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Posts posted by Its_Just_Leap

  1. 43 minutes ago, Viltaren said:

    Most roadside rp suuuucks. Banditry is stupid, and people congregate in cities most often anyway. 

    The wayshrines would be a good compromise. I liked fast travel personally, but it would be alot of help if for example you could tp to a wayshrine only 500-100 blocks away rather than 3k away from a given outlier city.

    Alright. . . I'm gonna introduce a novel concept. Now hear me out its a bit crazy, but it'll work! Its called SOUL STONES

    Ok now that I'm done being sarcastic. Literally having the wayshrines be fast travels make absolutely no sense considering we have our soul stones. At this point you can have up to like. . . 6 slots? Something like that. We don't need fast travels, we just need to stop being lazy. We've had them for far too long.

    I can get your gripes with road side rp, but 8/10 the bandit rp is valid. And well if it isn't then I implore you to send all gripes you have with the other player's rp to a GM and let them handle it. (That is if the GM is competent enough to actually deal with it properly)

  2. 16 minutes ago, HardstyleRaver2 said:

    What roadside RP? I don't see any. If it was the size of Athera, I would be perfectly okay with having no fast travels. However, travel times are extremely ridiculous.

    The longest nation to get to is Sutica and it's what? 15 minutes? It's not as bad as people think it is. I think we should only have fast travels if we have a large map. (Mostly the size of tahn) Atlas is small enough as it is we dont need to have it be smaller. 

  3. ((OOC: Yikes!))


    Scarlet Bane would place the last remaining things from her days in the Haense military in a trunk before her owl sends word of Jhazeem's passing. The Homunculus felt as though she had lost a tool or a possession. Like a child who's toy would break she would frown as she sat at her desk. Talking aloud as if Jhazeem could still hear her. "I helped teach you the creation of my  beautiful and ambitious brothers and sisters. . . I can't say you failed me flower boy. Well. . . If I'm honest you were a bit of a pain in the ass at times." The Doppelganger would rise to her feet and shift through her different weapons and tools. "I guess its up to me to take care of your creations and either kill them, or make them mine." Her lips would curl into a sick and twisted smile!

  4. Scarlet Bane would glance out of her cart which had sat by this building. The cart had been her home for many years as she lived there peacefully without interuption. She would narrow her eyes at this advertisement and grumbled "If I hear one knock at my door from one of th-" The Doppelganger would stop as she flashed a toothy grin. "Never mind. . . let them come. I am in need of fresh cadavers for experiments." She would let out a low cackle as she went back to her studies

  5. ((MC Name: Ghost_Of_Leap1))


    ((RP)) Name: Ethel Rose


    Known Arcane Arts: Sensory Illusion, Voidal Shifting, Arcanism, Electrical Evocation, Telekinesis


    Position Desired (Student or Instructor): Instructor


    When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Literally anytime

  6. 1 minute ago, drfate786 said:


    "Atleast Canonists just kill heathens instead of oppressing them, it's much more humane." remarks Alifer.

    Keir would stand there for a moment trying to understand Alifer's words before finally speaking "So. . . in your eyes its much more human to kill heathens even though according to the canonist religion they'll just burn for eternity? Maybe I'm too daft but that doesn't sound humane at all. Why can't we all quit acting like school yard children and accept one another."

  7.  **** YEAH! I will be massively disappointed with staff if Lumii doesn't get GM. This guy is hella qualified for this position and if anyone says differently then they're wrong. That's a fact.


    (Edit: apparently I can't spell.)

  8. 33 minutes ago, _Lackless_ said:

    Lockezi would blink a few times under his blindfold, letting out a quiet laugh “Why would they want a guardforce filled with ghost..?”  He’d murmur to himself before waking off

    Keir Elwing would cringe every single time he see's Locke "Blink". Obviously thinking his annoying joke about his edgy blindness is getting more stale than left out bread.

  9. Doesn't add anything that isn't already present in the server (Golems)

    You can say that this is an /entirely new thing/ that's separate from Golems, but its really not. You're basically taking an already existing creature on the server, change how its made, say they're entirely different from Golems in the post (through weaknesses and 'higher range of motion'), and then slap your name on it and submit.

  10. Keir Elwing would sit in his home at the Mother Grove, a rather large smile over his face. "I'm glad that piss poor excuse for a chief is finally gone. Hopefully now they can begin to have proper leadership." He would nod and sit back, beginning to ponder over the events at the Warhawkes. "Little sad though. . . I was hoping that I would be able to see more bloodshed at the meeting when that pitiful Lockezi brought his 'forces' late to his own nation's meeting. The only bloodshed I saw was when I fell over and scraped my knee."

  11. General Information

    Name: Keir Elwing

    Gender: Male

    Race: Mali'Ker (Dark Elf)

    Birthday- 20th of The Amber Cold, 1598

    Place of Birth: Leyu'celia, The Warhawke Chiefdom



    Artwork (Unless stated otherwise I do not own these pictures.)



    Height: 6'3

    Weight: 178 lbs.

    Figure and General Appearance: Keir is a rather tall Mali'ker. Due to his training during his childhood into adulthood he's got some muscle to him. His figure seems to be pretty straight along with little fat on him. He would have very "punk styled" hair with one side being long and the other shaved. Keir would have no facial hair.

    Hair Color: Black, though along the shaved sides of his hair its a more white color

    Eye Color: Purple

    Attitude: Keir is a man with slight anger problems. Normally most people never see him angry due to his patience though if you push him enough he will snap and lash out. He has a distinct hatred for all forms of undead. Viewing them as unnatural and if he sees one will kill them on sight if he has the chance. The Mali'ker would normally have a smile on his face as he walked throughout the land. He is always happy to land a hand to those who ask, and sometimes will help without someone needing to ask. This depends on the person however. Generally a kind and caring individual.

    Markings or Tattoos: Along down Keir's arm are several tribal tattoos and words written in ancient elvish. Though most notably would be a tattoo of a strange symbol over his heart. The symbol wouldn't look like it was anything magical. Merely just two hearts joined together. (https://imgur.com/rZ9X9K2) Down his right arm would be a tribal tattoo of a blue jay (https://imgur.com/8br72Rt) He seems to have very little scars on his body.

    Apparel: Keir wears a long crimson colored coat with several pockets on the inside. Under the coat would be a normal collared  navy blue shirt. It wouldn't seem like Keir normally wears armor on himself and general keeps it casual. He would carry with him a large satchel that carries most of his equipment other than his sword and elven long bow. The satchel would be made of a tanned black leather material with several markings on it to show style and flare. He would wear simple black pants and boots. On his ears would be two golden ear rings made of aurum. He would carry both an aurum blade and a steel sword with him at all times. He can occasionally be seen carrying a bow around with him. If one had a keen sense of smell they'd be able to smell a hint of cactus green over his normal aroma of flowers.


    Alchemist- Keir is a practiced and highly skilled alchemist and has a vast variety of knowledge of the herbs that dot the realm. 
    Fighter - Keir's skill in combat is slightly above average. He trains and practices but never expects to actually have to fight.

    Healer- Where he lacks in his fighting capabilities he makes up for when it come to healing an individual. He's started to learn to deal with and treat a vast array of different injuries and illnesses.

    Bard- Not a very major skill but Keir is a fantastic and gifted bard. Knowing how to play a vast array of instruments and continues to practice to this day.

    Religion: Aspectism, Druidism.

    Current Occupation: Dedicant of the Mother Grove, and Wandering Healer.
    Relationships and Family Tree:

    Eretria Farlynn (Spouse)

    Rosa Farlynn (Daughter)

    Allana Elwing (Mother-Deceased)

    Dravis Elwing (Father- Deceased)

    Rillen Elwing (Sister)

    Riv'su Desnox (Close friend)

    Nivndil Duskhollow (Close friend and teacher)

    Eryn Nailo Serene (Father In-Law)

    Pets and Companions:

    Boo- black and gray Karin (Basically a crystal leopard)

    Spike- A small blue jay normally used by Keir to send messages around Atlas.

  12. 1 minute ago, Snoop said:

    Absolutely not. -1. You literally spurged on me in Marna while we had you in custody and threw an LOOC fit. It was my first ever interaction and you gave me all the reasons to not support you for GM. Sorry but I don't believe you have the attitude or neutrality to take the role of GM.

    Excuse me? I'm sorry but I've never "spurged" on anyone for taking my character into custody. Now if you mean spurg as in my character not being coopertive and doing what you want then sure. I don't remember me "spurging" on you but you can think what you want friend. What has happened is soldiers from Marna and the church constantly harrass me and my friends in looc but even then we never spurged you lot.

  13. IGN(s): (List all of your accounts that are white-listed on LotC.) Ghost_Of_Leap1


    Age: (14+ is a requirement.) 18


    Timezone: (Example: GMT.) EST


    Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.) Leap1.exe#5153


    What map did you join during?: (Example: Axios) Anthos


    Do you have access to a microphone?: (Yes / no.) Yes


    Average daily playing time?: (How much time on average do you spend on the server?) 7 hours on weekdays and around 10-11 hours on weekends


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: (Discuss what position(s) you have held before. If the answer is none, put N/A.) Yep, I was a Trial GM for about two weeks before I was removed. 


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?: (Discuss briefly why you want to join the GM Team.) As I stated in my previous application I made some mistakes and I want my redemption. I wouldn't apply for this position so many times if I wasn't so stubborn and passionate about the position. I'm a bit of a rule enforcer and with my absolutely horrid (probably a bit unhealthy) play schedule I feel like I would make a great addition to the team(but hey. . .I'm biased). I know a large majority of the rules to help enforce them. The most important part of why I want to join the GM team is the help the playerbase with any problems that they have. I want players whether they be new or veterans to have a wonderful experience on the server that'll go as smoothly as possible. I'm gonna sound like a horrible broken record at this point but honestly GMs need to fix this problem. While its a small amount of players that this effects but its not an amount that should be ignored. These players will due to their timezone play on specific times when there are maybe 1 or if you're lucky 2 mods online, but not on duty to help them. 


    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application: (Link any previously denied GM applications.)https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/171012-deniedleap1s-newest-attempt-at-returning-to-the-gm-team/?tab=comments#comment-1613507



    Anything else you want to tell us?: (This is optional.) Nothing other than I hope you all have a wonderful day! Oh and here's some music for you- 


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