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Status Updates posted by theflyingpen

  1. *Fedora tipping intensifies*

    1. ToenailTickler



  2. I absolutely love the feeling, the environment, and the RP that's happening in the refugee camp that has become new Malinor

  3. I am a t6 Antag-evocationalist

  4. I am a t6 Antag-evocationalist

  5. I can safely say my avatar just about sums up my time on the server.

    1. KarmaDelta
    2. Salvo


      Darkest Dungeon.... BEATIFUL

  6. It's cold and dark.... I want to live again.

  7. so we have some sort of Facebook like feature? I'll be sure to possibly use it.

  8. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!

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