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King of Cartography

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Posts posted by King of Cartography

  1. Recently my Character was tasked with going down south to the Caliphate. So I figured I'd actually put some effort into my reports and share them on the Forums.


    To be updated periodically, Please do not metagame. these things are private correspondence from Tessa to Alicia Horen.


    with that out of the way enjoy the first package of Reports. obviously the next updates will be much much smaller!


    A small message


    Journal Entry #1



    Journal Entry #2




    Journal Entry #3



    Map of to Qalasheen Caliphate




    Sketches of Ruins




    Further Info On Qalasheen Language and Culture (Credits to Shady_tales for writing this)




    A letter sent to Licia Horen on the 22nd of Snow's Maiden, 1502




    The first letter to Lorina




    Another report to Licia



    Letter to Licia #3 and map #2




    Letter to Lorina #2



    Letter to Licia #4



    Letter to Lorina #3



    Letter to Lorina #4



    Letter to Licia #5




    Letter to Lorina #5



  2. What servers are these? The biggest non-dead RP server besides LOTC I've seen gets like 60 at peak times.

    I suppose there's this other one, it has more players than LOTC but there's no whitelist and RP is not enforced, So I dunno what it's like.

  3. Hightower Banners were being proudly displayed in an empty field thousands upon thousands of bannermen loyal to the true heir of Salvus. Silus, self proclaimed Duke of Solace, Lord of Pigeons and veteran of the vicious battle of Pillow Hill Rode at the front of this majestic army, together they would defend the kingdom of his friends, princess Meiko the tickler, princess Miko the rude, and King Ramza the title pending.


    After many hours of marching, the grand army came across a wise man. " Oh Silus, Lord of pigeons, I have come to tell you how to reclaim your ancestral homeland, listen to my wise words and what has been lost shall be regained! " he spoke.


    " Speak, friend of house Hightower. " The little lord said.


    "What the fawk..." said the wise man, who suddenly sounded like Holy Ser Raigeki Kato.

    Suddenly all of the young lords Bannermen vanished and he heard his fathers voice " Disgusting, you joined the Lucienists you've failed your father!"


    This caused Silus, who was a page, and not a lord to wake up from his silly dream. he had his ears covered by the courier, but later on his innocence would be ruined by Quinlan who taught him how to speak like an Adunian Lumberjack.

  4. If one were to venture out into the western fringelands, past Lindale, Home of the snow elves, and Ivydale residence of the Halfings. They would eventually reach the crossroads at Hightower manor where two new graves could be found in front of it


    One belonging to Sarah Hightower




    And the other to Kaila Hightower



    It appears the two Hightower sisters are deceased, have snuffed it, went around the corner, have gone to greener pastures, went to meet their creator, they have ceased to be, bereft of life,  kicked the bucket and ascended to the Seven skies.



    ((Put as few details in this post as possible so people who want to know exactly how they died can go and find out ICly. Those that want to post their reactions can do so here. I know the writing formatting and font aren't very good but screw it, it's late!))


  5. Race: Human & Human


    Gender: Male

    Description: A flay warrior and a Teutonic knight

    Pose: instead of just normal boring melee combat, draw them engaged in an epic guitar battle.

    Colour: YES / NO: Whatever you think looks best


    You know you must do this my swedish twin-Tim.


    Edit: oh damn..

  6. MC name: timzuiderveld

    Skype ((PM me it if you don’t want to post it)): tim.zuiderveld

    If picking from a preset person, who do you pick: -

    If you are making your own character under the family make a name (Try to make it a traditional British name): Timothy Blackwell

    How old are they: 14

    If you have any plans for their career what is it? (Optional): I think i'm just going to go with the flow on this one, since planning ahead for my characters never really turns out that well, although if I do get to play as Timothy i'm guessing he'll probably end up as a knight or politician, something like that.

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