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Status Updates posted by PinoyNeutron

  1. The app has sent. Wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Free The Hobbits
    3. Mankaar


      Much luck! Dont be down if you get denied it takes allot to get in! Just get back up and fix your mistakes!

    4. Telanir


      Best of luck Pinoy. ^-^

  2. I was accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Congrats can't wait to roleplay with you!

    2. Aptrotta
    3. Valdis
  3. Scared to send in my app

    1. aron.


      It's a pretty scary process. Best of luck, and if you need any help, just ask around. Lots of people would be glad to offer advice

    2. Telanir


      Yep, don't be afraid to request assistance. We're all here, and willing to help. ^-^

  4. *Cracks Fingers* Its app writing time

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