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Posts posted by Its_Just_Leap

  1. Most of this information is not publicly known, do not meta game this information please!

    General Information

    Name: Ethel Rose

    Former Names: Bluejay, Aurumen, and previously had the last name 'Serene'

    Gender: Female

    Race: Lich, formerly Wood Elf, and she will have all the features of a wood elf when draughted

    Birthday: 11th of Snow's Maiden, 1592

    Place of birth: Alban, Kingdom of Haense


    Artwork (I do not own either art piece and they belong to the one who made it.)



    Height: 5' 2

    Weight: 107 pounds

    Figure: Ethel is a rather curvy, and small woman with little muscle due to her body being both a Lich and having heavy use of voidal magics over her lifetime. She's a physically weak person and can be overpowered by most people. Though she does have a fair bit of stamina and can be pretty quick on her feet. 

    Hair Color: Naturally brown, though she does dye her hair blonde on occasion.

    Eye Color: Gold, most of the time her eyes are covered by a blindfold due to her blindness.

    Markings or Tattoos: On her right forearm is a faded tattoo of a rose and an orchid entwining each other. She has several faded scars all over her body.

    Apparel: She wears a thick set of mage robes that are crimson, and a dark blue color. She rarely ever wears armor because it slows her down too much. She would be wearing several magical items on her. Such as her necklace and gloves. The most notable thing is her blindfold which is something she must wear in order to see due to her being a Seer.

    Abilities and Magics known

    Abilities: Ethel is mastered in using a bow. Her aim is superb and nearly never misses her target. Other than that she's not physically strong and can barely hold up a sword. She always carries a dagger and several potions on her person to compensate for her size and strength. She tries to keep herself as far away from her opponent as possible to make sure that they don't disrupt her connection to the void.

    Magics known: Sensory Illusion, Tier 5, Is a teacher in the magic.
                             Earth Evocation, Tier 4

                             Electrical Evocation, Tier 3

                             Telekinesis, Tier 3

                             Voidal Shifting, Tier 1

    Feats Known: Vaasek's Seer, and Frost Witch Thrall


    Other Information

    Pets: Ink, Karin
             Pearl, Snowy Owl

    Family: Luna, Lover

                Mora Rose, Daughter

                Lissy, Daughter

                Alice, Daughter

                Quillian Serene, Mother

                Keir Rose, Father

                Eryn Serene, Uncle

                Vivian Serene, Aunt

                Maeven, Adopted Mother

                Aiden Serene, Brother

                Bastian Serene, Brother





  2. MC Name: Leap1Ghosts


    Character's Name: Ethel Rose


    Character's Age: 44


    Character's Race: Lich


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Voidal Shifting


    Teacher's MC Name: Fury_Fire


    Teacher's RP Name: Lucien


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Of course


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yep


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hero_Prodigy said:

    Weren’t you removed for abuse on the gm team? -1.

    All in all the official reason for me being removed wasn't crystal clear. Paleo had simply stated that I wasn't a good fit for GM team and to apply for FM team. It definitely wasn't abuse though, I'd never use my position strictly for my own benefit.

  4. 8 hours ago, Arhbi said:

    I hate to be all negative and everything, but the last time you were trialed for any moderating position you got removed, which resulted in a few people going ape-**** and starting trouble. Who's to say the same thing won't happen?

    Apparently a lot of people felt strongly about my removal. This isn't my fault, and I'm not going to take responsibility for people's opinions. I would like to know what trouble was caused due to my removal. I may have a slightly large ego, but that's ridiculous. The only thing that occurred were posts and status updates about it.

    5 hours ago, Skale said:

    Kicked from a team for leaking.


    1 hour ago, Jeiku said:

    Interesting... you definitely have the potential but with the removal from the GM team for leaking I'm not sure how far our trust can reach out to you.


    I also understand that the leak was a-grade idiotic like the recent one but who's to say you won't leak something more important confidential? 


    I think more time should be aired out on a team not about moderation, so that staff will have a better view on you.

    This was the one thing that I knew was probably gonna bite me in the arse. Even if it was only something as small as a video of a certain player hacking I shouldn't have sent it and I realize this. I don't want people to think that they can't trust me over this sort of thing because while it's definitely not ok I thought that since I had gotten said evidence from another group that it wouldn't matter. I was wrong, and if I could go back I'd definitely change it.

  5. Minecraft Username(s): Leap1Ghosts


    Age: 18


    Time Zone: EST


    Discord: Leap1.exe#5153


    Have you been previously banned (be it a forum or server ban) and under what circumstances did you receive this ban?: I've been banned for a week for apparently being too toxic on a ban report. A few others were also banned, and we were unbanned not very long after. We had all agreed that none of us had acted toxic in any way, and I stand by that opinion to this day. I'm sure if you want to you may go and see the post yourself if you want to decide whether I was being too toxic or not.


    Have you ever received warning points and what did you do to receive those points?: Never, I've had a clean track record on the forums (except that ban but I don't know if it counts)


    Moderating the forums is a very time dependent staff position. How much time, on average, would you be able to dedicate to moderating?: When I commit to something like a staff team I want to commit all of my free time to this. I'm always able to access the forums, and I think that on average I'd be able to dedicate possibly 9+ hours daily while I multitask with other things and more if needed or asked.


    Have you ever held a staff position here on LoTC? Do you currently hold any other staff positions? If so, list them and highlight something about the team that you enjoyed/enjoy: I was on the GM team for a solid 2 weeks and I dedicated a lot of time towards that. I loved being able to help people whenever possible. Even at times stopping everything I was doing to help a person out. I was then sadly kicked from the team by Paleo, who then said that I would apparently be a good fit for the FM Team. I decided to take up his recommendation and give it a try.


    Why should you be a FM? What can you bring to our team in regards to moderating and enforcing the rules on the forums? I feel like I have a good grasp on the rules of the forums that are needed in order to keep the place orderly for the players. I feel that I have the ability to keep myself unbiased and professional when working. Keeping myself calm and collected when needed. My schedule is very flexible making it easy for me to be able to moderate the forums any time I'm needed. I like to warn people more than actually hand out a ban or some sort of punishment due to the fact that sometimes there may be a situation where someone is doing something that they may not think is against the rules but they're wrong so they should get a warning. Though if it does come down to giving a punishment I do not have a problem with handing out a punishment as it would have probably been needed.


    What traits do you have that make you stand out from any other applicant?: I believe firmly that the other applicants wouldn't work as hard as I would. I am definitely one to put time and effort into something that I deem important, this being something I definitely think is important. I doubt some of the other applicants would honestly be able to out perform me when it comes to doing quota, or time spent while moderating the server (mostly because I am a competitive person and I will see it as a challenge) I'm a very well organized person that likes to keep things orderly.


    Are you familiar with ModeratorCP? I've started to look into it more and more to see how complicated it was, and have heard a lot about it. I do feel I have a good grasp of it, but I can improve though as I've never been able to have actual hands on use with it.


    How long do you plan to stay on the team?: Honestly, I want to stay on the team as long as I'll be allowed. When it comes to being on staff teams for me when I was staff on different servers I stayed on my respective team till I was told to leave because I've spent too much time. It it's decided that I should leave the Forum Team after a while then I would leave. Basically I'd plan on being an FM for a while.


    Here's some music for you:


  6. Ethel would be sitting in her garden when her owl had come to her with a letter detailing Alison's 'sin' "So now the mother won't be able to care for the child she created? Even if it is an abomination it's still a living creature that deserves to live just as much as the canonist freaks." The Lich would stand from her chair and throw the letter into a fire pit nearby "Hopefully her and her child get away from the hell they're going to be put through."

    1. NAME: Scarlet Bane

      1. NOBILITY (Y/N): N

      2. if not, GENTRY (Y/N):N

    2. AGE: 27

      1. DATE OF BIRTH (if known): 18th of the Snow's Maiden, 1622

      2. PLACE OF BIRTH (if known): Mordskov

    3. RACE: Human

      1. ETHNICITY (Highlander, Heartlander, etc. N/A if not applicable or unknown.): N/A

    4. MILITARY/COMBAT EXPERIENCE: Can safely say I've never lost  a fight. Used to hang around a military group dedicated to slaying Mordskov beasts

    5. PAST LABOR EXPERIENCE: Successful and mastered alchemist, medic, and I dabble in blacksmithing



    MC name: Leap1Ghosts

    Skype: jordanrichards123

    Do you have Teamspeak? If not are you willing to get it?: Of course

  7. I've been really bored recently and I was kinda shifting through my cards like a dork, and thought if we could make some LotC inspired Magic the Gathering cards. So now I'm going to take characters, and locations from the map of Atlas and begin to turn them into cards from the game, and I want your help to do so!


    Here's an example of a card that I have already made of my own character using a website:



    I will be putting every single card that I make into a google doc that will be attached to the post as soon as it's created. I will also be willing to make any character or location you want to be made into a card (within reason) You will need to provide artwork of your character in order for it to be put onto the card. I will also not be taking any sort of payment for this! This is simply something I wish to do in my free time because I think it fun. All cards are completely free! If you don't give me a rarity for the card then I'll make it mythic rare. Lastly I don't expect anyone to actually use these cards in a game of Magic, however I would still like for everyone to keep their characters abilities straight forward, and simple. Think of what would actually be on a card, if you don't know what to put on the Abilities tab then I'll create one for you. For that matter if you don't put some things in I'll be able to fill them in for you except name, traits, and RP abilites


    Form for card creation-

    Name/Name of location:

    Type of card (creature, enchanted land, etc.):


    Mana Cost:

    Type of creature:

    Power/Toughness (use 0/0 format pls):

    Card Rarity:

    Card Quote:

  8. 14 hours ago, GaiaLoTC said:

    “Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your blessing unto me…

    You kiddos are getting dangerously close to summoning the dark brotherhood. . .


    In all seriousness though I'm not gonna ***** about "oh no more endgames!" though I do have a few problems with this. For one this lore, if passed and implemented, is going to be heavily abused and open up a lot more cases of powergaming. There seemingly no redlines given to the Aspects of Cunning and the Aspects of Strength, and trust me I looked for them. This needs to be fixed. Give them weaknesses and downsides to taking on different Aspects instead of others. For example if a druid were to take on the "Spirit of the Nightowl" you say they're granted enhanced sight in the dark, well then as a result they should have horrid sight when faced with harsh lighting. Giving someone abilities with purely buffs and no debuffs will only lead to shitty situations.


    Others have commented about the fact that you shouldn't be able to unattune  guardians, and I agree with this heavily. How does it make sense that a spirit of a druid would be able to be PK'd super easily just because they pissed off one person and got unattuned. You should write another way for a PK clause if you believe one is needed. (I hate PK clauses more than I hate myself so I don't think you should have to make one)


    And finally this isn't something I believe should change I just want to know why it has to be the way it is. Why must a druid be on the brink of death in order to become a Guardian, wouldn't it be more preferable to have them perform the ritual when they're alive? I'm simply confused as to why this is, but feel free to explain if you wish.

  9. 15 hours ago, Temp said:

    It's still defender default and folks don't take hits for $20 tips if it forces them from the advantage. Rarely have, rarely will.

    And that's where they get to a point where eventually dodging every attack is powergaming and you go speak to a GM about it. Even then Powergaming mages are a rarity from what I've seen. I've seen more mages that UNDERPOWER their magic if anything.

    2 hours ago, zaezae said:

    Too many magical slots. End-game magic is too powerful. 

    Calling end game magic too powerful isn't true. The amount of magic slots isn't a problem either. If everyone was only able to have 2 magics and still be forced to RP the side affects from the void then that would be way to much of a detriment to them combat wise, and make them practically useless. The solution isn't to nerf everything into the ground.

  10. 1 hour ago, Temp said:

    Magic should be the alternative to the blade or the bow, not a way of life or a character defining aspect. Unfortunately, magic is a means of achieving a power fantasy and it has far exceeded the blade or bow, nearly making them obsolete. Some folks restrain themselves and provide solid enjoyable RP but others like to fall back upon the general ignorance of magic as a means of being untouchable.

    This is completely wrong. Magic is an alternative to the sword and bow, not to go alongside of it. A mages body degrades as they connect to the void making them physically weaker. It's super easy to counter a mage due to one little aspect and that's the fact that they have to connect to the void. Seriously all you have to do is tackle them or attack them in some way and their connection will be broken and they'll be forced to reconnect. Not to mention there being this little neat thing that definitely makes magic 100% obsolete and it's called PVP Default. Magic definitely doesn't turn people into all powerful beings, to say this is almost a complete lie.

  11. I feel as though this is more of a problem with shitty players that are roleplaying the magics to only be weapons. Almost all magics have the capabilities to be used in normal RP situations. I know that I, and a few others in my friend groups aren't just sitting around waiting for someone to attack me so I can throw an evocated spike through their skull. . .  I mean I will, but it's like maybe 35% of my magic roleplay. What we need to do in order to remove shitty magic roleplayers is:

    1. Have a more strict teaching system/self teaching system where the teachers/OOC Overseers are held accountable for their actions when they teach their students.

    2. Have the magic/lore team be more upfront about the daily uses of magic other than using them as a simple replacement for a sword and shield. I don't know how many times Ethel did simple household magic and people thought I was a ******* genious, I mean are you kidding me IT'S A FREE MAGIC!!!!!

    3. This is more of a duty on everyone's part, but we need to have people be more serious about magic blacklists. If you feel like someone isn't doing their magic properlly then screenshot it, and afterwards send it to the magic team. Keep magic out of bad roleplayer's hands

    4. Force people to roleplay the effects of using voidal magics! I don't know how many times I've fought another mage, afterwards asked them how many magics they have, they say they have an absurd ammount, but are somehow still able to ******* stand in full platemale armor, and hoist their sword around! News Flash!: THE MORE VOIDAL MAGICS YOU HAVE THE MORE YOUR BODY IS PROGRESSIVELY WEAKER DUE TO YOUR CONTINUOUS CONNECTIONS TO THE VOID!

    The OP also said to remove endgames for mages, or rather suggested it. I would argue not to, and not because I have endgame characters. These endgames give people goals to strive for when they have their mages. Taking these things away in my opinion would be a detriment, and lead to magic being nothing special. Which I believe it should be.

  12. MC Name: Leap1Ghosts


    Character's Name: Ethel Rose


    Character's Age: 41


    Character's Race: Lich


    Link to your accepted MA: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/165635-sensory-illusion-ma-ethel-rose/?tab=comments#comment-1565723


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Sensory Illusion


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Sensory Illusion is the magic of tricking someone's subconscious into thinking something is there when it really isn't. Sensory Illusion has many different uses for mages from avoiding combat, to influencing emotions, or even just uses in everyday life. The main goal of course is to trick another person's subconscious, and as such the illusion must make sense or else it WILL shatter, and fail. Even if someone is told that a mage is an illusionist your subconscious may never be able to tell the difference due to how realistic the illusion may be. Of course an illusionist cannot cast an illusion on themselves, because how would they be able to trick their own mind that something isn't real? Sensory Illusion follows the same basics as the other voidal magics. Those basics being that the mage must be able to successfully connect to the void to be able to cast such an illusion, and they you must cast an illusion in your line of sight.
    Glamours: Glamours are used to mask something and make it look, smell, feel, and taste. To use Glamours an illusionist must have experienced the illusion they are creating. Many people use glamours for small things like making themselves look different and disguising themselves. These disguises can be small things like changing one's hair color, or making themselves look completely different. The larger the disguise however the more prone it is to failing, or showing imperfections.

    Figments: Unlike glamours figments aren't really there. This is used in case an Illusionist wants to create something, but they don't have an object in front of them that they need to mask. Due to this people are able to walk through figments. Much like glamours, the larger they are the harder they are to maintain, and prone to failing they are.

    Phantasms: Possibly one of the most amazing things Sensory Illusion can do is influencing another persons' emotions through phantasms. These are suggestions of emotions put on a person by an illusionist. Using these an illusionist can attempt to make someone feel any emotion (such as happiness, anger, fear, or any other emotion) that they so choose. Phantasms are only a suggestion on the subconscious however. They are completely unable to force an emotion on another person. The person may even reject the suggestion all together due to the fact that it doesn't fit well or make sense (AKA making someone who's absolutely pissed suddenly feeling happy go lucky)


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: Ethel and her student would be in a lush green forest. The student sitting on the grass in front of her listening as she began to speak. "Today we'll be doing simple glamours. Their a very simple concept to grasp in my opinion, and I would hope that you would think the same. We'll be figuring this out soon though." Ethel would begin to circle around where her student was sitting, continuing to lecture her "Putting a glamour on something means that you will be masking it in a sense. I want for you to take an object and mask it for me. You could make it look like something completely different. Do not worry about the neat and elegant details just yet. You'll only end up straining yourself."

    The student would begin to take his stone dagger out of it's sheath and begin to start shaking ever so slightly. It would be apparent that he had had little experience to connecting to the void, and creating from it. Ethel would speak as she looked at her student "Visualize every little detail you're trying to create! Though don't push yourself too hard. I don't want to see you pass out just because you're trying to impress me."

     The student would continue to concentrate on his crafted illusion, beads of sweat rolling down his head. As the stone dagger came out of the sheath it would look like a finely crafted steel dagger. Looking very elegant with a gem resting in the pommel. Ethel would frown at the dagger rather disappointing that he would try to strain himself to add extra details, and not make a simple iron dagger. She would take a small mirror from her satchel, determined to shatter her students illusion she would begin to use the light of the sun to cast a shimmer on the sword. . . but there isn't one. Seconds after the illusion would shatter and it would go back to its original form being a normal stone dagger.

    Ethel would look at the student with what would look like disappointment before smirking "Don't focus on elegant details just yet. You're still new to the magic so I don't expect you to be able to do such. I want you to practice glamours outside of our lessons. Our next lesson will be in a year or so, and I will send you a bird with the lesson location. Van'ayla."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yep I do


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

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