d like for the spot where we build to be regioned so that people cannot steal the blocks, considering it is currently at a free-build region. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes, I’d appreciate if I could get the ET’s help to build a cave with me to give the players an immersive and visually appropriate RP experience. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Yes, I would need builders for sure, and I likely would not need an actor if I can get TPed because I am horrible at Parkour. THEME MUSIC! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFI9JcyJG_k
  3. Roses are grey. Violets are grey. I am a dog.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sneaky


      I've never seen you before, you must be new to LOTC.

    3. xenenxnennxnx
  4. I've made an App to be an Actor for the Event Team. Any tips?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Can't remember the 3 things they were now looking for.. Sorry.

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I doubt it. Simply because at the end of the video, they say "This server has no anithack, or log block" The server does have block log. But even if it did, I've seen bigger destruction in the server, and they would have had to been in the wilds unless they had permission for the entire area.

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      That was the saddest attempt at grief...

  5. Ideas for a fun business to see (that is unique)?

    1. Aptrotta


      Interior designer. Newspaper. Barber. Banker. Detective agency. I got one you may like but message me so I don't spill it in public

    2. Lathros


      I could use a barber.

  6. Fun ideas for an RP-Style shop/business?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Booklight12
    3. DrakeHaze.
    4. Birdwhisperer


      I like the therapist idea. Or maybe a shop that sells jewelry, candy, hats, stationary, shoes, musical instruments, or cooking supplies.

  7. Hey guys, I'm opening an RP shop in Abresi, but I haven't decided what kind of business to have! Any ideas that would fun/cool. (I have already done a bookstore/library and a greenhouse)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xenenxnennxnx


      Oh, good ideas @benben

    3. HuskyPuppy


      Cakes, lots a cakes.

    4. Ford



  8. Is it down...again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dante


      HELLO. Must be doing it wrong, server never down.

    3. xenenxnennxnx
    4. Parading


      Says I'm not whitelisted

  9. Sorry, not to be a sheep, but how long do we think it will be for the server? I mean, will it be up today, or am I pointlessly waiting?

    1. Parading
    2. xenenxnennxnx


      Someone said it's up now, let me check.

  10. ((OOC: Don't be discouraged if you think your character seems less influential, we consider everyone equally, and everyone can have a place in the Sentinels. Minecraft Name: Tantaparo Do you have Skype(Y/N): Yes Do you have TeamSpeak(Y/N): No How long have you played upon the server: About a year. Ban Reports/Strike Reports made upon you(if any): None IC)) Name(or current alias): Glymmer Age(years): 16 Gender: Female Skills and specialities: I am young, easily able to make mens' minds go astray. Also, I have a way for sneaking around unnoticed. I specialize in subtlety. Previous organizations(if any): Abolitionists Desired Position: Scout, and to move up the rankings. Are you willing to take an oath(Yes/No): Yes Give a small summary upon what you define as balance: Balance is the force of nature in which good deeds and bad deeds are gone, only deeds themselves are left. They are not denoted as bad or good, for there is no bad or good when there is true balance. However, Balance may be achieved through any process necessary, no matter how brutal. Do you have any specific morals you will not go against: None. Choose two traits which you value the most, and detail why. Add a third trait of your own from the list that you value as well. Honesty, Respect, Honour, Intelligence, Courage, Responsibility,Tenacity 1. Courage - Need to be able to be brave enough to make a difference. 2. Responsibility - Need to be able to take things into your hands, whether fault or blame. 3. Deception - Need to be able to appear as nothing, a nobody to fully check balance.
  11. First time playing in awhile. Very fun

    1. Guest



    2. Booklight12


      Play Blakes aunt!

    3. monkeypoacher


      don't shout at LOOC ok?

  12. First time playing in awhile. Very fun

  13. Anyone located in Abresi, or surrounding areas...how would you feel about this event being continued? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/95109-in-progress-the-rise-of-the-rampant-growth/

    1. spqrSancus


      Eh... You don't RP it often enough. If you did, it'd be interesting.

    2. xenenxnennxnx


      It's a mix of a event team thing, while also us not being on enough.

  14. *Violet writes "Accepted" under both applications.*
  15. MC Name: Tantaparo RP Name: Violet Skype Username: Emerald_Espa Accepted Evils (VA Required): 1a, 2a, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4b. Why do you want to join? (IC Answer Please!): "I just want to be recognized as a person, being a part of something bigger than myself! I want to create a change in the world...f-for the better. Even thought I may not be the best person, I wish to help humanity in the best way I can...doing whatever I have to." MC Name: Tantaparo RP Name: [Arctic Fox] Mia Skype Username: Emerald_Espa Accepted Evils (VA Required): None (Animal) Why do you want to join? (IC Answer Please!): *paw print* "Mrah!"
  16. Cycle of Death, pls help! Won't let me respawn. http://gyazo.com/df7bffcf2f00256325fbf268fa4d93cb

    1. Evilbanana5757


      Your soul has been lost to the space-time continum for the rest of eternity....

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