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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Aengoth

  1. I agree with Skippy *shudders*

  2. I do hope Lykos is correct, it would be great to have you back.

  3. I can't make any sort of skin.. Not even once.

  4. All that propaganda

  5. Gah, not sure if things gonna turn out how I wish em to be

  6. House Hiebenthal er something like that.

  7. Wow.. checking out some of the comments on the minestatus list about us o.o

  8. Is it just me, or is it a very quiet friday?

  9. When in doubt, edit a skin for no particular reason to pass time.

  10. And today I was informed of how ICly Gaius apparently has a 'sweet' arse, oh travelling roleplay xD

  11. Joining the Locked Status Club

  12. There is gonna be a period where villainous acts are rampant, but then eventually it will die down. Looking forward to the good RP that comes.

  13. My lack of patience is gonna lead to an issue someday.

  14. Temptation to post on all the threads...

  15. All these newer dwarf players, so high strung.

  16. I'm no longer the IronDwarf. I'm BatDwarf

  17. All dat LoL advertising on the server

  18. I envy all of you who can say "Semester begins". I've already had a midterm and have 4 more in the next two weeks.

  19. Two wrongs don't make a right but an absolute surrounding those wrongs does.

  20. much procastination, very homework. wow

  21. Getting rocked tonight like none other.

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