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Posts posted by Its_Just_Leap


    MC Name:Leap1Games


    Character's Name:Ethel Rose


    Character's Age:24


    Character's Race:Heartlander


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:Sensory Illusion


    Teacher's MC Name: Wendigo22793


    Teacher's RP Name: Erendriel


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes I agree


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  2. MC Name:Leap1Games

    RP Name:Ethel


    Discord (For communication and rallying):yes

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles):yes

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.):EST.

    Professions:Adept Enchanter Adept Blacksmith

    Do you swear loyalty to Veris, and it’s reigning High Prince:Sure, why wouldn't I



  3. 24 minutes ago, Lord Sagan said:

    Lily's expression turns grave, her face paling. "Oren will suffer all the more, should the monks decide not to let him live." She grasps the stem of the flower tighter, staring across Adelburg towards the church. She glances over to Ethel. "Maybe we can do something to save him...."  She would then glance back down at the flower and laugh. "He'd probably just throw it away again, though."


    Ethel looks away from Lily and to the small road with a slight smirk on her face "I know they will, but saving Alfie is almost impossible...There's only two of us and god knows how many other guards keeping him locked away." She laughs hearing the thought of him throwing the flower away again. "Lily, if you somehow saved him and he threw the flower away afterwards. Then he would be the dumbest man to walk the lands of Axios."

  4. 2 minutes ago, Lord Sagan said:

    Perched on the stairs to the gatehouse inside of Adelburg, Lily hears of Alfie's capture. Sighing, she shakes her head, musing over the flower in her hand. "I wonder if the monks'll see fit to bring him back..." She looks over at Ethel for a moment then back at the flower. "What'll I do if he's dead?" She frowns, lost in thought as she awaits her best friend's answer.


    Ethel looks to Lily with a somber look on her face. "If the monks don't see him fit to be brought back then I promise that I will make sure that you're able to place the flower onto his grave."

  5. Yo the post looks lit boi!!!



    Minecraft Name:Leap1Games

    Skype (Required):you already have it

    Team Speak (Preferred, Not Required):Got it

    Professions (Blacksmith, Miner, etc)-Adept Enchanter


    In Character:

    Name: Nivan Selothan



    Any past services to the Ashguard, Norland, or House Silversteed?: Currently in the Ashguard

  6. MC Name:Leap1

    IC Name:James Raynaldus


    Past Groups you Participated in:I have just been doing work around the lands. I haven't been a part of any guild so far.

    Why you want to join:Well I have some reasons but the most important are, Need minas, Need a job because what I've been doing for the past few years well...it gets no minas, and lastly I was told by my father I need to join a guild that would give me some character as a person. 

    Do you have Teamspeak(Info given in PM):yes

    Do you have Skype(Info asked in PM):yes

  7. ((MC NAME)):leap1

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)):I have both my skype username is jordanrichards123

    Name:James Westlake


    Reason for signing up:My job makes no money and I'm on the verge of losing my home, and I was told joining an organization such as this one would help me meet life long friends and make me stronger than I am now....oh and the pay... the pay would really help as well.

    Weapon of choice:I can use a few weapons but if I had to choose one it would be a Falchion ((Falchions are a type of sword that is light enough to be held with a single hand))

    Previous combat experience:I was trained for hand to hand combat,how to use a sword and a bow. I've had to protect myself more than a few occasions when I travel and I run into Bandits.

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...):I was taught as a child and early adult to forge weapons, cook foods when traveling, and lastly I know a good chunk about alchemy and how it works.

    Any Questions:Yes,does this organization reside in a guild of some kind and if I am accepted can one of your officers send me directions?

  8. OOC
    Minecraft Name:leap1
    Anything you'd like us to know?:Nope

    Name:Mark Gyfford
    Skills:I am able to sneak around people very easily,I was trained by my father on how to do various things such as how to craft weapons and some armor,and I was trained how to use a sword,bow,throwing knife. I also have the unusual ability to manipulate people easily I don't know why though 
    Anything you'd like us to know:I have some anger problems but all in all I mean well

  9. (OOC)
    MC Name (Alts too):leap1
    Skype (PM me if preferred):jordanrichards123
    Have you been banned before?:Never,And I never will be banned
    How long have you been on the server?:As soon as December 29th comes around I will have been on for 2 years.
    Will you be active (Helping out is a must) as a Scion?:Yes,BUT I just want you to know on weekdays I will not be able to be on due to school,clubs,and other things that may get in the way but other than that I am pretty active.
    Name? ((Name of character joining)):Mark Gyfford
    By joining, you agree not to involve yourself in any racial war, unless approval has been given by the Head Scion, do you acknowledge this?:Yes, and I will fight until my final breath sir!

    What Sect would you like to be a part of? (War Scholar Labor):War,I hope my skills may be of use
    What profession have you committed yourself to? (Plugin profession):Tinker
    Are you a fighter? (Its okay not to be!):I am an ok fighter,I have been trained by my father to use a sword at a very young age,but I feel 
    Are you wanted in any Nation at this current moment?:
    If yes, please clarify why (Or ask for a private talk):Nope

  10. Name:Mark Gyfford

    Age:Twenty-Two years old


    Previous Service:I have no previous service,the only cause for me not joining any other order prior would be I have just gotten out of training

    MC Name:leap1



    Are you willing to serve the Order, be a loyal subordinate, and be a pious individual, both publicly and privately?Yes Sir.


    Do you understand that as an Unoathed, your actions do not represent the Order of the Flaming Rose?Understood

  11. *Dean looks over the Application and the note* "So....the stories are true." *Grabs some parchment and a quill and begins writing down his information* "This should be interesting,I guess I can give it a shot."


    ((What is your MC username?)) leap1

    What is your name?Dean Rodgers

    What race and sub-race are you? Half Human and Elf Due to his parents.

    Are you a man or a woman? Man

    How old are you? 19

    What training with a bow and other related skills have you had? I've had training in the areas of stealth (using a bow,dagger,and using alchemy to knock people out if necessary) and hand to hand combat.But I have very average training as a swordman

    Are you willing to become a helpful member of the community being formed? I have sadly not had a permanent home for a while well at least one with people close by so I believe being apart of a community would do some good.

    What skills or trades do you excel in? Climbing,Alchemy,Hand to hand combat,Being persuasive or manipulative if I desired.

    Are you willing to follow a dress code and the creed of the group being formed? I would have no problem going along with a dress code but I would at least I would like to wear my normal clothing from time to time,If its alright with you.

    Finally, what exactly has led you to want to join us? I have heard many tales of a guild back in anthos in-which my grandfather was in.When I saw this I thought it would be great,Especially since I have nothing else better to do.


     *In the bottom left corner is Dean's neatly written Signature*

  12. Given name(RP name):Dean Rodgers

    (Skype name if you have one):jordanrichards123

    True name(MC name):leap1


    Authentic magic user?:None,but I have been searching for a teacher to learn the arts from.

    If so what form of magic ye use?:N/A

    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?:Of course everyone should.

    Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?:Apprentice

    For Mageshields only:N/A

    Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to preserve that of your arcane brethren? N/A

    What combat skills have ye? I can use any regular sword or dagger.

    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:

    You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.
    *As Dean peeks inside he takes out his dagger and ventures more and more inside looking around untill he sees a group of elves worshiping some statue Dean hasn't seen before. After a bit of observing Dean desides to head out the ruins looking for a friend to enter with him just in case things go wrong.*

    While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact". *Dean quickly stops drinking his ale and listens closely to the two.after listening for another minute one of the hooded men take out a medallion and quickly began talking about how Rare the artifact is. Now really curious Dean makes the decision to steal it from the 2 to study it and see whats so great about it. but then in almost a second later the two hooded men get up And begin to walk out,Dean acts quick and follows at a distance in which they more than likely wouldn't be able to hear him walking behind them. after a few minutes of walking Dean desides how he is going to steal the medallion. he quicklt puts on his crimson red hood so they wouldn't be able to see who he is. Dean begins getting closer and closer to the man holding the medallion. he swiftfully reaches into his pockets grabs it and runs before they knew what hit them.

    Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer."This man....no this scum has been seen on many ocasions killing innocent citizens of Oren with the forbidden power known as Necromancy" The masked man yells at the top of his lungs. Dean walks over to the masked man confused of what hes yelling about "Sir do you have any proof to suspect this man of being the one who killed those people". The masked man looks at Dean furious "Scraps of cloth from this mans hood and a dagger the exact same looking as the one this man has equiped on him at this moment!". The Necromancer quickly gets up onto his feet while the masked man is distracted "I'm getting tired of hearing you two,I'll just deal with you both the way I did the rest of the people you called innocent" he says with a grin. Abig flash of light emits and a loud boom is heard. Four hours later Dean Awakens beaten badly in a local infirmary and tries to get up. The Docter quickly stops him say Woah there don't get up yet we're not done patching you up,you got into a real arse beating". Dean later leaves the inirmary wondering what happened to the masked man...he didn't see him anywhere in the infirmary.

  13. RP-
    Name: Dean Rodgers

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Weapon of choice?: A Sword of any kind,or a simple knife for combat

    Are you of Northern descent?: No,I'm not

    Character Skills(Other than combat):Other than my combat,my words have gotten me far in life,I can easily persuade others to do things they normally wouldn't do.I am very loyale to anyone I follow, and my speed which helps when I am escaping a battle I cannot win or Helping a friend get out of trouble.

    Why do you wish to join us?:My life has no meaning I want to belong to something great,I'm done sitting on my arse thinking I will never have a purpose. If I'm accepted I will have finally found my purpose.

    I, Dean Rodgers swear on my families honor that should I be accepted I shall pledge my allegiance to Clan Audrek and their allies until death's grasp takes me unto the aether. And I offer this drop of blood in good faith. *Dean cuts his hand and spills a couple drops of blood onto the piece of parchment*


    MC Name: leap1

    Skype Name: jordanrichards123

    Time Zone: EST.

  14. OOC

    MC name:leap1

    Skype name:jordanrichards123



    Name:Alex Hikaru


    Experience:I've fought a bit with the Claxdon Guard but they have perished ,after leaving I had decided to go on training and have been taught by some great fighters.




    I Alexander Hikaru do claim a promise of loyalty, to protect and stand for the lands of Herendul, and to always value the Creator’s, and your will, … Kommandant of the Winterguard, and to all your offspring, according to the obligations of the Guard. My sword, my shield, my strength, mine life will serve Herendul, and all it’s kin till the day I am a grave man.

  15. OOC
    MC Name:leap1
    Timezone:Eastern Standard Time


    Name:Alex Hikaru
    Current Allegiances:None at this point in time
    Past Jobs:Soldier of Oren...
    Skills:I can fight,good social skills,great climber (comes in handy often)

  16. OOC:
    Activity:I'm on alot lately and thats not going to change for a while
    Skype ((If you have one)):jordanrichards123
    Name:Alex Hikaru
    Combat ability:I am a great fighter though I have flaws in the way I fight but with some days or weeks of training it will improve
    Magical ability, if any?:Sadly I have no such magical abilities 
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