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Posts posted by Its_Just_Leap


    Upon hearing of what had happened the lich Ethel Serene would stand in her manor taking a moment of silence for the fallen Toren. An audible groan coming from behind the mask she wore after her moment of silence was over. She would look out to the forest, only starting to imagine the possible grief that nature had for the old druid. She would finally speak to no one in particular. Mostly just talking out loud to herself.


    "I've heard many things about you Toren. My mother would speak highly of you, and for once it had looked as though she had actually found her soul mate after so many had crushed her heart. I can only begin to imagine her grief. You were possibly the one and only thing that kept her sane. I owe you many thanks for keeping her happy while I was stupid enough to only cause her more strife. I personally will not mourn your death however. For I know that your soul will move on to a happier place where you can watch over Quillian with a smile. Rest easy Bull Druid. Embrace your mortality."


    Afterwards the small Lich would step outside and walk into the forest. Out of respect she would conduct her days research while sitting with nature. Even if it looked back in disgust due to what she was.


    Character Description (be as descriptive as possible!): Dark Elf Lean boi, with some muscles. purple eyes. "punk" half shaved hair cut. Carries a satchel with him. Necklace around his neck of an aurum willow tree. Ears pierced with aurum ear rings. Definitely looks like he's been smoking a bit too much cactus green in the grove. He wears a long crimson coloured jacket along with a short sleeve navy blue shirt underneath. Wearing simple black boots and dark gray pants

    Character Sheet: Buying this art for the character sheet :P

    Skin Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/Ss8bP

    Extra Shading: yee

    Reference(s): https://imgur.com/QHS7wjj

    Really edgy looking reference, the only difference between that and what I'm looking for is a bit less jagged with his jaw and of course no red face paint.

  3. "Hmm. . . They really want to believe they've won anything? Just a bunch of religious cooks that want to believe their god exists." The small Lich would cackle like an evil little child. "I'll be sure to help them meet their god in person when I snap their bones in half. I've already slaughtered three soldiers from Curon I believe. They sought entrance after trying to trick us into believing they rebelled against their superior. One electrocuted and the other two. . . well they're nothing but a shell of what they used to be after their life force was ripped from them." She would sit at her desk as she read the report, throwing it out the nearest window afterwards.

  4. IGN(s): (List all of your accounts that are white-listed on LotC.) Ghost_Of_Leap1


    Age: (14+ is a requirement.) 18


    Timezone: (Example: GMT.) EST


    Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.) Leap1.exe#5153


    What map did you join during?: (Example: Axios) Anthos


    Do you have access to a microphone?: (Yes / no.) Yes


    Average daily playing time?: (How much time on average do you spend on the server?) Way too much, but if I had to put a number on it then 10-12 hours on weekends and 6-7 on weekdays


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: (Discuss what position(s) you have held before. If the answer is none, put N/A.) I was a GM for 2 weeks, other than that no.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?: (Discuss briefly why you want to join the GM Team.) I made mistakes during my previous trial. Mistakes that could have easily been avoided and I will blame no one but myself for those mistakes. I want to join back because being a GM was probably the one staff position that I felt passionate about. I believe that when it comes down to it the GM team is here to help the players have a better experience on the server. I want to do my part and contribute to making the server a be a better experience for everyone in any way I can. Like I stated in my previous application there are times when people are having problems on the server but due to their timezone they play at a time where its possible that no GMs are online. I want to help those players who have that kind of problem with my absolutely horrid play time. I plan to be working very hard on this if I do get accepted. So uh. . . yeah put me back in coach! I won't let you down!


    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application: (Link any previously denied GM applications.) https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/167605-denied-trialleap1ghosts-second-gm-application/



    Anything else you want to tell us?: (This is optional.) Here's some amazing music for you all to listen to and have a nice day!


  5. The Lich Ethel Rose would sit in the Mother's Breast tavern as she receives the note from the hooded men. She pays mostly no attention to them or their whispers before she looks at the note and takes note specifically of the guild's name "The Coin" she would growl as she saw the name before taking out a ransom note that had used the signature name of the guild. The Lich would cackle as she pockets the guild flier and leaves several mina on the counter for the barkeep. As she leaves the tavern she utters to herself "May the void guide me as I slaughter all fools who wish to join this pathetic waste of a guild."


    ((Hope this guild works out well for you @Appie. It'd be nice for LotC to have a nice and developed bandit group instead of random pvp goons dotting the roads.))

  6. Alright Zombie. I love you to death, but no. You definitely shouldn't be on the GM team. For one you have a tendency to act toxic and can't keep a level head. I would rather have so many other, more experienced players that would do a better job. I would say to honestly take the time and play on the server more. Putting someone in a position as high as this who has the tendency to get salty on players and act toxic should not be given this position. I also don't believe that you'll be able to look at every situation without bias, which is something that you'll need to do. You complain about the dominion and other groups on the server that I don't believe you would take the time to help them without being bias.

    15 minutes ago, Zombiefide said:

    Time and time again I also find myself disappointed in what Lotc is becoming.

    Honey, you've been here for seven months. I don't think you actually understand that its been this way for a long time. It's not even that bad. Just a very vocal minority.


    16 minutes ago, Zombiefide said:

    When I first joined the server, I was recruited into a nation, pulled into a teamspeak, and was told who to hate and who to not hate. Who to rp with, and who to grind for.

    You joined Norland. . . Do I even have to say more? There was a time when they were basically the human RP hub, but now they have little activity and what activity they do have is filled with toxicity. A lot of other nations can act this way, but it definitely isn't as bad as the likes of Norland.


    Clean up your toxic attitude, and put more time in the server. Until then I don't want to see you on the GM Team personally. -1

  7. MC Name: Leap1Ghosts


    Character's Name: Ethel Rose


    Character's Age: 60


    Character's Race: Lich


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Arcanism


    Teacher's MC Name: Applewick


    Teacher's RP Name: Elyrus


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Yes, Earth Evocation- https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/167629-earth-evocation-st-ethel-serene/?tab=comments#comment-1582890


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope!

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