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Posts posted by Dtrik

  1. Thorgran Ireheart would raise a brow at those questioning if there are enough dwarves to fill these positions. As he read through the positions, he thought of notable dwarves that could preform any of the tasks. He thought, though, that those complaining were the same dwarves who always complained regardless of who's in power. Oh well!

    Dangren would point out that most dwarves who do not complain are the ones who run around when talked to and punch randomly when they see a person.

    Thorgran finds that as incorrect. Go back to being an angry little person!

    Dangren holds Thorgran's argument as invalid as Thorgran can also be seen throughout the city jumping around the roof tops

  2. Thorgran Ireheart would raise a brow at those questioning if there are enough dwarves to fill these positions. As he read through the positions, he thought of notable dwarves that could preform any of the tasks. He thought, though, that those complaining were the same dwarves who always complained regardless of who's in power. Oh well!

    Dangren would point out that most dwarves who do not complain are the ones who run around when talked to and punch randomly when they see a person.

  3. Proposition of Legal Slavery






    The Rights and Clans and Dwarves

    The right to work in a role productive to the Crown and greater dwarven society.

    The right to a maintenance of dignity and honor that is appropriate to their station as a child of Urguan and chiefmost race upon creation.



    1. Kidnapping

      1. Kidnapping is the crime of unlawfully holding a citizen of Urguan against their will.


    1. Slaving is the crime of unlawful possession, transport, sale, or purchase of enslaved persons.

    2. Slaving is a second-degree crime.


    Slavery is a big issue within the dwarven kingdom. While many nations like the orcs gain large amounts of coin from enslavement of others, we maintain a relatively small economy of agriculture. The Articles of Urguan state one status and the Code of Laws another. If a dwarf obtains coin from slavery and a rich dwarf is good for the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. We also state that we have “the right to a maintenance of dignity and honor that is appropriate to their station” and that we are the “chiefmost race upon creation.” We directly state that we are superior to others and have the RIGHT to work in a productive role yet why is slavery illegal? We war nations constantly killing and are killed, intervene in every rebellion, and instigate unneeded battles. The argument of ‘life is precious’ is a hypocritical one as we enact death constantly. The ability of a dwarf to enslave a non-dwed should not be restricted as it has the ability to bring revenue to the Grand Kingdom. Many arguments against slavery are also on enslaving dweds. Those who attempt to enslave dwarves are considered kidnappers under the law as they are citizens of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Citizens are protected directly under the laws of Urguan and as so those who kidnap dwarves are referred to the kidnapping clause of the Code of Laws. I do not advocate enslavement of dweds as we, as stated in the Articles of Urguan, are the superior race upon creation. I hope to be able to speak to the Senate of Hammers about this issue soon.


    ((Besides all the Americans who are Northern Abolitionists who think all slavery even on a minecraft roleplaying server is wrong, this is to allow dwarves to add another layer of roleplay.))

  4. Dangren Starbreaker over hears some passing by orcs talk about the reintroduction of slavery in the Iron Uzg. He begins to contemplate about the elevated status a race could have if others were beneath it as slaves.

  5. 2455627910_595492db96.jpg

    Kobolds gather around the lands of the Urguan. With several failed attempts in capturing the capital the kobold forces turned to the surrounding lands to pillage. The first of these lands were the halflings. As the halflings having a relatively peaceful and community based nation, this was easy pickings for the savage kobolds. With the halfling lands in flames and the kobolds continuing their ransacking, the dwarves recovered their lost brethren and regrouped. Rallied, the sons of Urguan pressed an advance on the kobolds and recaptured the halfling lands. Little did they know that a secondary group of kobolds had captured a stone quarry and were reinforcing it. 


    Being presented with the option to leave the kobold be in the quarry or to assault it echoed in the minds of the dwarves. With the dwarves in a regrouped state the census was to continue the push. Securing the land around the quarry, the dwedmar surrounded the fortified walls of the quarry. After launching volley after volley at kobolds, the dwarves found a way into the pseudo-fortress and began to kill the kobolds inside. The quarry had little value in it but the idea of leaving kobolds in Grand Kingdom lands was not a good one. After the dwarves took care of the wounded, they marched victoriously back to their capital... or what they thought to be...


    Only snickering was heard before several explosions filled the air in Kal'Akash. It had seemed that some kobolds had double backed to plant bombs into the cities infrastructure. Only after several detonated and others miss firing were the dwarves able to defuse the situation and kill the kobolds. Maybe the kobolds are not to be taken lightly?...

    Scribed by

    Dangren Starbreaker, son of Dagor

  6. Armies_of_Sauron.png

    As the kobold army approached the gates to Kal'Akash several dwarves and humans rush into the capital holding their valuables. Out of breath they speak of an incoming kobold army. Stunned, the garrison readies itself, unknowing of the true impending danger. On an order some dwarves clad in heavy armor rush out to scout the size of the army. As they return they speak of the thousands, this force had not been mustered in the lands of Vailor in its recent history.


    Though the reports were dreadful there was a silver lining. The kobolds were even smaller than the dwarves but did not have the stout qualities of the dwedmar. This characteristic was exploited as when the first wave of the would be kobold assaulters rushed the garrison they were pushed back. The kobolds seeing the sway of the battle, released their hounds onto the field. As the dweds clashed with the kobolds, the hilltop advantage of the dwarves overwhelmed the wave until it was utterly crushed. Several waves rushed the dwarves but were knocked back every time. With defeat near, the kobolds unleashed their mutated giant kobolds. Hacking at the base of these unwieldy giants they soon toppled over causing a wave of kobold blood to wash over the battlefield.


    With victory attained the sons of Urguan raised their swords, shields, and axes scaring any remaining force off. Proud smiles lit the face of many. Soon the dwed felt the weight of the battle and returned to the city, or more perhaps to the tavern for a drink.

    Scribed by:

    Dangren Starbreaker, son of Dagor

  7. ~=~ Application ~=~

    What is ye name?- Dangren Starbreaker

    How active are you in the kingdom? ((How long you are online each day/week))- I got unbanned

    What god do ye worship the most? (( Who is your patron god? Please read up on the relevant information under "The Brathmordakin".))- Wyvrn


    ((What is your skype name? This is not required however if you give it you'll be added to the eventual Dwarven clergy chat.))- Dougy98

  8. meme-faces19.jpg


    Urguan is America

    Okay so whenever I bring up Urguan being a replica of America, the dwarves attempt to deny it. Fam, it is like an exact replica, here is why.

    • The ARTICLES of Urguan oddly resembles The Articles of Confederation
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan supports every rebellion in existence
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan always over stretches its boundaries
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan always has protectorates
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan has a mf senate
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan has been at war for most of its existence
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan is heavily militarized
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan gives second rate citizenship to non-dwarves
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan dislikes non-dwarves in their boarders
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan discontinued slavery
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan had a war on drugs
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan is proud of its beer
    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan is overly patriotic


    The only thing that stops Urguan from being completely like America is

    • Colored dwarves know their dads (but not their moms)
    • Urguan's industry is pathetic
    • Urguan never wins wars

     I held in a fart the entire time


  9. When your kill aura goes ham




    9 kills, get on my level. Huzunii is my sword and the lag is my shield. Only until I died from a stray arrow and continued to kill while the lag kept me alive.


    I did not kill aura, I am banned, you crazy

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