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Posts posted by Dtrik

  1. ((Yes, at this time I am trying to have a new dynasty of Starbreaker's emerge from the new Clan Father Dangren's bloodline. If anyone wishes to play a Starbreaker, male or female, feel free to message me as we may hammer any kinks out and I can answer any lore regarding questions.))



    The Starbreaker Clan


    Annuls of the Starbreaker Clan


    Chapter 1: Ancient History of the Starbreakers

    Long ago, when the world was young, there was a Dwarf. This Dwarf was Gotrek Starbreaker and he was known as the finest smith in the land, not to mention a peerless warrior. One day Gotrek decided he wished to settle down and start his own clan. He searched for many years to find the right wife to bear his child, and for many more to find where he would build his home. Finally, one day, he came across a beautiful mountain valley, with a massive plateau in the center. There he built his citadel, digging deep into the ground and far into the sky, and there he founded a legacy. Other then this, very little is known of the great Starbreaker himself, it is said that he could form even the toughest and most durable metals into a soft malleable form, and that he could purify even the most impure of materials with the slightest touch. In battle, he was purported to roar with such fury, that the mountains themselves would shake and there were rumors of Gotrek being able to spit great waves of fire at the enemy. Much of this is thought to be pure myth, but the Starbreakers regard it as gospel.




    Chapter 2: Prequel to the Purge

    Unlike many of Aegis's denizens Arbrek Starbreaker led a relativity peaceful life until quite recently, and even then it was not by the hands of Orc's. Arbrek was born into the ancient and powerful Starbreaker Clan, descended from the great Warrior-Smith, Gotrek Starbreaker, himself. By the time Arbrek was born, part of the Starbreaker Clan had broken away, and formed the Silverfingers Clan led by Arbrek's uncle, Haggar Silverfinger, while the Starbreakers where led by Arbrek's father, Skalf Starbreaker, in the citadel of Karak-Rikkaz. One day, soon after Arbrek was born, Haggar also wished for a son. Having no luck with traditional measures he adopted a young Forest Dwarf named Hashut. Many year later after Arbrek had started to be tutored in the Dwarven arts of Mining, Building, Smithing, and Warfare, and while he showed great promise in all, he was especially skilled at smithing. It is said that all Arbrek had to do was glance at the object he was forging and it would take no more then the slightest touch to form it.




    Chapter 3: The Purge of the Starbreakers

    Soon later, Karak-Rikkaz was assaulted by a large force of Undead, lead by a mysterious figure cloaked in black with a blood red trim, who laid siege to the citadel. Well into the siege the unthinkable happened Hashut turned upon his kin dwarfs and opened the Great Gate, for he had long been listening to a second figure with a dark sky blue trim's devious whispers. Arbrek seeing his kin's treachery leaped into battle with Hashut who was attempting to slay Skalf and Haggar. Too Arbrek's eternal regret, he was too late. Even as he drove his pick through Hashut's skull, his father and uncle were struck down. Arbrek fought like a manic but he too was struck down, this time by one of the cloaked figures. What the thing was not counting on was Arbrek's determination and resolve, for Arbrek, however, was not killed but put unconscious. When he awoke he discovered that almost all of his clan and his uncle's were killed, and Karak-Rikkaz was burned to the ground, and it's underground caverns destroyed. Upon seeing the devastation wrought on his home and clan, he swore an oath of vengeance to kill the mysterious figure and rebuild his clan before taking up his his uncles's armor, and his ancestor's war-axe and name and set out into the vast world of Aegis. Many year later, Arbrek has reached the venerable age of 1,570 and long since reestablished the Clan! Numbering in 10 Clansmen, and a quaint hall in Kal'Karik, the Starbreakers have risen to become a force to be reckoned with.




    Chapter 4: Decline of the Starbreakers

    As of the Dissapperance of Lord Arbrek Starbreaker while journeying to visit his daughter, Karvia, at her encampment in the north, the Starbreaker Clan as long since disbanded, all it's former members disappearing, dying, or leaving for other Clans. As the Clan's name fades from history, and it's people disappear, the twin brother of Lord Starbreaker returns, an elderly crippled blacksmith like his brother was, to the Dwarves. Whilst saddened by his people's decline, and shocked deeply by his Brother's and his Sibling's disappearance, he wishes not to rebuild his own Clan. One day, in the future, the Starbreaker Clan may once again be a power throughout the lands, but for now, other more pressing concerns await...




    Chapter 5: The Second Revival of the Starbreakers

    Upon arriving to the new found island after the escape of Asulon the apparent lack of Starbreakers is quite evident, including the Clan Lord and High Prophet Kazraden Starbreaker has not been seen for some time. Did he simply take another boat or is he dead? The answer not yet known. Yet a figure appears upon the doorsteps of the Dwarven Hold in these new lands, unmistakably this figure is the son of Kazraden Starbreaker. He holds himself proudly but yet with a deep grief easily seen upon his figure. Koryk son of Kazraden lives on, no known family but the names of the dead in a book to call his own. Koryk still strives on, determined to not let his family name be lost in a book in the same fashion as his family members have.




    Chapter 6: Rebuilding of the Starbreakers

    Under Koryk's leadership found four three new dwarves were found with Starbreaker blood in there veins, Farren Starbreaker, Tortek Golemforge BANISHED, and Aengoth Starbreaker. Koryk Starbreaker served for a time [Elysium-Early Anthos] as the Archbishop of the clergy after the previous Archbishop vacating his position. With the Brathmordakin guiding his actions he named Valen Grandaxe a Paragon. During this time Farren Starbreaker began his long and proud service to the Kingdom as Lord, representing the clan as one of the finest Lord's the Kingdom had ever seen. Golemancy was also rediscovered in his time by Farren Starbreaker with the aid of Koryk. Finally Koryk was laid to rest after a disabling sickness caught him offguard.


    Chapter 7: The Enlightenment

    Lord Farren Starbreaker took up the position of clan father after Koryk Starbreaker's demise. During this time Farren spent extensive time bringing back old knowledges to the Starbreaker's including many relics. Of the clan only two other Starbreakers were known, Aengoth Starbreaker and Dared Starbreaker. During this time it is rumoured that Farren was trying to once again reclaim the art of runesmithing and made the clan quite wealthy with his work as both a smith and a golemancer.


    Chapter 8: A Rise and a Fall

    Aengoth Starbreaker had become the next Clan Father, leading the clan into what is considered the second spike of the Starbreakers. He had taken the seat of Lord Spectre on the Lord's Council under Grand King Vorstag Ireheart and he slowly nursed the clan back from it's stumble when Farren lost his seat on the Council. Under Aengoth, the Starbreakers had direct control over the Blacksmithing Guild and briefly held the Clergy thanks to Dared Starbreaker. In this time, Onar had challenged Dared to an honor duel, one that Dared won and surprisingly spared the Ireheart's life.


    Chapter 9: The Return

    After the Starbreakers traveled from Thales to Athera, the starbreakers ran into an old family member.  Indeed, this person was Kazraden Starbreaker.  Dagor had revived the clan with Dared, and had handed the clan over to Kazraden.  Kazraden had taught Dagor soul bound golemancy, and had moved on.  He left the clan relics behind and Dagor took charge of the clan that was soon to die out.  


    Chapter 10: A Split Clan

    After Kazraden left the clan, the Starbreakers split into two separate groups.  One group with the kingdom, and one that seceded from it.  The group that had seceded from it and joined the Ironborn consisted of two clansmen, Darenth Starbreaker, and Dared Starbreaker.  They later helped the Ironborn take over the city of Kal’Agnar.


    Chapter 11: Welcoming back old kin.

    Aengoth and Dared Starbreaker soon joined back, and Aengoth Starbreaker took clan father with Dagor’s permission.  There was much confusion in this “battle for clan father” and resulted in Aengoth leaving the clan.  Dared took charge, believing he could revive the old clan.  The other two active members, Dagor and Yeulf didn’t like what Dared was doing.  Dared was “banished” from the clan.  This wouldn’t take long for Dagor to realize that he had made a mistake.  




    Chapter 12: Arrival in Vailor

    The clan has been abandoned ever since then.  It has become a joke of the Dwarves.  Many talk here and there about “Dagor should revive the clan”, but how can a non-respected dwarf do such a thing? No one is supporting him, and he is broke.  Dagor is hopeful that some of his kin will come out from the dark and help him revive the once great clan.  



    Chapter 13: A New Age

    Dangren being the last true born Starbreaker within the kingdom claimed the Title of Clan Father. Improving the identity, he set forth rules in order to guide the clan into it's once illustrious past. Dictating the binding of religion, blacksmithing, debate, and warcraft into the identity of the revived clan. Holding honor and religion above the qualms of Vailor. New actions were taken into place to bring the relics of the ancient clan together to bring peace to the spirit of Gotrek and the ancestors of the noble clan.



    Chapter 14: Reuniting Clan


    Upon the settling of Axios after passing through the Spirit Realm of the demonic creatures, Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker set to work establishing a monopoly on leather goods. Perfecting his work he was able to find two of his several lost children, Grogili Starbreaker and Gardath Starbreaker. 


    Culture of the Starbreakers


    Within the Starbreakers the most common professions are Smithing and Mining. Starbreakers are greatly religious and often brought up to be racist. However the exception when it comes to racism with the Starbreakers is individuals who are seen as friends to the family or friends to the dwarven nation. Being greatly religious another popular ambition of Starbreakers lies within the clergy.


    Religious Beliefs

    The Starbreakers are a highly religious clan, with many of it's most prominent members serving as High Religious figures within the Dwarven Clergy. As such they take worshiping the gods very seriously, believing that Dwarves to be the superior race compared to other races. Often leading them to be very racist to other races. There are two chief principles of the Starbreakers religious beliefs. The first is that they worship Yemekar above the other Brathmordakin, for he is the creator of the Dwarves and the patron god of the Starbreakers. The second is the reverence of Gotrek Starbreaker, often causing them to believe many of the tales told about him. It is not unheard of for a Starbreaker to worship a prayer for Gotreks to guide their hands whilst the smith or go into battle. Though this varies from Starbreaker to Starbreaker.


    Core Beliefs



    The Starbreakers have long liked to keep themselves neutral within the politics of the Dwarven Kingdom, more content to watch and wait as the other clans battle whilst they tend to their own matters. Though this does not mean the Starbreakers due not ally with other clans, rather that they're more inclined to stay out of conflict due to it's counter-productiveness to their clan.


    Close/Tight Knit Family Relations

    Those are the Starbreaker clan are related by blood, as such they see each other as family and maintain close family ties as a result. Taking pride in the achievement of other members of their own clan and maintaining a friendly attitude towards each other. Although this attitude varies from Starbreaker to Starbreaker, each doing it in their own way.




    The typical Starbreaker is of normal by dwarf standards. Being cave dwarfs there skin is a shade of grey. Hair color is often rather dark that becomes white with age, red hair however is not unheard of. Typically Starbreakers have long beards that are either braided or adorned with some material. The attire of a Starbreaker is largely dependent upon the trade(s) or profession(s) they pursue, albeit armor is seen on a Starbreaker.



    Dwarf Appearance:

    Skin tone: Stone Grey

    Eyes: Yellow and/or Blue

    Hair: Black, Brown, White.

    Beard style: Decorated, natural, knotted

    Other: Average - Medium Dwarves




    The Hammer of Gotrek



    Used by Gotrek Starbreaker, and passed down from many generations of the Starbreakers.  It was carried from the Fringe to Thales, and then was lost at sea, while in a huge crate made just to protect it.  Currently in possession by the heretical Aengoth [Insert clan here].


    The Helm of Gotrek

    Iron Hills Captain Helmet

    Forged in deepest forge of Kazad'Rikkaz, Gotrek forged this in his youth. This is one of Gotreks finest works, wrought from the finest materials that were excavated under the ancient Starbreaker citadel. It is rumoured that Gotrek spent over twenty days and nights with respite in the forge. Working away without rest apart from to take bread and water. As such it is a highly values relic of the Starbreaker, worn in past by the Clan Fathers as they charged into war. Upon his ascension to Clan Father, Dangren Starbreaker received the fabled helm. After Dangren making a blood oath against Dagor Irongrinder for stealing the Armor of Gotrek, he was given it by Dagor. While in the Starbreaker camp in Vailor, Dangren opened the gate to the traitor dwarf, allowing him guest rights. Causing his oath against Dagor to become null. Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker had explained to Dagor, that under Dangren's leadership, faith in the Brathmordakin prevented necromatic magics to never enter inside the camp, while most of the dwarven lands were completely consumed inside and out.


    The Tome of Kazraden


    As the name suggest this book was created by Kazraden Starbreaker, a collection of various documents gathered from before and after the fall of Khazad'Rikkaz. It contains all of the history of the Starbreakers, from the menial documentation of one requesting some food to the turmoil of the Blood Age. This relic is handed down from Clan Father to Clan Father and is treated as the most sacred of the Starbreaker Relics. As it contains many of the Starbreakers history and greatest secrets. Inside many pages are detailed texts of the genial lineages of the Starbreakers, including mothers and fathers. Several indepth notes of golemancy are also woven into the pages of the book by Dagor. The current holder is Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker.


    The Hammer of Ardol


    A hammer capable of destroying any golemantic tech with ease.  This hammer is passed down to only the most responsible kin, and is a hammer that should be kept and not used unless for emergency.  Originally found in Anthos, it has been passed down onto series of dwarves.  First, it was Farren.  Farren was soon to “disappear” and left relics behind for Dared.  Dared posessed the Hammer of Ardol, and the Scriberfolk armor at the time he seceded from the kingdom. Dared Starbreaker retains possession of the Hammer of Ardol.


    Scriberfolk Armor



    A golden chestplate with supported golden pauldrons runically embedded within the interior providing for light weight. Engraved runes, embedded with thin strips of thanium outline several hardening runes and runes of protection. An aura of chill forms a thin layer over the chest and pauldrons. Circling the waist of the wearer, hardened leather belts around holding golden plates protecting the outer thigh, rest. A groin cover engraved with a dwarven skull additionally protects the wearer from blows. This armor was found by Dared and was granted to Dangren Starbreaker upon his ascension to Clan Father.


    The Face of Gotrek



    The arcanum sculpture has the intricate carvings of a dwarven smith. A proud dwarven face with the fastures of a cave dwarf, many would recognize this as Gotrek Starbreaker. The symbol of the Starbreaker Clan would be at the bottom of the golden creation. Sculpted from the hands of Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker, this piece would inspire those of the Gotrek Bloodline to do many great things in life. Honor, Loyality, and Religion.


    Battle Victories, Titles, And Accomplishments

    Image result for golden laurel

    The defeat of the vicious mountain troll, Korkash The Brute. With the creature ruling above the mountains north east of Kal'Omith, Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker with his son, Mafraedon Starbreaker, sought to lock battle with the hulking beast. Mafraedon leading the excursion up the mountain face after passing through thick forests, soon encountered the monster surrounded by lesser beasts of pig origin. Slaying much of the pigbeasts, the mountain troll finally leaped down from his perch upon a half constructed dwarven tower. "Enough of this play! Your death is now and your flesh mine!" roared the beast as it charged at the aged Dangren. Dangren observing his surroundings used the chests filled with construction materials to his advantage. With a barrel roll to the left he dodged Korkash, causing the monster to slam into the chests head first. Quickly picking himself off the ground, Dangren recovered into a defensive position as Manfraedon charged the beast with his twin axes. Driving the heavy metal heads into the mountain troll's arms, it let burst a cry of pain. With a smack from his powerful arms, he swung at Manfraedon as he lifted the dwarf into the air, sending him across the snow covered mountain top. Charging where his son left off, Dangren used his shield to cover as he swung his axe, forged from his son's hands, into the troll's leg. Buckling from the hit and the blood loss from Manfraedon's impressive charge, Korkash began to slip from consciousness. Adding the beast's folly, Dangren rose his shield and bashed the head of the troll with its edge, knocking the creature into a deep sleep. Raising the axe high and slamming it down through the neck, Dangren ended the life of the vicious beast. Manfraedon, collecting himself marched himself to his fathers side and both finished driving the axe through the neck of the once Korkash. The head of the troll now in possession of Elder Manfraedon Starbreaker while the skin of Korkash, flayed from its dead body, in possession of Dangren.



    The Starbreakers

    Prime Historical Forbringing: Gotrek Starbreaker

    Clan Father: Dangren Starbreaker

    Patron Gods: Yemekar

    Origin: Created by son of Urguan First Age



    Gathering type: Family

    Marriage restrictions: Kingdom/Race/Close family ties

    Bloodline restrictions: Recorded Bloodline


    Clan Appearance:

    Colors: Primary yellow, Secondary deep blue

    Clothing Style: Gold embroidered, heavily embroidered, robes, gold trimmed, ceremonial gold armor, professional clothes

    Armor: Grandmaster blacksmith make

    Organization: Labor/Religious

    Goals: Maintain authority and respect within the Nation.


    ((NEW OOC CLAUSE: All Starbreakers who return/are born, if played, are subject to being PERMA-KILLED, if the Clan Father so decides, through the miss actions of said dwarf. Perma-kills will only incur if proper knowledge is found out in roleplay and the clan can hunt you down and execute you. Perma-kill rules still apply normally for Kingdom executions. If you do not like this clause do not play a Starbreaker. Formally leave the clan. If your clan is Starbreaker, you agree to these terms. Terms do not apply to those who claim Starbreaker blood but do not hold the Clan Name.))


  3. In quiet study, inside his newly fabricated blue and yellow tent, an ash colored dwarf sits with quill and paper. Golden hued ink stains the parchment as words are scribed upon it. He finishes the text and slowly walks to the grand library where he sees Askel of Clan Frostbeard. Bowing his head, he only asks for one book. Askel nods and hands him The Book of Grudges, he opens the book and slides his parchment in, the leather bindings on the old book seeming old and used. The book adding one more grudge to the list, it stating...


    "The honor of Clan Starbreaker has been besmirched as Dagor of Clan Irongrinder traded his yellow and blues for that Irongrinder. A father of a clan does not leave his children, only in age or battle does one leave the clan. Age has not gripped you and battle has not consumed you. You have dishonored all Starbreakers with your unholy deeds. I, Dangren Starbreaker, see you as no longer a father. Your honor will only return when you renounce your Irongrinder colors and allow your hand to end your dishonor and fall on thy sword. Should battle be needed to end your dishonor let it commence. Only in our deaths can this pledge end."




    OOC: I really want this conflict to end up in our clans (Irongrinder vs Starbreaker) fighting each other and clan allies activating to enact a larger dwarf on dwarf conflict. Currently clan allies mean nothing and I want to give it a bit of reason. If fighting does occur, no non dwarves allowed, no mercenaries, only dwarves. And after some time has passed the King can declare Kings Peace and it can end. <3


  4. Rising from a sleep, he awakes. Rings of metal clamoring resonate in his head. Work, only work, fills his mind. Drawing out the ash from his stone forge and shoveling fresh coal into the hearth, he rekindles the flames. Dangren Starbreaker, son of Dagor has returned. 


  5. Enchanting is too widespread to be considered in renaming

    Is it? I don't mean the MC enchanting, I do mean magical transfiguration enchantment. Are those widespread as well?

    Heavily, abnormally high level of high elves know it with many 'tier 5' human mages knowing it as well. It is not a small sect like runesmithing, ascended magic enchanting or shamanism imbuing.

  6. Is there a standard in which magic items are held to the same account as forged, etc. items? If person A enchants a sword with person B helping enchant the same item what gives the people using magic the ability to get the item renamed while person C and person D spent the time creating the same weapon but not adding magic to it? More magical items would be renamed as people can claim them to be more important rather than a mundane item with the same level of roleplay. The system you impose seems to be heavily bias to a magic community. What also makes an item a relic? The crown of Urguan or the axe of krug are all commonly known to be relics, but what elevates a sword enchanted by person A and B to the level of these well known relics? This is why I set off by the system. 

    I only speak about magic items for one reason: Their effects. A magic item has different effects, something build greatly has... a bit better effects than a non greatly build thing. Either way, here are more stuff that I guess I would fit together the same as magic items:

    • Special lore abiding potions (example, a potion on rejuvination, which is OP if not controlled) - Not "Moderate healing potion"
    • Special made tools and weapons (Thanhic shard dagger, fang of a giant snake sword, dragon bone shield, meteorite stone hammer) - Not "Blacksteel Falcion)
    • Runed, enchanted, blessed, cursed items.
    • Event received items (example, the hair of that harpy that appeared, heart of a mud maiden, that flower which makes tea so good it makes the person faint) - Normally made by the ET(?)
    • Relics

    Is there anything there that shouldn't be, or something else that should?

    Enchanting is too widespread to be considered in renaming

  7. Would only magic items be the centerfold for the renaming of items? Many members of different nations do not have magic as a pillar to their roleplay. This would cause cultures like the elvish to have a large quantity of named items while the others would be lacking heavily in comparison. Could the creation of items be given the same level of appreciation even if it was not magical?

    Those would be relics. This means that they are important items, not your everyday master builds but only special items for nations and guilds. Their story and importance would be far more important than the roleplay of their creation. Magic items normally have the roleplay needing to be created, but the crown of the Wraiths (if there is one) for example, would be just a relic. At least in my opinion.

    Is there a standard in which magic items are held to the same account as forged, etc. items? If person A enchants a sword with person B helping enchant the same item what gives the people using magic the ability to get the item renamed while person C and person D spent the time creating the same weapon but not adding magic to it? More magical items would be renamed as people can claim them to be more important rather than a mundane item with the same level of roleplay. The system you impose seems to be heavily bias to a magic community. What also makes an item a relic? The crown of Urguan or the axe of krug are all commonly known to be relics, but what elevates a sword enchanted by person A and B to the level of these well known relics? This is why I set off by the system. 

  8. Would screenshots be needed? If yes, how many? If no, would the gms check logs? Are the LMs or MATs going to accept and/or deny based on uniqueness and creativity, or on the general quality of the roleplay in making the item? Would witnesses be needed to support the making of the item? I ask these because I want to know if I can stand behind this idea.

    Good points I guess. Normally relics would just need the backstory and etc. If good enough it'll just be accepted. I guess magical items made IG would need screenshots of the rp? Things like enchanted items, it's importance would be apreciated as well (an item to make the hair turn blue wouldn't be accepted, but a sword enchanted by 3 paladins of Xan to be great against dark creatures would). The runic made items as well, etc etc. Though screenshots seems too much, an alternative would be interesting. Maybe an RP thread about it? Ideas would be nice to make the idea better.

    Would only magic items be the centerfold for the renaming of items? Many members of different nations do not have magic as a pillar to their roleplay. This would cause cultures like the elvish to have a large quantity of named items while the others would be lacking heavily in comparison. Could the creation of items be given the same level of appreciation even if it was not magical?


    In regards to the various people asking that GM's name specially crafted lore items, I want to know what you think a good way of standardizing this is, such that GM's don't simply get free reign to name items for their friends under the context of it being a "lore" item or a "special" item worthy of naming.

    A single thread in LM or MAT part of the forums where a player writes down name, origin, how it was made, and the description it would have. Then the LMs or MATs say yes or no. Then a player with the item makes a modreq IG and a GM only has to head to that thread and copy paste the name and description.

    Would screenshots be needed? If yes, how many? If no, would the gms check logs? Are the LMs or MATs going to accept and/or deny based on uniqueness and creativity, or on the general quality of the roleplay in making the item? Would witnesses be needed to support the making of the item? I ask these because I want to know if I can stand behind this idea.

  10. The Burning of the Hobbit Holes!


    As a few figures stood above the houses, on the hills raising to the mountains, as a few moved down to the housing. First breaking a grape vine stand, one had begun lighting the structure ablaze. As the grape vine flickered in flame, another began lighting the trees on fire, starting at the leaves and soon causing the other trees to catch on fire. With different structures on fire and the anger filling in each of the arsonists, they soon descended on the houses. Using torches and their flint and steel, the group set to work burning a few of the hobbit holes. Lighting both the inside and its supporting areas, the houses began to weaken in sturdiness. No message is etched into the wood this time, only sorrow of lost homes.


  11. Have a gm watch the creation of the item in roleplay. If a person does not provide sufficient roleplay then the gm can say no, your creation broke, try again until they feel the roleplay was up a correct standard. My character Dangren Starbreaker is a smith. I put 2-3 hours worth of roleplay into different weapons, providing quality roleplay while expecting for the buyer to enjoy the weapon as much as I while forging it. If the buyer feels that with a renamed item would make them more immersed then I hope for them to have such an item renamed. I dislike how people want a rename for the littlest thing while putting little to no effort into the creation of such item. If a gm can only capture part of the roleplay but feels the roleplay is still fascinating then it should be up to them if they would want screenshots later of the roleplay or not to give a named item. I honestly dislike how the server is trying to mechanize immersion. Also do not tell GMs they cannot rename because it would interfere with donor perk, that only agitates roleplayers that wish to perform in-depth roleplay, causing resentment for the server and ultimately a lack in creation roleplay. People who put time and quality roleplay into forging/carving/runesmithing should not be limited to a time switch. Those are my two cents.

  12. The Second Burning


    As the halfling bridge at Petyrborough slowly dies down in flames, another flame comes to life. This time the halfling airballoon. Several shadows flicker around the alit airballoon, more people seem to have been apart of this raid on halfling lands. Muddied footprints trail from the farms near the air balloon to the stone path. For those to come near the flaming sight would examine words are etched into the carriage of airballoon, "The Iron Chains will get you!" 


    ((Also whoever did editting to the land afterward did so in an amazing way, thank you. Also halflings, the Iron Chain will be doing more to Petyrborough since it is abandoned. If you need anything while this harassment is happening that is ooc, feel free to message me.))

    • Minecraft name(s): Dtrik

    • Skype ID: dougy98

    • Time zone: EST

    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134681-dtrik-ban-appeal-dizzy/

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?: No

    • What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present) I have LARP’ed with James27049, have played d&d with said blood brother, have been in a clan (on lotc) with said bloodbrother, have roleplayed on CK2 with duper dreek and some other dwarves, and some other games I am probably forgetting.

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?: I have Dangren Starbreaker, he is racist, so if he died in a middle finger way to another race that would be alright with me. I have actually started using my character to spark racial roleplay with the halflings and racist dwarves: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135625-burning-lands/, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135670-the-second-burning/

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. I know the leaders of nations/communities like intricate roleplay while when they are with their groups they act in a mob formation. If I had to say a race probably the dwarves. I am closest with the dwarves and feel that if I made an eventline for them, they would take more interest in it than say I did the same eventline for another group of players.

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?:  Friendship. No one wants to be outright killed by an angry event team. Working with players in making events so everyone is happy with it. Have the ability to creatively kill the people in the event. Take inspiration from any source and make it yours.

    • When was the last time you saw a event?: Nalatac did a kobold event and I wrote the summary in the dwarven roleplay section of the forums.

    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?: I could contribute happiness. I do not like to argue, but I LOVE to gossip. I eat that up. Besides happiness, I am knowledgeable in how to look up good eventlines and reintroduce them in a way that is applicable to minecraft and the lotc community

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET?: I want to be a dungeon master for more than just a few friends, a dungeon master for a community would be pretty sweet.

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Raelplayer, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

      • 1) For 1-3 person: I message some people to get on a small boat and go fishing. I then play as a large fish. The large fish entices the person to capture it. The large fish causes the boat to tip over and the fishers have to fight the fish in the water.

      • 2) For a group of 5-10: Someone is causing the statues in different areas to come alive and attack the people nearest to them.

      • 3) For a group of 20+: A charm found after killing a witch has caused the new wearer to take the identity of the witch and the new witch is spawning creatures in larger and larger quantities to attack people and corrupt the land.

    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET?: Until my mastah releases me from my chains.

    • Tell me a joke: Hotline Bling https://www.facebook.com/deeznutsvideos/videos/1526010137710513/

    • https://www.facebook.com/deeznutsvideos/videos/1526726884305505/


  13. The Burning Lands


    Smoke can be smelt west of the dwarf lands of Urguan. Shadows flicker in and out of the halfling lands. Flames suddenly sprout from different structures as the halflings sleep. Messages are etched into the wood and burn marks cover the mainly wooden buildings. The animals nae and squeak as the flames scare them. Waking the halflings up, they set to work putting the flames out. The only thing to wonder is who did it...

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