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Posts posted by Sky

  1. 4 hours ago, yopplwasupxxx said:
    • Sixty-six shares to be given to one Lord Otto-Hieromar Ludevar var Alban,
    • Fifteen shares to be given to one Lady Octavia Grimbold vas Grimbold,
    • Ten shares to be given to one Mister Brog Dhoon var Markev,
    • Five shares to be given to one Ser Jakob Altee var Altee,
    • And four shares to be given to one Prinzen Andrik Stefan, Herzen var Alban,


    "The only person here I recognize is Lady Octavia cause she is a nice person, who are the others?" Demetrius asks anyone within the local Markev tavern.

  2. I avoid this stuff usually, but I have to say hell to the no. Every small thing sends this man into a downward spiral which has him ranting in various chats, where it always comes back to him stating something along the lines of 'I was just getting better'. New players need people who are confident in themselves and able to give assistance, which I currently have no confidence in your ability to perform well without breaking down on the daily.

  3. IGN(s):


    cuckio, RideTheSky, & TinyFaroe.








    Australian Eastern Timezone.






    What map did you join during?: 




    Do you have access to a Microphone?




    Average Daily Play Time? 


    From my current weekly plays, it states my average playtime is 4.7 hours.


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?:


    Application Member/Manager/Director, Event Team Actor/Manager/Director, Forum Moderator, Media Team Recorder/Lead, Game Moderator, Global Moderator, Administration. I genuinely cannot recall how long for each tenure.


    Do you have prior history in any forms of moderation?


    Apart from the above, I have real life experiences such as being a qualified chef, managing three stores, and being human resources for a family owned business.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:


    In earnest I am applying for the team for a couple reasons, first and foremost would be because I am currently sick of the state that the server is in coming from a player perspective and believe that my attitude, as well as my personality, could actually do some good upon the team. And secondly, I have the time, the energy, and the drive to do this, ultimately I would give you a much more fullblown answer and I am not going short simply out of lack of will, but because a fluffed out response is genuinely useless. I am open with all communications, I am easy to come to, I am open about the way I do things, I have been on this community for a long ass time, I have a lot of experience within this community, I know how to work in a team and not be dragged into an echochamber, I actually look at both sides of the story, and most importantly, I am able to competently do any job that I am put into within a timely manner. I genuinely believe that I could make a difference, call it being pompous or being on a high horse, I prefer to call it being real with myself and how I've acted as a Global Moderator in the past.



    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:


    I've never been straight up denied in the past, however I've failed trial once, purely because I was focusing on my work as ET Director.


    Anything else you want to tell us?:


    Give me a shot, you will not regret it, and honestly, I am more motivated than a FOB running onto the beach.

  4. Perhaps what I will say may be seen as the unpopular opinion or possibly that I am saying this just to cause ****, when in fact what I am about to write is a genuine opinion of mine and some advise. Basically, if you have a friend which is caught up in things which is considered illegal and if you truly care about them, then you would actually tell them straight up that what they are doing is absolutely wrong, now that is assuming everything is true as it stands. Now this isn't saying to abandon them, quite the opposite in some regards, what I have learned from my experiences is that true friends tell eachother the hard truth and ignore how much pain it may cause. However, at the end of the day, if they continue to be the way they are, then honestly they aren't someone you want to be involved with. Why do I say this? Well, by simply being their friend and defending their actions, you basically enable them and make them think it's the right thing, quickest way to fix this is to allow them to fall into a pit of loneliness and realize that they put themselves their with their abhorrent and disgusting ways. Tough love in the end.


    Leo, you're a good kid and try to be as true to yourself as possible, just don't let the actions of others pull you down to. Only you can decide if someone is truly worth being your friend, and in life you have to cut off from the bad from time to time.

  5. 2 hours ago, Cpt_Noobman said:

    Winning PvP isn't the issue, the issue is that the attack in the room served no narrative and completely derailed an important moment for around 30 people in attendance, essentially spitting in the face of your posted essay and everything it promotes for no other reason than a handful of people's ooc need to pvp.


    Because absolutely nobodies role-play becomes richer when something that was supposed to go incredibly right, goes horribly wrong. Completely all movies, books, and tv shows are void of this sort of play. ?

  6. 21 minutes ago, adamc2000 said:

    MAMA!" says a kharadeen 
    Hows it been! where were you!? come back ;-;
    whats irl like???


    Please, step back- She's my Ma... D:<

  7. 4 hours ago, Pond said:

    when r u gonna blow up dominion in the name of allah


    Would be interesting to see if they are able to blow up the Dominion physically to the same degree to which you destroyed the orcs honour. ? 

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