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Posts posted by iris1612

  1. +1 but only for the song i literally hate this man otherwise xdddddddd



    ok in all honestly he can be act like a real ******* idiot sometimes but.. so can we all. And when he ISN'T acting like an idiot (which is most of the time) he's a very excellent guy with great problem-solving ability. +1 from me

  2. "They misspelled Metterden.. why is all of Courland so woefully illiterate?" Says Danny. "Furthermore, this 'peace treaty' is nothing more than a weak attempt by the Kingdom of Courland to try to show other nations that they aren't the aggressor, when in fact it's plain to see that they are. This entire document is riddled with falsehoods; I could write better when I was 12."

  3. ((There were no character witnesses to this at all and it is not ic knowledge. I understand that people are upset due to the loss of their characters but that is not an excuse to make posts that are flagrant metagaming. Please take this down.

  4. What "formula" is this? The "formula" of having a server based on conflicting groups, sometimes called nations? Because that's not really a tolkein thing more of an "every fantasy scenario ever" type of thing. It's not really possible to "over use" something like that. And as for a "different road" exactly WHAT would that be? How would the server COMPLETELY change genres and gameplay style? When you say "How necessary are races" are you really implying that there is no need to have races at all on LOTC? Should we all be playing as robots or higher beings without a need for a physical presence? Or did you mean that we should try restricting all of LOTC to one race, for the sake of "originality?" I really don't understand this at all. 



    EDIT: apologies if I sound rude or condescending, text can come across differently than the human voice and that's not my intent.

  5. 2 hours ago, mra8ur93ss said:

    "Untouched until Oren moved on to their place of refuge, the Dreadlands. And Tobias has done far from sparking this war, it's taken a murdered nephew, a beheaded vassal, a butchered noble and a kidnapped princess. To require such before declaring war shows... Wanton hatred? Even in war, Tobias has demanded we end the conflict as quickly as possible to prevent needless slaughter... If you want to accuse him of wanton hate, you're merely lying to yourself."

    "The Dreadlands were a BANDIT NATION who's own coat of arms was the infamous FLAYED MAN. If you were to listen to the name aloud 'Dread lands' you would realize that it is absolutely ABSURD to call it a 'place of refuge,' or ANYTHING less than a nation of vile murderers who were in dire need of extermination. As you said, Tobias Staunton idolizes his father Aleksandr, and Aleksandr was a kinslaying madman whos ultimate downfall at the hands of the Duchy of Carnatia; the same Duchy that went on to form Haense. That is the 'wonton hate' that started this war. Aleksandr was a craven madman and rebel and his son is no better." Says Daniel 

  6. 5 minutes ago, TheAmazingPheonix said:

    "I love the way you debate the points presented and don't just brush then aside to protect your little thought bubble buddy. Extremely intellectual arguments and points of view." The young offspring of a married priest of the true faith comments.

    "I love how you use up an entire thesaurus full of archaic bullshit for your scripture, yet still fail to make yourself or your religion sound like anything more than a group of crying reincarnations of Theodosius II, who you admire so much. Maybe if there was /any/ actual substance to your 'church' besides finger-pointing and antagonizing the REAL Church, it might be taken seriously enough for a debate." Says Daniel, a young lad who is CANONIST AND PROUD

  7. From the Seven Skies, Boris snorts "So, my dear brother has returned from his long voyage JUST in time to make a claim for my county... what a strange 'coincidence.' It is also amusing that he chose to fight with the very men who murdered me just to get power instead of seeking diplomacy or a peaceful solution.. I suppose that goes to show the character of my brother. It's a good thing I didn't make him Count."

  8. I. Name:

    Daniel Godfrey Vimmark


    II. Age:



    IIa. Date of Birth [If Known]:

    12th of the Deep Cold, 1589


    IIb. Location of Birth [If Known]: Johannesburg


    III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human

    IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]:



    IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Nobility


    V. Place of Residence:

    N/A (formerly Johannesburg)


    VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]:

    Trained in swordsmanship, archery, and horseback combat.

    VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]:

    miner, lumberjack.



    MC Name: lol

    Skype ID: lol

  9. Daniel laughs "These heathens really are silly. It doesn't matter how many fancy titles your 'high priest' gives himself, he still has no power, and neither does his 5 person 'holy order.' I can't help but notice by reading through the other declarations of this so-called 'church,' the only person listed as a church official is this Callixtvs Primus. Haense and Courland's feud is no business of mine, but these heathens are a vile tumor compared to TRUE Canonism."

  10. My only remaining question is, how should I go about getting a settlement. Isn't the whole point of the nation charter to give new natons a capital? What is the point of being given a 250x250 plot if we have to not only have a settlement, it has to be a settlement outside of any other nation? It seems bizarre to me that land is being offered but only to groups who already have land. How could I even obtain land outside of any other nation? Wouldn't that require me to already have nation status? 

  11. i0080D8YetZcFCcEWqFoOnLWmnVVXCDlTDoQPq5Xppai4EUImwh2e8VGBukThHS2lyHujpaEy-WMCg_5AySKaBaKPwtQ9_X4c4_7THTlm2yWAWZy-jnUaDm8X4PiwSMet-SE_5kz


    The sun was unusually bright, noted Boris, as he sat idly on the deck of the boat to Aleksandria. It was a good day by anyone’s standard, clear and cloudless, with just the right amount of breeze. Sadly, the business he was travelling for was far less pleasant than the bright day outside. He had just returned from a meeting with the Grand King, accompanying his own liege, Marius of Haense. They spoke of the ever-increasing hostilities between Courland and Haense, and how it could be resolved, while the young Count listened.


    He sat in his carriage, reviewing the parchment that Lord Chancellor Lucas Vanir had given him. He was to go to Aleksandria and meet with the King of Courland to arrange a second diplomatic meeting between the two factions. It was a duty he looked forward to, as he had grown tired of war. The Siege of Houndsden was still fresh in his mind, and it was a memory he did not want to revisit.


    His cart rumbled to a stop, and he stepped out of the coach, shifting his face away from the bright sun. With a smile, he looked over the city, tucking the letter back into his coat, but pausing as he heard the sound of footsteps and shouting. A group of men were walking towards him from the city, numbering six in total, and carrying weapons. As they approached, he begun to distinguish faces amongst the crowd. Gared Emmark, an old but notorious Courlandic soldier; Mah’r Volaren, an ex-Haensetic soldier who defected to Courland during the Eagle’s Uprising, and two more he did not know. At the back was none other than Frederick Baden Staunton, the Count of Trier, and kin to the King.


    He looked over the men, some of whom were carrying weapons; warhammers, and shields. The men surrounded him loosely, and his gloved hand fluttered to the hilt of his battle-axe, a Black Ferrum blade that had served him through the years. The cart driver and a few other bystanders looked on with curiosity, though no one raised a hand to help. The Staunton pointed out at the young Count, muttering a few words to the brigands, before they lashed out at him. Errmark swung a fist at him, apparently trying to take him alive, and he blocked with a gauntleted forearm, his hand going to draw his axe. He howled in pain as the ex-Haensetic turncoat’s shield crashed into his neck and back, sending him reeling to the side. The men moved towards him again, the uniformed Emmark swinging his warhammer at Boris’ side.


    He tried to duck beneath the blow, his ears still ringing from the shield blow, but his movements were sluggish, and he made a fatal miscalculation. With a sickening CRACK, the warhammer collided with his skull, sending him face-first into the dirt, his weapons flying from his hands, and blood flowing down his neck. Trembling fingers scrambled for purchase against the dirt, and he made some effortless motions to speak. Whether it was a prayer, a plea for mercy, or some last, defiant battle-cry, no one would ever know. The hammer came down one last time on his head, as his vision faded to black.

    Boris Nikolas Ruthern, 1583-1601. He was 18 at the time of his death.

  12. Minecraft Username(s): MaxGemini

    Age: 16

    Time Zone: PST

    Skype: mr.creeper5

    Discord: MaxGemini#9971

    Have you been previously banned (be it a forum or server ban) and under what circumstances did you receive this ban?: nah

    Have you ever received warning points and what actions were committed to receive such points?: I believe the only time I have earned a warning point was a few months ago when I went on a rant about FMs hiding posts unnecessarily at midnight. It was both immature and incorrect, the FMs I was objecting to were actually doing their jobs.

    Moderating the forums is a very time dependent staff position. How much time, on average, would you be able to dedicate to moderating?: 6-7 hours a day at minimum. I spend a lot  of time on the forums

    What experience do you have using the LotC forums or any forum in general?: I've been using the LotC forums for 4 years now so I'd like to think I have a pretty good grasp on them.

    What does it mean to be a Forum Moderator, in your own words? What responsibilities does the Forum Moderator have to carry out in order to successfully do their job?: A forum moderator's job at its most basic is to create a friendly, comfortable medium for LOTC players, and an environment that draws in new players. The forums should be neatly organized, easy to navigate and easy to understand, and it is a Forum Moderator's job to ensure it stays this way. An FM needs to be monitoring the forums to move old, inactive threads to the archive, removing excessively toxic content, and generally keeping the forums clean and good looking. To do this, an FM has to be monitoring the forums almost constantly, in order to keep them up to date and free of trash content.

    Have you ever held a staff position here on LotC? Do you currently hold any other staff positions? If so, list them and highlight something about the team that you enjoyed/enjoy.: I was an ET in late 2016/early 2017 before I retired, because I was worried about becoming inactive. 


    Why should you be a Forum Moderator? What can you bring forward to the team that allows you to moderate and enforce the conduct of the forums?: I'm neutral and pretty unbiased, having spent a good amount of time in groups all along the server. I'm level-headed and not confrontational, and I'm also willing to admit my own mistakes.

    What characteristics do you posses that makes you stand out from any other applicant?: I'm the only one applicant who can play trombone. 


    Are there members of the current Forum Moderation Team that you do not get along with or see a problem with working with in the future? If so, what is it that could hinder your ability to work together. Remember, this is a team and working together is the main foundation of a team.: I love everyone.

    Are there any extra things you'd like to mention?:  im only doing this for rebecca's attention

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